Status: In process of writing!


Chapter 3

I woke up in the same room with my left arm bandaged. The bleeding had slowed thankfully. I sat up in bed and saw the same man that was chasing me sitting in front of the door with a gun sitting across his lap. My gaze ended looking at the gun in his lap.

I held onto my injured arm and winced at the pain I felt in it. I looked back at the guy. "Why have you locked me up", I asked him. He starred at me with a look of hatred and I shot one back at him. He said nothing. I was feeling tears beginning to pelt my eyes.

I closed my eyes and grabbed the necklace that was around my neck. I wiped away the tear that had escaped my eye lid. Slowly I released the necklace and went back to when I was little and started thinking of my harsh life. My anger spiked at the thought of my parents.

I ripped the necklace of from around my neck and chucked it at the guy. It hit him but had little affect. I slid off the bed and walked toward the window. I looked back at the guy who had the gun and he had it now pointed at me.

I turned back toward window and stood there like a statue. I was trapped and if I moved but an inch I would surely die. My anger bubbled inside of me the longer I thought about it. I walked over to the guy who then stood up. He had the necklace in his fist. I grabbed the gun barrel and pointed it at my stomach.

"Pull the god damn trigger." When he didn't I punched him trying to get him to respond. So he could pull the trigger. I was already to die but he punched me back instead and held the gun steady. I pushed him back into the door grabbed the gun and moved it so I had a clear shot at his stomach. He grabbed my wrist before I could punch him and he pushed me onto the bed and pointed the gun at me. I sat up.

"Do it", I whispered toward him with lifeless eyes. "Shoot me." He moved the gun away from me and sat back down at his post. I starred at him. He was looking at me through his hair. I laid back down and turned my head to the left and the right. There were doors on either side. One was the bathroom the other a I believed to be a walk in closet. I got up and walked to the left door and walked into the walk in closet. I closed the door behind me. In my peripheral vision I saw a air duct. A perfect escape plan. I grabbed one of the hangers and bent it so it could now be used as a screw driver. I undid the screws and climbed in. I crawled all the way to the girls room where she was being held. I paused for a moment and happened to over heard there conversation.

They weren't holding her hostage just me. She just helped with the plan. I heard the door slam open and I heard the guy who was guarding the door tell them that I had escaped through the air vent. I had to hurry along before they found me. I crawled out into the same walk in closet and walked into the bedroom. I opened the window and climbed onto the highest part of the roof.

Tons of people walked into the woods to try and find me and there was screaming and yelling coming from the house. Looking down I saw someone coming onto the roof. Gosh how stupid was I to leave the window open to where someone would know I was on the roof. I cussed under my breath and got up and walked to the other side of the roof where there was a garage. I jumped onto the garage roof and climbed down from there.

The door was open and I slipped inside closing the door behind me. I climbed into the car closest to me and started hard wiring it. When I got it to rumble to life the guy with the gun came in. I gazed into his dark blue ruthless eyes and backed away breaking the garage door. He shot and hit the back window. Hitting the pedal I sped away. After a few minutes their was a car chasing after me.

"Fuck en shit", I said hitting the steering wheel. "Okay you want a car chase. Bring it on. My dad didn't teach me how to hot wire a car for nothing." I turned the car around and went into reverse so I was starring at the guy going backwards. I stopped the car and put it into drive and was going to collide with him when i hit the side of his car and flipped. Exactly what I wanted. The car landed on all four tires and I sped off down the other way. He continued to follow me and I started to get angrier then I already was. There was forest on both sides of me, so I decided to put the car into the cruise control and jump out the passenger side door.

I rolled for awhile and when I stopped I stayed there to see the car blow up and I took off running. The guys car came to a screeching stop as I continued on running. When I got back to that same cliff I climbed the tree next to me. I was hiding in the branches when the guy finally came around.The branch that I was perched on broke, but I managed to land on my feet.

When I stood all the way up the man tripped me and held me down with a pocket knife which he held to my throat. I grabbed hold of his thumb and when his hand followed I grabbed his wrist and started banging it on to a near by rock. When he let go I grabbed the knife and threw it over the cliff. I pushed him off of me and stood up. He stood up two and looked down into my green emerald eyes. The guy took to steps and he was instantly in my face.

He then looked at me with questioning eyes. I shook my head and was about to turn around and walk away when he poked me with some kind of needle. I took the needle from my arm and threw it at him. I continued to walk away but didn't make it very far before I feel to my knees and felt drowsy. That same stupid guy came over and picked me up. The shot made me sleepy. Its what it was supposed to do. I tried struggling from his tight grip but it was no use.

I gave in but kept my eyes open. I was able to keep my eyes open because in my "training" my parents would always inject me with the stuff and I was told to keep my eyes open and the wariness would eventually wear off. Which it did. He brought me back to the house and I pretended I was asleep. When we were by the door I brought my hand up punched him. He dodged it easily it seemed. Like he knew that I was going to do that.

I crossed my arms over my chest and this time we didn't go into the same room. We went into what I guessed was his room. He threw me onto the bed. I sat up and he grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me back down. He took off his coat and rolled up his cuffs of his shirt. I spotted a pair of hand cuffs in his hands. I sat back up again and this time I made it up to standing, but he was standing in front of me so I had no where to go.

He cuffed one of my hands to one of his and he walked to the bed. I could only comply because I was cuffed to him. I rolled over to my side and tried to plot my next escape because running didn't help. Driving a car and ditching it didn't work. The guy pulled some chain out of his pocket and then I heard a click. I knew instantly it was my necklace I had threw at him.

"So these people are you and your parents."I of course didn't answer. We know lot about you, you know. This startled me.

"You know nothing about me", I sneered at him.

"On the contrary. I know tons. For example your name is Rachelle Miller. Your parents left you when you were ten and they said that it was a test to see if you could survive on your own. Well obviously you passed that." I heard a smile in his voice as he continued. "Your parents were right though about your appearance. You are very beautiful but you are tougher than any girl I have ever known. You are also very smart. I would have never thought of the air vent to crawl through and then come back into the same room, climb onto the roof, and jump down and end up steeling a car out of the garage and what you did with it was amazing. What I don't know is how you learned all the tricks with a car. Another thing your parents were right about is that your a royal bitch and a pain in my ass. You are here because your parents want you to be. We were all once apart of your parents training program but you had more of the smarts than the rest of us did though to complete it all the way. From there I guess you learned all the rest on your own."

I pulled on the cuff and yanked his arm hurting him in the process. I glimpsed the lock. I unlocked it with a special key I had made that was in my ring. I was just about to jump out of the bed when he grabbed me and pinned me down. I winced when he grabbed my left arm. It still hurt from when he shot it. He of course continued to pin me down.

"Get off of me", I spat at him. He pulled me into his lap and pinned me there. I clenched my jaw. I knew I was in big trouble now. I couldn't move at all except my legs and knowing that it would do nothing I let it stay that way.
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I enjoy writing this story!!!! Please comment subscribe do whatever you need to do!!!!!!