Status: Done! >.<

These Were The Times


“Do you want a drink?” He shouted.
“Yeah, please.” I shouted back, I could hardly hear him. “I’ll have vodka and lemonade thanks.”
“We will dance after this ok?” He got up.
“Yeah ok.”
He bent down and kissed me on the cheek; smiled and walked off.
Dustin still wasn’t back after about five minutes so I got my phone out and started writing a text to my dad.
“Hey!” Someone shouted.
I looked to my left; it was a huge guy who I’d never seen before. “Hi.” I said and carried on texting.
“How are you?” I could smell alcohol on his breath.
“I’m fine but I’m a bit busy.” I didn’t look from my phone this time.
I felt him sit at the side of me. He put his arm around my shoulder, I tried to move away but he held tighter. “Ow, get off! Your hurting me!” I pushed against his arm, but he was too strong.
“Aww come on.” He went to kiss me.
“GET OFF!” I screamed.
He pushed me down so I was laying on the seat and he was on top of me.
“GET OFF!” I screamed again.
Suddenly his weight was lifted from me. Dustin was here, he picked him up by the back of his shirt. As soon as he was stood Dustin punched him in the face, the boy or rather man fell straight to the ground. Dustin let him get up, the man went to punch back but it was too late, he was on the floor again. This time Dustin didn’t let him get up. He just kept punching; punching, I froze; the man's face was bleeding so much. I had to do something; Dustin was going to kill him if I didn’t.
“Dustin stop!” I screamed and started pulling at his arm. “Please Dustin stop! PLEASE!!!” I was crying now. “DUSTIN!” I started running; I found what I was looking for in seconds. “MARTIAL!!” I screamed.
He saw the tears. “Wow are you ok?”
“NO! Its Dustin quick over here!” I started running again, a crowd of people had gathered now. So I started pushing people out of our way. “He’s gonna kill him!”
“DAMIEN STOP!” Martial shouted, he tried to pull him off the man but he couldn’t. “Paul! Get over here quick!” A second later another huge guy came over.
Dustin was still punching the man on the floor, who was not moving now. Martial and Paul finally got Dustin off the man, but with a struggle.
“Get off me! I’m gonna kill him!” I had never seen Dustin like this before.
“Get him upstairs. NOW!” Martial shouted to Paul.
They both had another struggle to get him out of the room. I followed them; they took him on to the second floor and then in to a big room.
“Come on.” Martial said to me.
“What?” I asked him.
“He’s staying in here for a bit. He needs to cool down.”
“First don’t talk about him as though he’s not in the room, his right over there you know, and second I’m not going anywhere.”
“But…” He started to say.
“I’m staying with him. End of!”
“Ok but if you need anything I’m just downstairs ok?” He sounded strange.
“Yeah ok.” I said.
He closed the door so I turned to look at Dustin he was stood looking out of a huge window, his body was turned away from me; I walked over to him and took his left hand in mine. He turned around to look at me, a saw that he had a little cut on his the corner of his mouth. I tried to speak but he put his finger on my lips. After a minute he moved his finger and took my over hand in his.
“I’m never going to let anything like that happen to you again!”
“Please just don’t think about it.” I told him, I was still looking at the cut.
He must have seen my looking because he moved his hand up to were the cut was. He saw the blood; his face seemed to harden.
“Where is the bathroom?” I asked.
“Over there.” He pointed to a door.
I went to where he showed me, it was another huge room. I looked around for a little towel or something I could wipe the blood away with. I found one in a cupboard over one of the many sinks. I wet it a little and went back to the other room; Dustin was stood looking out of the window again, I walked over to him and put my hand on his.
“Come here a minute.” I said; he turned towards me. I dabbed at the cut, not wanting to hurt him. When I was done he turned back towards the window. So I took the towel back. Did he think this was my fault? Was he in a bad mood with me because of this? I convinced myself that it was my fault it had happed, and that Dustin should be angry with me. I walked back in to the other room to tell him this. “Dustin I’m so sorry, I know this is entirely my fault and that I…”
“What?” He turned towards me. “None of this is you fault, it’s that stupid dickheads!” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I put my arms around his neck and loved how close we were. After being in the embrace for about five minutes we went over to the sofa and laid down together.
“I love you Jewel.” He whispered.
“I love you too Dustin.”
We fell to sleep, I only realised when I woke at the side of him that it was morning already. My head was on his chest and his arm was tight around me so I couldn’t move.
“Dustin!” I shook him. “Dustin wake up!” I kept shaking him. “Damien!”
“Hmmm, what?” He sounded dopy.
“We fell asleep.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
I move him arm from around me and got up. “My mum.” He gave me that look again. “Sorry mom, is gonna kill me!”
He looked at his watch. “It’s 1am.”
“What am I gonna do?”
“Just call your mom, if she doesn’t pick up leave a message. Simple.” He closed his eye.
“You think that will work?”
“Yup.” He went in his pocket, got out his phone and came over to me. “Here.”
