Status: In process of writing!


Chapter 15

When I awoke I thought I was in bed alone, but that wasn't the case. I "accidentally" hit James in the face waking him out of his sleep. I got one look at his stunned face and burst into fits of laughter. "Ow, god what the hell did I do?," James asked while rubbing his cheek. Of course I didn't answer him because I was busy laughing.

"Nothing. You did nothing," I said while I was still laughing. "Okay I am good. I am sorry James I hit you on an accident," I said when my laughing died down. James gave me a look of I don't believe you. Which I just gave a shrug to and hopped out of the bed.

Sophia came running into the room while I was pulling on a pair of pants and while James was still in the shower. "Chop chop. We don't have time to spare." Sophia took one look at me and walked back into the closet. "Put these on."

"Whats wrong with these?" Sophia shrugged and shoved the clothes in my hands and pushed me into the closet. While I was getting dressed I heard screaming and cussing coming from the bathroom. Sophia came into the closet laughing her butt off. She was trying to speak to me but nothing came out and she gave up trying. I joined her in on her laughter as I realized what she had done. She went into the bathroom and turned the shower to cold on James. When he came into the closet we were still laughing.

"What am I going to be the person to be picking on now. First she smacks me in the face and you turn the shower on cold. What the fuck man?" Sophia started laughing harder when she heard that I had smacked him and stood up. She cleared her throat.

"Breakfast is in ten minutes come on," she said grabbing both James and Is wrists. She lead us to this huge cafeteria where a butt load of people were chilling out. Sophia than lead us to the line of food. My stomach growled at the smell. There was eggs, pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, and so much more. I grabbed two pancakes and some sausage and bacon and sat down at the table where Sophia led us.

"Nothing like a good laugh and breakfast to start the morning right Rachelle." I nodded and smiled with a mouth full of food at James.

The breakfast was amazing. This whole place was amazing actually. Sophia decided to give us a tour. She also said that we couldn't meet anyone today which was fine with me since I am not really the socializer. "Okay so this will be your training area," Sophia said motioning to a big gym. "You will be practicing in here. So I will leave you two alone until lunch." With that she headed out.

"You are so going down in basketball," I said to James.

"Honey basketball is my life. You can try but you will not succeed."

"I will take that as a challenge then," I said grabbing a basketball and checking it at him.
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Yeah well this is just a random write. Plus I just needed to liven the mood up a bit lol. Cannot be stressed forever you know.
Well I need four characters!!!! So please if you are interested mail me the gender, name, age, appearance, and there background!!!!!
Please and thank you!!!