Status: In process of writing!


Chapter 12

Opening my eyes was a huge mistake because when I did a huge pain surged through me from my head. I was going to put my hands to my head when I noticed they were chained behind me.I pulled at the chains and pulled at them but of course they never came loose. Shaking my head I decided to stop tugging at the chains and look around myself. I was in a basement with no way out. My grandmother was sitting across from me but had not yet woken up.

I huffed out of frustration when I couldn't think of a way to get out. That's when I noticed that the chair was wood. Meaning that if I flipped hard enough I could brake the chair and get out and hopefully get to grandma before someone came down the stairs. I was about to attempt it when I heard foot steps and voices coming down the steps.

My mother entered the room first with her little clique behind her, and yes that included James. I shook my head and lounged back into the chair and tossed my head back. Letting my mind drift into a different direction, but that direction included when James was taking care of me. I smiled at the thought of it and closed my eyes just as they stood in front of me. I was just thinking about when I shot James when I was smacked across the face.

"Listen to her you dumb bitch," James familiar voice said. I bowed my head but continued to drift off in my thoughts when I was again smacked. I cleared my throat and spit out the blood that filled my mouth.

"Go to hell," I spat back at him. He again went to go hit me when my mother shook her head and kissed him. I was disgusted and revolted all at the same time and I made a gagging sound and almost truly puked. When she pulled away from James I again made a gagging sound which got her attention. "Fuck fuck fuck a duck screw a kangaroo! Bang a orangutan now you got a zoo." I randomly sang. From over in my grandma's direction I heard her laugh and I joined in with her.

Why I was making fun of her in such a critical condition is beside me but I obviously didn't care. "Shut up both of you. You disgusting pigs." When she said this it made me go into another fit of laughter and then lead to coughing.

"Were the pigs. I think you should take another look. I mean fucking all these guys. That is what we call a pig or better yet a slut." Tears sprung to her eyes and she told James to hit me again. At first he was a little hesitant but then he did as he was told. She finally signaled everyone to leave after I called her a few more names and they all went upstairs.

When they left I some what stood up since the chair was still hooked to me and flipped. When I landed on the floor the chair broke in half. I unwrapped the chains that were binding me and walked over to Grandma and untied her.

"What is your plan," she asked me. I shrugged and walked over to the pile of broken wood.

"No plan." I picked up the sharpest piece of wood and walked over to grandma and handed her the chain. "Just an act of survival is all we can do now." She nodded her head and gave me a nervous look. I sighed and walked up to the door. "Okay on the count of three I am going to kick down the door. One. Two. Three.
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Well here is an update for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!
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