Status: Done! >.<

These Were The Times


The next week passed really fast, Aston kept warning me about “that lad”, as he called him, I never listened. During the week Dustin told me that he had family problems and that’s why he had to run. We got to be better and better friends, he gave me his number and I gave him mine and now we text all the time. I really like talking to him and being with him.

“Jewel. JEWEL! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school.” My mum was screaming.
“I don’t want to go to school.” I put my pillow over my head.
“TUFF!” She pulled the quilt off me.
“For fu… god sake!” I’ve learnt not to swear around my mum.
“Just get up!”
“FINE!” I yelled and stormed to my bathroom for a shower.
It was the quickest shower I’d ever had, but it still took ages to dry and straighten my hair. I wanted it down today; maybe it would help the wind on my neck.
“HURRY UP!” I wish my mum would stop shouting at me.
“I’m coming!” I shouted back.
I had to be fast or I was going to be late. So I threw my uniform on, stupid skirt, what clothes for cold weather. When I got outside I realised three things. 1. Aston was already gone, even though he always waits for me. 2. It was warm today, and 3. I still had Damien’s jacket in my car. I got in and floored it, I got to school in literally 2minutes, cool. I’d already remembered my schedule, so I was off to trig. I was half way down the corridor when someone caught me by the hand. I was guessing it was Josh. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?
“Josh…” I turned around. “Just… oh.” It wasn’t Josh.
“Hi, look I just wanted to say sorry again for running off like that the other week.” Dustin said never looking at me. Only when he finished he looked up. “I like your hair better down.” He reached out and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.
“Thanks.” I said blushing. “Um, we should get to class.”
“Oh yeah, lets go.” He took my hand, I didn’t mind. I liked it, his skin was so soft. I felt like I’d know him for years, than just a couple of weeks. He didn’t even let go when we got to class he just walked straight past the teacher and mumbled something like “sorry we’re late.” Because we were late now but I didn’t care. We walked to our table still hand in hand, but when we sat down he let go. I wanted to pick it back up again and never let go.
When we were dismissed Dustin took my hand again and started running, it was hard to keep up with him; he was way too fast. He didn’t let go this time. We were stood there looking at each other and I hadn’t noticed where were before, Dustin had run in to the forest just outside of the school.
“Dustin, why are we in the forest?” I asked.
“I… um wanted to ask you something.”
“Um... go on.”
“I heard that you weren’t going to the dance, so I wondered if you wanted to maybe, come over to my um… house, you know for something to do. Unless you have something else planned or you don’t want to come, I mean why would you? It was a stupid idea. Why would…” He was talking really fast.
I put one finger to his mouth, it worked. He shut up. “Just, shh a sec.” I hoped this would work, I moved my finger. “I would love to come over.” And before he could say anything I kissed him lightly on the lips, and started to walk back towards the school.
At first I didn’t think he was going to come back, but he soon caught up with me and grabbed hold of my hand, twining our fingers together. I was blushing so much, I though the blood would burst through my cheeks. We got back to school; nothing had been said, we were both smiling so much. Did this mean we went out now? I don’t know. I need to know. What if…
“We will have to go back to our lessons you know.” He said interrupting my thoughts.
“Yeah I suppose we will have to.”
“I’ll see you at first break.” He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up, I looked at him and that’s when he kissed me, properly not just a peck. I don’t know how long we were kissing until we remembered we needed to breathe.
“I’ll see you later then.” Dustin’s breathing was as ragged as mine.
“Bye.” I didn’t want to leave him.
That’s when Mrs Hose cam in to view, luckily she hadn’t seen us so we had to run. I looked back and Dustin was already out of sight. I kept running until I got to my class, I was surprised that I remembered where I was going, I looked through the open door and snuck in. We were told at the start of the day that gym was off because of the weather. What was wrong with it?
Great we had to write about sports, typical. I sat next to Josh, who was very quite.
“You ok?” I whispered.
“Yeah, you?”
“I’m really good thanks.”
“Jewel, be quiet!” Mr Suzan shouted. Ha-ha funny name for a man.
