Status: Done! >.<

These Were The Times

A New Start

I did sleep till the next morning; my mum took us to see our new schools, Triston’s was almost the same as mine and Aston’s, I though we were in the same building each time. I was now registered at St Georges High School and it was my first day next Monday. HELP!

“Mum how am I going to get to school when my car is in England?” I asked.
“Aha, that’s where we are going today.”
“Where?” I had no clue what she was talking about.
“To get you a car silly.”
I was in shock.
“What about we?” Aston asked.
“Yeah you too.”
We were surprised, very surprised.

Mum drove to the car lot very slowly; when we finally got there I was so exited. All I could see were cars, cars and more cars,
Aston had wondered off. So Triston and I walked along the long rows, looking at each car as we passed it. I was starting to lose hope, but then all we saw was a shiny red M3 BMW, my mum came up to us then.
“Wow, nice.” She said.
“Mmmmhmmm.” Triston and I mumbled together.
“I’ll go see how much it is, Aston already has his.”
“What?” I asked but she was already walking away.
It didn’t cost as much as we thought it would and it was in our price range, so to my amazement, she bought it. WOW. Triston was just as happy as me. Before we got home we got to see Aston’s car. It was a BMW too but I’m not sure which one, but it was really nice and black.
The rest of that day passed in a blur, mum and Aston went back to the lot to pick up the cars, but is soon as it was night again I found myself sneaking out to let off steam.
“Hey again.” I remembered his voice it was us Dustin.
“Hi.” I said spinning around almost falling in to him. He reached out to catch me. I fell in to his arms.
“You ok?” He asked; his arms were still around me.
I blushed but it was dark so I hope he couldn’t see. “Yeah I’m fine thanks.” I stood up.
“Good.” He smiled. “So, why you out tonight?”
“I just wanted to take a walk. You?”
“Same really!” He saw Aston’s car then. “Wow, who’s is that?”
I smiled. “Its my brothers. Do you like it?”
“Do I. How fast does it go?” He asked.
“I don’t know, he hasn’t driven it yet. Wanna ride somewhere.”
“Sure.” He looked at his watch. “Aww crap, sorry I can’t, I’ve got to go. Maybe some other time. C’ ya.”
“Bye.” But he was already almost out of sight.
What the hell did I just do? Did I really just offer a total stranger a ride? I’ve gone mad. I need sleep.
I almost ran up the stairs, half way up I remembered I hadn’t locked the door, when I’d done that I got up the stairs in literally 2 seconds. I suddenly felt so tired, like a wave of exhaustion just washed over me.
That night I dreamed that we had taken the car out; Dustin was driving, even though it wasn’t his car, but before we got to where we wanted to go I woke up.

