Status: In process of writing!


Chapter 11

Climbing up both the water fall and the cliff was tiring but I managed to do it with little energy left. When I got to my grandmothers house I saw her scurrying around in the rubble. "Grandma," I called in a weak voice. She looked up at me and did a double take and ran toward me. Hugging me in a tight embrace. Although I had to push her back as I started one of my coughing fits. When the coughing had subsided my grandma looked over my leg wound. She took the bandage off and gasped at the nasty site. Then it all went black after that.

When I opened my eyes the lights blinded me and I had to blink a few times to make my eyes get used to the lighting. There was a tube in my nose helping me breath and then I stared down at my now wrapped leg. "Hey honey," my grandma cooed to me while touching my hand.

"What happened?" All I could remember was escaping from my mom and everybody. James picture fluttered into my head and I felt horrible for what I had down to him. I had shot him and didn't feel anything after I did it. Guilt was pounding into me. He took care of me and that was how I repaid him. With a shot to the shoulder. Well he deserved it. He shot me, fought with me, hand cuffed me, chased after me, killed my father, helped my mother with the whole war crap and who knows what. I felt the old anger toward him and any remaining feelings for him were soon washed away.

"Well you came to me in my desperate search for you and then I found you in horrible shape and then you fell down. I had to try to drag you to the car and get you to the hospital." She cracked a smile. Her smile soon faded when she saw the anger plain on my face. I was not even trying to hide it from her.

"When can I leave?," I asked her. She looked in deep thought for the moment and then left and came back a little while later with a nurse following her. "Hello Rachelle Miller I am nurse Sarah Parker and I would like to tell you that when ever you are feeling up to it you may leave, but we do suggest that you stay an extra day or so. I mean so we can keep a close eye on your leg. Now do you know by any chance what happened to your leg?" I looked at grandma and she shook her head.

"No," I answered. "I would like to leave though." The nurse nodded her head and started undoing all of the tubes and took out the tubes that were in my nose. Slowly I got up with grandma's help. The nurse told us to stay there for a little while and she came back with crutches and clean pair of clothes.

After we got my pain medication me and my grandmother left the hospital and she stopped at a hotel and rented a room. We got into our room and there sat Linda herself in all her glory with James at her side. My grandma stepped in front of me. Hiding me from view. Quietly I slipped out of the room and walked down to the stairs just as two of her workers rounded the corner from the elevator.

I was getting sick and tired of running so I decided to go up to the receptionist. "How can I help you ma'am."

"I need you to contact 911 for me. My hotel room is number 324 and....." I was caught off by the gun fire and screams that came from my room. "Call the police now!," I screamed at her. She nodded her head and did just that but it was to late. I turned around and James and a few people were circling around me. With my crutches I tried getting away which didn't work because I was tackled by James. Who soon enough knocked me out.
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yeah so here you go. This one is Sukey and I have no clue why I wrote it I just did. I guess I just needed something to write. Well anyways I hope you all like it!!!!!!!!!!! I still enjoy writing this story!!!
Yeah and um sorry for the bogus in the story. Anyways I at least put a little action in it and my talking stops now!