“It’s ok, I’ve got mine.” I went in my pocket and it wasn’t there. “Crap I must have dropped it downstairs.”
He grinned and leaned over to give me a quick kiss. “Then use mine.” He passed me the phone.
“Thanks.” I started dialling our house phone number, and yes I did have to leave a message.
“Sorry we can’t come to the phone right now, so please leave a message.” My mum’s voice repeated after the second try.
“After the beep!!!” Triston had shouted. It made me smile.
“Hi mum.” I saw the look on Dustin’s face but I carry on talking to the machine. “I won’t be back until tomorrow. My friend has asked me to stop over. So I will see you when I’m back. Love ya.” I shut the phone hoping it would work. My mum isn’t stupid but she usually believes everything I say, so yeah she’s pretty gullible.
“It’s already tomorrow.” Dustin said.
“I know.” I noticed how close he was getting again.
“Well…” He bent down so his face was level with mine, I could feel his breath brushing against my cheek, his lips met my skin; he kissed along my jaw and down my neck. I could feel goose bumps rising from where his lips had been. His arms wrapped around my back, sending a shiver through my body; he held me tighter I pushed my body closer to his. He stopped kissing my neck and looked in to my eyes, we were both breathing hard. He slowly kissed me, moving his hands up and down my back, I let out a moan that I hardly recognised as my own, at that moment his kiss deepened, I felt my hand sliding down Dustin’s chest to rub the hard lump that was now in the front of his jeans, he moaned in to my mouth and put his hands up my top. The way his hands felt against my skin was amazing. He moved them further up my back and to my bra and he opened the clasp.
“Dustin!” Martial’s voice boomed.
“Fuck!” Damien pulled away from me and went over to the door. “What?” He shouted.
“It doesn’t matter now.” Martial shouted laughing.
He walked back over to me smiling. I had already refastened my bra and put my hands up to him. “Stop, it’s the morning and I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
“Oh, and I need fresh clothes too.”
“So I’ll sneak you back home.” He came closer towards me. “You do have your house keys don’t you?”
I patted my pockets. “Yeah I do.”
“Well let’s go then.” He took my hand and we went down the stairs.
We got downstairs, Martial and Paul were on the sofa.
“Hey, you ok now?” Martial asked. I let go of Dustin’s hand and walked over to the sofa.
“Just don’t remind him about it ok?” I told him.
“Come closer.” He said.
“Just come closer.”
I leaned forward. “What?”
“Your breath stinks.”
I stood up.” Thanks.” I slapped his shoulder.
Martial’s laughter boomed around the room. I walked back over to Dustin. “What did he say to you?”
“Nothing.” I said, and walked out of a door, it lead to the kitchen.
“Wrong door!” Martial shouted and laughed more.
I walked back out the door and back to Dustin again. “Where is the right door?” I asked.
“Shut up Martial!” He shouted, which kinda scared me. He took my hand. “Come on.”
When we got outside I didn’t see my car.
“Before you ask, it’s in the garage.” He lead me round the corner and in to a huge room that looked like another house. There were loads of cars. I saw mine, and it fit in!
“Were taking my car, no buts.” He said to me.
“Aww why?”
“Why not?”
“Fine but I want to drive.” I laughed.
“No way.” He said as soon as the words came out of my mouth.
“Fine. But you dare go over the limit and I’ll make you wish you had more than a busted lip!”
“Sounds scary.” He grinned at me.
We both got in the car; Dustin revved the engine.
“Don’t you dare!”
He slammed his foot down, the tires skidded until the got grip and shot forward. We raced round the corner and zoomed away from the house.
“Dustin I mean it! STOP NOW!” I shouted.
“No way, I want to see what will make me wish I had more than I busted lip.” He laughed.
If I was being honest, I like going this fast, it was a thrill, but the way Dustin handled the car was like a professional.
“What, no more telling me to slow down?” He asked after a minute.
“No, I kinda like it.” I said. “Just keep you eyes on the road.
“Wow, I’m shocked.” He said speeding up. I love Dustin’s accent, I know he is American but he doesn’t sound like he is, (that sounds really confusing I know, but it’s true) his voice is way deep and totally sexy but I can’t tell were he’s from, and that reminds me I haven’t asked him where he is from. I’m a seriously bad girlfriend. Anyway, Damien was way better looking than any of the lads I knew in England, he was very tall, I looked so small at the side of him, but I liked that he was taller than me, it made me feel safe. His eyes were the most amazing blue I’d every seen, they framed his face perfectly. His hair was so brown it looked almost black, it was quite short but looked so good, I loved running my fingers thorough it. I looked over at him, wow! He looked so good, the moon light was shining on his skin, making him look mysterious, his eyes looked like they were glowing, and his lips I wanted to kiss so badly. His hands were tight on the steering wheel; I could see the focus for the road on his face. I noticed the scar on his cheek again, it was the only thing that made him not look perfect, and I loved that. I wanted to ask him about it, but he looked so focused.
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