The next day we called dad, but Dustin was on my mind all day. Mum had to tell us to put the phone down because we were talking to him that long. We all ate dinner together that night, Triston and I washed up and we all watched a film together too. After that the week passed so fast, we were all worrying about the schools, even mum. Before we knew it, it was the day before the first day at school.
I woke up the next morning and as soon as I did, I realised it was my first day of a totally new school, oh crap! What should I wear? I settled on my new G-Star jeans my dad bought me and my grey top from Top Shop. I loved that top so much. I would miss that it, or do they have it over here? I don’t know. I quickly put on some make-up and put my hair up in a neat ponytail. I went to get my car keys off my mum, also the directions I forget a lot of things.
I got down stairs and went over to my mum.
“Err, what are you doing?” She asked.
“Getting my keys and going to school, what does it look like?”
“Not dressed like that your not.” She laughed. “The school you are going to has a uniform, it’s in your wardrobe.”
“Just go and get changed Jewel. You don’t want to be late on your first day of school do you?” She pushed me towards the stairs; I climbed them slowly, not wanting to face what I had to wear.
I got in to my bedroom and went over to my wardrobe; I hesitated for a second before I opened it. How could I have missed it before? It was in the centre of the rail. I pulled it out; I had to wear a pleated black skirt, a white shirt, a black blazer with a weird logo on it, and a short striped tie.
“Hurry up Jewel!!” My mum shouted.
I quickly took off my normal clothes and got dressed in my uniform. I hated it; the skirt was too short so I put tights on. I found the only black shoes I own were heals, so I looked like a stripper. I pulled at the skirt nervously and set off for the front door.
“You look… different.” Triston said. “Yeah, I’ll see you later.” I went out side clutching my bag. I got my keys out, turned the alarm off the car and got in. Aston was sat in his car grinning at me.
“You wanna race?” He called over.
“Now way. Don’t even bother!” I gave him an evil look; he started laughing and set off.
I started my car then and pulled out the drive, it was amazing, so fast but I didn’t dare go over the limit, I couldn’t see Aston anymore. I was getting closer and closer to school now and was getting more and more nervous every second of the way.
When I did get there I couldn’t find the student parking lot so I drove around for a bit, in the end I parked in the reception parking lot and went inside to ask for help. Aston was just coming out as I walked in, he was still grinning.
“Can I help you dear?” A woman behind a huge desk asked.
“Um, yeah I just moved here from England and I kinda don’t have a clue what to do.”
“Ahh, you must be Jewel Ruby Turner.”
“Yes that’s me alright.” I hated my name.
“Here is your schedule for the week and you will need to get this signed from every teacher you have today and then bring it back here when school has finished.” She handed me the pieces of paper as she spoke.
“Thanks, but can you tell me where the student lot is please?”
“It’s just around the side of this building, you can’t miss it.”
“Thanks.” I started to walk out.
“Have a nice day.” She called after me.
“Thanks again.” I went outside.
Today it was freezing, even through the blazer thing, and me being me I forgot my jacket. TYPICAL! I got back in my car, turned the heating on full and drove; sure enough there was the student lot. I parked in what seemed to be the last space there was; luckily it was near the main door, I looked at the sheets the woman had gave me, other than the slip and schedule there was a map of the school. I looked at it and tried to memorize it, I didn’t want to be getting it out walking through the halls. That would be embarrassing. I think I just about got it, just one last look
I jumped a mile, I almost screamed too but I kept that in. I looked out my window and stood there was Dustin, I noticed he had the same type of clothes on, minus the skirt. White shirt, black jacket with the same logo as mine, striped tie and black trousers.
I smiled, got out the car and reminded myself to lock it.
“Hey. You didn’t tell me you came here.” He smiled back.
“Hi, and you didn’t ask.”
“Oh ok, good point, so what lesson do you have first?” He asked.
“..Trig.” I’d tried to remember the timetable too.
“Ha. Me too, come on I’ll show you the. Oh by way the, nice skirt.” He winked at me.
“Thanks.” I started blushing.
I walked, or rather got dragged to trig with Dustin pulling me by the arm, we got to class and I was still being tugged along, he only let go when we got to the teacher, Dustin went to sit down.
“Hello?” The teacher I asked.
“Um… hi I’m Jewel Turner, the woman at reception said I had to get this slip signed from my teachers.
“Ah yes.” He took the slip and signed it. “Well you can sit next to Dustin, seeing that you two are already acquainted.” He gave the piece of paper back.
“Thank you.” I felt blood rush to my face, so I quickly went to sit beside Dustin. The teacher, who I now knew was called Mr Lane, was talking but I wasn’t really listening. I was doodling on my paper, a note slipped under my hand. I turned to look at Dustin, but he was looking forward with a grip on his face, the note read.

Hi Jewel, I’m Lara. I’m sat to your left. Anyway do you want to sit with me in the cafeteria this dinner? Write back.
Lara X

I looked to my left to Lara; she looked at me too and smiled. I smiled back. She was really pretty, her hair was a light brown, a bit longer than mine, and she had like bluey gray eyes with really long lashes.
I wrote a note back.

Hi Lara, if it’s ok with you. I will sit with you, thank you.
Jewel X

I passed her the note; she read it and smiled again. Mr Lane called the class to an end then. I had gym next, oh no! I can’t do sports at all. The bell went, so I put my books in my bag and went off to gym.
I was just out of the door and someone caught my hand, I spun round, and fell in to who ever it was.
“Wow, you really can’t keep your balance, can you?” Dustin smiled.
“Sorry, again.” I stood up.
“It’s ok. You have gym don’t you?”
“Um... yeah. How do you know?” He still had his hand on mine; it’s all I could think about.
“I, um just guessed, because I have gym too.”
“Oh, ok… um could you show me the way?” I blushed.
“Yeah, I’ll show you.”
He told me about the dance that was coming up next month. He was showing me the huge posters as we walked, I don’t know how I missed them before; they seemed to cover every part of the school’s walls.
“So who are you going with?” I asked Dustin.
“I’m not going.” He sounded different to what he did earlier.
“Why not?”
“Err… I’ve got plans with my brother.”
“Oh, ok then … um will you meet me after gym please?”
“Yeah, ok, bye.” He rushed off somewhere.
I was just about to walk in to the changing room when someone caught me by the arm, I though it was Dustin again.
“Who the fuck was that?” It was Aston, great.
“He was just a friend why?”
“He didn’t look like just a friend to me. Stay away! I mean it!” His grip tightened.
I pulled at my arm. “You can’t tell me what to do. Let go I’m going to be late.”
“I’ll see you after school, this isn’t over!” He let go.
“Yes it is!” I walked through the door.