We had to sit in silence for the rest of the lesson but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be with Dustin, why couldn’t we be in more lessons together? I kept wondering more questions for the rest of the lesson; I only stopped when I heard the bell ring. The next lesson was even slower. Arrr it was so annoying! I almost ran out of the room when the bell rang this time. Dustin was already stood outside my classroom door. How? The bell had just gone.
“How did you get here so fast?” I asked him.
“I was in the room next door and we got let out early.” He took my hand and we started walking. “So how was your lesson?” He asked me.
I noticed that every person we walked past was staring at us.
“Um.., slow. How about you?”
“Same.” He said.
“Why are so many people staring at us?” I had to ask.
“I don’t know. Just looking at the new girl probably.”
I doubted what he said, I was hardly new anymore but to be honest I didn’t really care why they were looking.
“Hey I want you to meet my brother. Come on.” He led me out to the front of the school.
We stopped next to a massive boy. Did he really go to this school? Dustin punched him on the arm.
“Hey Dust. Who’s this?” He was seriously huge. I mean it must have taken ages to get that much muscle.
“Hi this is Jewel, she’s my…um girlfriend?” So he wasn’t sure either.
“Hey. I’m Martial, Dustin’s little-bro.” He announced while punching Dustin back.
“Hi Martial.” Little? Little!!! He looks way older than Dustin.
“Hey why don’t you come to our house party tonight?”
“That’s if she wants to come.” Dustin said. “So do you want to come? It’s only at my house but it should be cool.”
“Sounds great thanks.” I would get to see his house; well it’s only fair since he has seen mine. Well from the outside anyway.
“Great. Look I’ll see you later bro, I’ve got some stuff to do. Later Jewel.” Martial said walking off.
“Bye.” I said.
“Later bro.” Dustin replied.
“Wow, he’s really big.” Crap did I just say that out loud?
“Yeah, he is kinda obsessed over that.” I could tell he had something else to say. “Do you really want to come over tonight? Or were you just saying it because Martial way here?”
“I really want to Dustin, really.” I giggled.
“Great, so I’ll pick you up at seven.” He sounded happy. “It’s a date.”
I started blushing aging. “A date?”
“Well, yeah. I’ll take you on a proper date some other time.” I liked the sound of that. “But until then you’ll just have to settle for this.” He kissed me again; I felt like I could have melted in his arms, these were the best kisses I’ve ever had. Again we forgot to breathe and ended up gasping for air.
“You know your gonna end up killing me, because every time I kiss you I lose control.” He said and held me tighter.
“You’re not the only one.” I said under my breath.
“JEWEL!!!” It was Lara shouting me from across the yard.
“Yeah?” I shouted back, not wanting to be away from Dustin, who never took his eyes off me.
“Come over here. I need to talk to you privately.” I didn’t like the way she said that.
“I’ll be one second.” I said to Dustin.
“Hold on.” He kissed me lightly, I wanted it to last longer but he pulled away smiling. “What about Lara?”
“She’ll live.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him again.
He pulled away again. “Just go Jewel.” He said still smiling and giving me a little push.
“Fine.” I walked over to Lara. She was starting at me while I got closer and closer, when I got to her I asked. “Yeah?”
“How the? What the?”
“How the? What the? What? Are you ok Lara?
“Were you just kissing Dustin Leoma? Do you two go out?”
“Yeah and um… yeah.”
“Oh my god!” She squealed.
“Is this all you wanted, because I’m kinda busy.” I was, kinda. A bit. I wanted to get back to Dustin really, really badly.
“Um… no I was going to ask if you wanted to come to the dance with me and a few friends since we haven’t got anyone to go with. But I guess your going with Dustin.” She looked sad.
“Actually I’m not going; I will be busy that night.”
“Oh, ok then, well have fun with what ever your doing.” She looked behind me at Dustin; well I thought she was looking at him. But when I turned around I saw who she was really looking at… Josh!
“I’ll see you later Lara, I have something to do.”
“Ok, bye.”
I was already walking over to Josh. He looked sad too. “Hi Josh.”
