Status: Done! >.<

These Were The Times

Plane Ride

It was on the plane that I realised what my dad had said, that I wouldn’t be with him on my eighteenth birthday, and that was just under a year away. So just how long are we going on this break?
“Yeah hunny?”
“How long are we staying in America?”
“Well, um… probably a couple of um… years.” She wouldn’t look at me.
“YEARS?” I shouted.
“Shhh hunny, keep your voice down Aston and Triston are asleep, and yes years. I’ve bought a nice house you will have your own bathroom. You will love it!” She was looking at me now and I knew Aston wasn’t asleep.
I looked at my brothers “sleeping” at the side of me. I was trying to keep calm. I always looked to my brothers for help and they always gave it to me, whether they meant to or not, so I calmed down, a little.
“Mum just how long have you been planning this?” I asked.
“Well quite a while actually, but I was supposed to be a big Christmas surprise. But things all went down hill with me and your father, so I felt the need to escape.”
She kept talking but I didn’t bother to listen anymore, so I pretended to watch the in-flight movie, then when I got board of that I pretended to fall asleep, but then I actually did. I dreamed of my dad in America with up, were everything was perfect, k had real friends and was happy, Triston had a perfect girl that didn’t cheat on him, and Aston was just Aston, but he was the happy Aston. Everything was perfect, life was good. Then I had to wake up to the sound of my mother telling me that we were landing soon, I didn’t think I’d been asleep that long, I rubbed my eyes and looked at Triston; he looked at me, smiled and hugged me. Aston was really asleep now.
“Aston.” I nudged him. “Aston wake up we’re landing soon.” I nudged him again.
“Ok. Ok. I’m awake.” He rubbed his eyes too.
I could tell that me and Aston were going to get a lot closer during this time away. That was one thing I was glad about. When we did land, about fifteen minutes after that, it was suddenly all different. I didn’t feel like I belonged here I wanted to be back with my dad, back home in rainy England. I would have done anything to go back; me and my brothers would too, but we new we couldn’t, so we would do it for mum.
We took a taxi to the house, it was quite far away from the airport, we all fell to sleep on the way but mum was awake when I woke up, Triston wasn’t. Aston was cuddling me still.
The house was nice and big, mine and Aston’s rooms were twice the size of our old ones, Triston had the attic, but we would give them up in a second.
“Mum, what am I going to do about school?” I hadn’t thought about that, to be honest I’m quite scared to start a new school.
“I’ve enrolled you and Aston in the school just a couple of streets away.”
“Oh, ok but what about Triston? Where will he be going?”
“His new school is just around the corner from yours, in fact its apart of your school. Oh by the way you start on Monday. What day is it? I’ve really lost track of time.”
MUM, its MONDAY! Oh my god you bring me to a totally new country and now you telling me I start a whole new school in less than a week. THANKS A LOT!”
“Chill love.” Arrr, I hate it when she tries to act young. “You will be ok, you always are.”
“Ye that’s me, Jewel I’m always fuckin’ ok.” I got sick of speaking to her so I went up to my new bedroom.
After about five minutes of unpacking, I had a knock on my door. It was Triston; he said he wanted to talk to me about something.
“I’m worried about going to a new school; do you think I will find a decent girl this time?” He said.
“I think it will be different here you know.”
“I hope so.”
By this point we were sat on my bed; I was cuddling Triston, trying to comfort him. We talked about some things, mostly dad. Triston started crying after a while we both missed dad so much. Time seemed to fly past and before we knew it we’d fallen to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night, Triston was still asleep. I didn’t want to wake him, so I put a pillow under his head instead of my lap; he scurried a bit but was ok. The clock showed me it was 1am so my mum would be asleep too. I crept down the stairs put on some shoes and went outside. It was dark but I could see, just. I don’t know why I went out the house; I think I just needed some space. I began walking up and down the street, I started walking backwards for something to do; I felt so weird today. Suddenly I banged in to something. What the hell was that? It wasn’t there before! I spun around quickly to see what it was.
“Woh, hold up.” Someone said.
I screamed really, really loud.
It was a boy, wow he was hot! He had what looked like dark brown hair, and I could just see his eyes. Blue, the most gorgeous blue eyes I’d ever seen and so nice tanned skin.
“Sorry. Are you ok?” He stared at me waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I’m ok… I think.”
“Good.” He laughed. He really was so hot! “Hi I’m Dustin Leoma. I haven’t seen you around, are you new?” He had such a dreamy voice.
“Yeah… um… I just moved here from England and I’m Jewel Turner.”
“Jewel? Nice name.” He winked at me, I thought I was going to faint. “By the way what are you doing out at this time?”
“Well, I could ask you the same thing.” Ha! I was playing it cool.
“I err… needed to get some space.”
“Yeah me too.” I giggled. Ok so playing it cool went out the window.
“So are you starting school here? How old are you by the way?”
“Yes and 17. How about you.” This was totally different as I don’t usually talk to strangers, even hot ones.
“No I’m not starting a school here, because I already go to one. And I’m 18.”
“Oh cool.” I started to shiver. “Look I’d better go, its really cold out here.”
“Oh of corse, maybe I’ll see you around.” He smiled.
“Maybe you will.” I smiled back. “Bye.”
“Bye.” He started to walk away so I went back inside after that, and went to bed. Hopefully I will sleep till the morning this time.
♠ ♠ ♠
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