Gym isn’t that bad. I was thinking. We were playing netball.
“Turner, get in to action! I want you in defence.” Coach Carmen shouted at me.
After about five minutes of the ball coming no where near me, it came flying towards my face. I just put my hand up and knocked the evil thing away from me. It hit a boy on the head. Ups!
I ran over to him. “Oh god! I’m such a cluts. I’m so, so sorry! Are you ok?”
“Yeah it’s…” He turned around.
“I really am so sorry.” I told him.
“No, no it’s ok. Um... hi I’m err… Oh I’m, I’m…”
“You’re Josh.” One of the other boys behind him shouted and laughed.
“Oh right, yeah I’m Josh.” He brushed his hand through his hair.
I smiled. “Hi, I’ m Jewel. Look I am really sorry. I can’t do that.” I pointed towards the girls who were still playing.
“Really it’s ok.”
“Smith gets back to your game!” Coach shouted.
“Yes coach, look I’ll c’ ya around.” He smiled at me again.
“Yeah c’ ya.”
“Coming! Man I hate coach.” I heard him mumble when he was walking away.
My team soon learned not to pass the ball to me, so for the rest of gym I was just stood by the side of the court. When I got out of the changing room Dustin was no were to be seen. Have I done or said something wrong? I was worrying about a person I met a few days ago, why was I so bothered?
First break and the next two lessons went so fast, I still hadn’t seen Dustin and Aston was making it worse. Giving me dirty looks all day. It was lunch before I knew it and Lara was already in my class so we walked to the cafeteria together.
I got the feeling that Lara was either really popular or she just sat on the biggest table with the most people on it in the room. I was guessing it was the first opinion. The only other person I recognised was Josh. We put out bags on some seats and walked up to the counter, I didn’t feel hungry, so I just got a bottle of strawberry flavoured water.

“Jewel, hi.” Josh said before I could even sit down.
“Hi Josh, how’s the head?” I almost started laughing I don’t know why.
“It’s pulling together.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
I got told all the other peoples names that were sat on the table, but I didn’t remember them, well apart from one girl called Janet she didn’t talk much.
“Who is that hot guy over there?” A girl across the table asked me, she was pointing at Aston.
“Who him? With the spiky blonde hair?” I asked making sure.
“Yeah do you know him?”
“He’s my brother.”
“He’s so hot! Isn’t he?” She asked me.
“I don’t know he is my brother.” I said again, slowly this time. I started playing with my bottled water.
“You not hungry?” Josh asked.
I was still wondering about Dustin, I didn’t even realise that someone was talking to me until Lara tapped me on the arm.
“Mmmhmm, what?” I mumbled.
“Josh was asking if you’re hungry.”
I looked down at my unopened drink. “Oh no, in fact I feel sick.” I couldn’t exactly say ‘no I’m just worrying about a lad that I met like three days ago’ Could I?
“Um… do you want to go to the nurse?” Lara asked me.
“No I’ll be ok.” That’s when I got up. “Look I will see you later.
“Jewel wait, do you want me to come with you?” Josh asked.
“No, I’m fine really.” I told them, but I could tell they didn’t believe me.
“Well if you’re sure.” Josh kept going on.
“I am. I’ll see you later.”
“Will you be in next lesson? What have you got?” Josh kept asking questions and wouldn’t let me go.
“I have Chemistry.” I said bored.
“Ok. Thanks Josh. Bye.” I almost ran outside.
I could tell they were worried about me but I wasn’t in the mood. I walked around the school never going inside, I didn’t want to do anything. I really did feel ill now and being cold didn’t help, I wish I hadn’t forgotten my jacket; I rubbed my arms to see if that would help. It didn’t.
“Here.” Someone put a warm jacket around me, I turned around.
“Better?” He asked.
“Yeah thanks… um where… were you?” I pulled the jacket tighter, it smelt so amazing.
“I… um had to do something.”
“Oh, ok.”
“So are you ok?”
“I am now.” That was the truth, I really was ok now.
What was happening to me? Was I going mad? How was this happening? Why was this happening?
He smiled at me; my god he was gorgeous. I hadn’t notice before but he had a little scar on his left cheek; I wanted to ask what it was from but the bell rang before I could. We walked to my class together, in silence. People were staring at us, why? When we got to my class I felt strange, I herd a beeping noise and suddenly Dustin seemed very different.
“I gotta go!” He started to run.
“Bye.” I called after him but he was already gone.
I went in to the classroom feeling wrong again, I gave my slip to the teacher and went to sit next to Josh.
“You still look bad.” Josh said to me.
“Thanks Josh.”
“No, I don’t mean it like that, you’re beautiful... I’ll shut up now.” He put he head in his hands.
“Yeah, good idea.” After that I fell to sleep.
“Miss Turner!” Miss Elliot screeched.
“Yeah?” I jumped.
“Well? Who wrote the novel Wuthering Heights?”
“Um... It was…” Josh whispered me the answer.
“Well done Mr Smith! Maybe next time when I ask you a question maybe Miss Turner could give you the answer!”
“Sorry Josh.” I whispered.
“It’s ok.”
The bell rang then, I hurried off to last period before Josh could catch up. I was seated next to a girl called Sophie, she seemed nice. I didn’t listen in this lesson either but luckily my name wasn’t called for anything. All I could think about was Dustin.
Why did he run off like that? Will I see him again today? Will I see him again at all? Why am I so bothered? Why? Why? Why?
“Jewel. Jewel. Hello? School has finished you can go home now.” Ms Lee was nudging me.
“Oh sorry, Miss.” I got up. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodbye Jewel.” She laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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