“Oh hi Jewel.” He didn’t even look at me.
“Look I think you should ask Lara to the dance, she really likes you.” At least I think she did. I so hope I was right.
“Really?” He looked at me now, with a huge grin on his face.
“Yeah really.”
“Do you think I should ask her then?”
“Why do you think I said it? Because I think you should Josh.”
He looked excited. “I’m gonna ask her now, thanks Jewel.”
“It’s ok.” I started walking over to where Dustin was supposed to be, but he wasn’t there. I stopped walking. Where was he?
The bell rang a couple of minutes aster that so I went to my next lesson, to be honest I was quite pissed off. When I got to my lesson I sat next to Lara, who seemed very happy now, so obviously Josh had asked her.
“Happy?” I asked.
“Very. Josh asked me to the dance.” She turned to where he was sat, smiled, sighed and started blushing.
“Really? That’s great.” I wasn’t going to tell her that it was my idea for him to ask her but I was I was happy for her though.
“Yeah. I know! And I’ve already got my dress.”
“Aww will you show it me?” I tried to sound happy but I really wasn’t in the mood.
“Sure how about tonight?”
“Um… how about tomorrow. I’m kinda busy tonight. Sorry.” Well I could be busy; I had no idea if I would be.
“Yeah sure.” She’s going to ask. “What you up to tonight then?” I knew it!
“I’m… um… going up to Dustin’s house, there having a party and he invited me.”
“Oh, cool.” She had more to say again. “Tell me how it goes, K?” Was that it?
“Err, yeah sure. You too.”
“I will.” She almost squealed again.
“Girls be quite!” Mr Evans shouted.
“Oh god I hate him.” Lara whispered.
“Mmmhmm.” I think she knew I wasn’t too happy so she didn’t say another word to me for the rest of the lesson. When the bell rang I was still pissed off. I started walking but someone caught my hand, I was getting sick of that happening.
“What?” I didn’t care who it was.
“Hi.” Dustin said.
“I’m pissed off with you.” I said pulling my hand from his and walking off. He caught up with me and put his arm around my waist, I tried to pull away but he held me tighter.
“I’m sorry, I had to go on sort out some details with Martial about the party.”
“You could have said.” I wasn’t giving up easy.
We were almost at my class now; he stopped walking just before my door and pushed me against the wall playfully. “Are you still mad at me?”
“Um…” I tried to speak. “Yes.” I got it out.
“How about now?” He said kissing the edge of my lips.
“A bit.” I whispered.
“And now?” He said kissing me full on the lips, I kissed him back. He pulled away, tut! “Well?” He asked.
“Fine, I’m not mad at you anymore.” I give in way too easy.
“Good.” He kissed me again.
At that moment I hear two loud coughs. Dustin and I pulled away from each other. It was Mrs Ramón, oh crap!
“Get to your lesson please Mr Leoma.” She turned to me. “In the classroom Miss Turner!”
“Bye Jewel.” Dustin was grinning at me.
“Bye.” I said trying to keep myself from laughing.
“In the classroom, now!” Mrs Ramón said.
I went in to the room; Lara was staring at me with a puzzled look on her face
“HI.” I said sitting down next to her.”
“Hi, what was that all about?”
“Oh nothing, just a bit late to lesson that’s all really.”
“Right, what ever you say.” I knew she didn’t believe me, but I didn’t care, I just wanted to be back with Dustin again.
I was picked out to answer questions about seven times that lesson, and every time I got them right Mrs Ramón would give my a dirty look. After that the class seemed to go pretty fast, the bell rang and I was just about to walk out the door when Mrs Ramón called after me. “Miss Turner, I want you for detention after school tonight.” I could tell she didn’t like me at all.
“What?!” Arr. “What for?”
“Oh, I think you know Miss Turner.”
“Fine.” I said storming out.
“Attitude like that wont help.” She called laughing.
I stormed off to my next lesson but stopped at the bathroom. I felt stressed” I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I felt arms slip around my waist and pin me to the wall. Wow that smell, I knew who it was even though my eyes were still closed.
