Status: In process of writing!


Chapter 13

When I kicked down the door I had no idea what to expect. The one thing I can tell you I didn't expect to see was a room empty of people. Which was not what was in front of me at the very moment. The room was full of people standing around having a good time. My face scrunched up in confusion. A girl came up to us before any one else saw us and yanked us into an empty room. "Whats going on? Who are you?," I asked the strange girl. The girl looked from me to my grandmother who was standing behind me with a death grip on my arm.

"I am Sophia Monti. I have heard a greet deal about you Rachelle Miller.," Sophia said while bowing to me. I scratched the back of my head feeling a bit uncomfortable as she bowed to me.

"What have you heard," I chuckled nervously and shifted my weight.

"I have heard that you are a great warrior. Someone who doesn't give up. I have also heard that you would be the end of this war that your mother has started. You are the Fighter. The one who never gives up. You may have not known what your mother has started. She has started something far worse than you think. With that side kick of hers." I nodded standing there trying to soak the information in this girl named Sophia was giving me.

"So what you are pretty much saying is that I am the Fighter. The one who is supposed to end a war that I have no clue how it was started, and how I am supposedly to end it." The pieces all started to fit together. "Meaning if I was to stop a war that she was confident she was going to win than I have to die so that she can win the war. That makes total sense now. That is why all along she wanted to kill me." I shook my head while Sophia and my Grandmother nodded there's. "This is messed up," I said taking a seat on the bed and putting my head into my hands. "So what about James. You mean that everything that he told me was a lie and I was a dolt and believed him."

"Yes and no. James is not a liar. I have seen this over the years. He tells the absolute truth." I shivered when she said that. "Rachelle look at me." I did as Sophia asked. Tears were streaming down my face. No not because of James. It was because of the burden of having to stop a war that I had no idea had started and I had to stop it. Sophia comforted me by hugging me along with my grandma. "We must get going before they notice that you are gone. You must go into training." When she said training I looked at her with a scared face. I had no idea if I could even do this.

"Wait whats a..," I said before I was cut off by Sophia.

"No time for questions. You may ask them when we leave and get to a safe distance." I nodded my head in agreement and slipped out the window. I had no idea where I was walking to. All I knew though is that I had to get my information straight. This was just all so new to me, but as always I ran into James. I stopped and looked at him with betrayal and sadness. Then averted my eyes and wiped all emotion off from my face. "Rachelle I....," James stammered before he was cut off by Sophia.

"Come we must leave now. You two James we do not have all day." I let Sophia drag my hollow body to the car. This was going to be a huge obstacle I would have to dodge.
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Okay so this is like a wow factor chapter!!!!!!
You would have never known this about her and in this chapter it is where the story title comes in!!!!!!
Dun Dun Duh!!!!