“Hey.” He said.
“Hi.” I was going to tease him. “I’m mad at you again.”
“Why?” he sounded surprised.
“You made me got a detention.” My eyes were still not open.
“Mrs Ramón saw you kissing me, and by you kissing me I was late to my lesson and now I have a detention.” I opened my eyes; he was closer than I thought.
“Well would you rather me not kiss you and you don’t have a detention or would you rather me kiss you and you to have a tiny, little detention?”
“Oh no, your not getting away with it that easy.” I pecked him on the lips and ducked under his arm that were now at the side of my head.
“Where are you going?” He Asked.
“To my lesson. Where do you think? I’m not getting another detention because of you.” I laughed.
“I’ll wait for you if you want.”
“No it’s ok. Just pick me up tonight ok?”
“Yeah ok, I’ll pick you up around seven.”
“Perfect. Bah bye.” I stood on my tiptoes to reach to peck him, he way too tall for me. He took it on to a full make out session, I pulled away.
“A a ahh. You are so not doing that again. Bye Dustin.”
“Bye babe.” He said as I walked in to my class, Josh and Lara followed holding hands. This is such a great day I thought while sitting down, I almost missed my chair. Lara came to sit at the side of me.
“Hi.” She sounded dozy.
“Hi, you ok?” I knew she wouldn’t answer properly.
“Mmmhmm.” She never took her eyes from Josh.
“I started laughing out loud. All the class turned round looking at me.
“What’s so funny Jewel?” Mr Rhymes asked. He was one of the few teachers that called us by our fist names.
“Oh nothing Sir.”
“Well just try not to interrupt my class again please, ok?”
“Ok Sir.” I replied trying not to laugh again.
“What’s so funny?” Lara whispered, taking her eyes from Josh for the first time.
“Why? Do I have something on my face?” She said wiping her mouth and cheeks.
“NO, you don’t have anything on your face. This is the first time you have looked away from Josh since you sat down.”
“Oh… it is?” She started blushing.
“Yup, you really like him don’t you.”
“Just the same as you and Dustin.” That’s when I started blushing. “So how far have you gone with him?”
“WHAT?” I screamed.
“Is there a problem? Jewel… Lara?” Mr Rhymes asked.
“Um… no sir just a… spider.” Lara said. Everyone had turned round again.
“Ok, just ignore it and it will go away. Now I don’t want anymore interruptions from you two this lesson.” He said tutting.
This was not funny but I was finding it hard not to laugh.
“So how far have you gone with Dustin?” She asked again.
“I’m so not telling you, plus you wouldn’t like it if I asked you that about Josh would you?”
“Well no, so are you going out tonight then?”
“Yeah, Dustin is picking me up around seven. But I have no idea what to wear!”
“Really? You’re the best. Thanks Lara.”
“It’s ok; I love to dress people up.” She giggled.
“I’ll drive us to my house. Meet you at my car after school, ok?”
“Sure, I’ll do your hair and makeup too, this will be fun.” She giggled again.
“Thanks Lara.”
“It’s ok, anything for a friend.” Aww sweet.
We got on with our work, and that’s when I realised I had a detention. “Oh I have detention tonight with Mrs Ramón. Crap.”
“It’s ok, I do too.”
“What? Why? How?”
“I was supposed to do research at break but I forgot to do it. I was with Josh.” She grinned.
“Oh, I did all my research last night.” I said smugly.
“You’re a geek.” She laughed.
This hour was going really slow. We had to do some stupid trust exercises; we had to fall back in to our partners arms. She caught me I caught her, yada, yada. I don’t get why we had to do this, it was supposed to be a Spanish lesson. We did more things like this until the end of the lesson, it was quite fun actually. I think Lara would rather be paired up with Josh, but I understood that. When the bell rang Lara came up to me and said.” I’m sitting with Josh for lunch today, if that’s ok?
“Don’t be silly, you don’t have to ask.” I laughed.
“Will you be sitting with Dustin?”
“Yeah I think so; anyway I’ve got to go. Bye.” I said walking out of the classroom.
“See you later Jewel.” She shouted after me because I was running down that hall.
“Woh, where do you think your going?” Dustin caught me by the waist.
I span around so I was facing him. “Oh, nowhere now.” I put my arms around his neck.
“Well that.” He kissed me. “That’s good. You hungry?”
“A little.” I said kissing his neck lightly.
“Well let’s go eat.”
“Aww, do we have to?”
“Well…” I could see he was thinking. “Can you act ill?”
“Um… yeah why?” I used to do it all the time, back in England, to get out of school.
“Were gonna get out of school for the rest of the day if you want to?”
“Ok then.” I giggled, this sounded totally fun!
“Well start acting now then.” He picked me up in his arms.
“What are you doing?!” I was scared of heights, even little ones.
“Just pretend to fell dizzy and faint, ok?” He kissed along my jaw.
“OK, but how long will this take?” I felt so stupid. “I don’t like heights.”
“You are a few feet off the ground.” He laughed.
“SO! I won’t have to pretend to be ill in a minute.”
“I won’t drop you.”
“Just hurry up!” I said as he started walking.
“The nurse’s office is just around the corner.” He said still laughing.
“This is so not funny!” I said.
“I’m sorry babe.” He said. “Want me to make it better?” He leaned in to me,
I put my hand over his mouth. “No, just get me to the nurse, please.”
We turned the corner; Dustin looked down at me. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine just hurry up.” He sped up as I said it.
“Mrs Cally?” Dustin called; we were at the first door of the nurse’s office now.
“Oh, hello.” She opened the second door, and then looked at me in Dustin’s arms.
“She fainted and now she feels dizzy and sick.” He was good at this. “I think she needs to go home.”
“Yes I think so, but let me have a look at her first.”
All the time she was supposed to be checking me over she was looking at Dustin, all she did was put her hand on my head, and poked my arm. Wow what a good nurse.
“Yes I think she defiantly needs to home, she seems to be shook up a little. Her pulse is racing too.”
“She can not drive home on her own, and her mother is at work.” He said nudging me.
I looked up at him; he nodded. “Oh… um… Dustin, will you drive me home please?”
“Of corse he can darling, I’ll send a note to both of your teachers, and I will also have to write you two a note also. Get them signed from your parents and just give them in at reception tomorrow.” She smiled and walked out of the room.
“How did you do that?” I asked.
“Do what?” He sounded confused.
“Get the nurse to let us both out?”
“I just asked.”
“She didn’t take her eyes from you.” I was confused by the way my voice sounded.
“Well I don’t know, do I? I just asked.” He kissed my head. I wanted way more than that. “Feeling better?”
“A bit.” I pulled him closer.
“What about the nurse?”
“What about her?” I said pulling him down so I could kiss him. Just before his lips met mine we both heard the first door of the office slam. Dustin stood up straight. Mrs Cally came in to the room then; I could hardly keep myself from laughing, so I started coughing.
“You have a nasty cough there too don’t you, darling?” She said.
“Mmmhmm.” I mumbled because I didn’t want to open my mouth. Dustin was grinning at me from behind Mrs Cally.
“Ok here are you slips.” She handed them both to me.
“Thank you.” I said trying my hardest not to laugh.
Dustin came over and picked me up again, I felt so useless. “You ok?” He whispered in my ear.
“I will be when you put me down!” I said and he started walking.
“Thanks a lot Mrs.” Dustin called over his shoulder.
When we got outside he started walking over to his car, which I saw was an MG 550; I mean WOW!
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Taking you home. What do you think?”
“What about my car?” I didn’t want to leave it at school. “And what if my mum.” He looked at me weirdly. “Sorry mom,” I smiled. “comes home and see’s your car in the drive? Can’t we just take my car?”
“That’s a good point.” He started walking over to my car. “But I’m driving.”
“What? No way!”
“You are dizzy and feeling sick, you can’t drive.” He kissed my forehead.
“A a ah, no buts.” We were at my car now and he still hadn’t put me down. “Keys?” I gave them to him. He turned the alarm off; opened the passenger door and put me in.
“I can walk to know. In fact there is nothing wrong with me!” I’d forgotten that.
“I know you can, but I like having you in my arms.”
Dustin pulled out of the parking lot; as soon as he hit the road he sped up. A lot! I looked at the speedometer.
“Oh. My. God! Dustin slow down!” I screamed.
He laughed. “Why? I always drive like this.”
“Do you want to kill us?” I screamed again.
“I have never got a ticket or had an accident. So chill babe.”
“Please, just slow down.” I was using my sweet voice.
“Fine.” He went down to 60.
After a few minutes we were on my street, so he had to slow down even more. He pulled up on to my drive; I was surprised that he remembered where I lived. He got out, walked round to my side of the car and opened the door for me.
“You are never driving my car again!”
“I thought you would say that.” He said pulling me in to him. “So what do you want to do?”
“Hmmm… I don’t know what do you want to do?”
“Do you wanna go eat?”
“Why don’t you come in and I’ll make us something to eat.” I bit my lip.
“You want to cook? For us?” He sounded totally confused.
“Yes and yes.” We were at the door now. “So do you want to or not?”
“Sure, why not.”
When I finally unlocked the door I told Dustin to sit down on the couch, I gave him the TV remote, while I figured out what you cook. I raided all the cupboards, fridge and freezer and decided to make lasagne.
I popped my head around the door; Dustin was laid on the couch. God he looked so fit!
“Um… Dustin do you like lasagne?"
“Yeah.” He smiled at me.
I went back in to the kitchen and started to make the food. I got two frozen lasagne out of the freezer, I’m no good at making it. Trust me, I tried, pierced the plastic wrapper, put them in the microwave and set the timer. I turned back towards the living room and saw Dustin leaning against the door frame looking at me and smiling. He walked over to me, he was really grinning.
“What?” I asked. “Did I do something wrong?” I spun around to look at what I’d done. It didn’t look like I have don’t anything wrong. “Seriously what?”
“You haven’t done anything wrong.” He pulled me towards the living room.
“What are you doing?” I asked laughing.
“Just come and sit down.” We were at the sofa now, he threw himself down.
“What about the food?”
“I’m not that hungry.” He pulled me down on his lap.
“Well I guess it can wait.” I smiled.
“What do you want to do?” Dustin said smiling back at me.
“Well, I do need to watch a film for English.” I’d forgotten about that; I needed to watch it by tomorrow.
“Well we’ll watch it then.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. “What film is it?”
“Um… it’s Romeo and Juliet.”
“Oh.” I saw in the look on his face when I told him. “Well put it on then.” I didn’t move. “Don’t you want to watch it?”
“Yeah, but I’ll end up crying.”
“Oh, just put the film on.”
“But I don’t want to cry on you.”
“Just do it.” He pushed me towards the TV.
I got the DVD from the rack. Put it in the player and pressed play. I turned round and Dustin was sprawled out on the couch.
“Make your self at home why don’t you?” I smiled.
“Sit!” He patted the spot next to him.
I walked over and sat in front of him.
“Are you serious?” He said.
“You’re going to sit like that for the fill film?”
“Why not?” I said.
He slid his arms around my waist and pulled my down to lay beside him. “Better?” He asked.
“A little.” The opening music was playing. “Shh, it’s stared.”
He kissed my neck; I turned around in his arms.
“Stop it I need to watch this.” I told him.

We stared at each others eyes. He kissed me. This felt different; this kiss should not be allowed. I lost control, but that was the point we both heard a car pull up on my drive.
“My mum.” I said shocked.
“Well I could meet her you know.”
“Oh no way, she hates me having boyfriends.” I got up. “Quick get up.” I pulled at his arm.
“I need that you know.” He said sarcastically.
“Sorry.” I let go of his arm, and he got up. “Come on.” I pushed him towards the stairs...
“Where are you taking me?”
“I’m hiding you in my room, where do you think? So just hurry up”
He picked me up and we were at the top of the stairs in seconds. “Stop doing that.” I told him. “Come on, in here.” The front door opened at that point.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment if you like it >.<