Status: In process of writing!


Chapter 6

My eyes opened no longer needing the sleep. I was snuggled deep into the covers when I turned around and stretched my arms out. When I did my hand touched someones back.

I turned my head and saw the back of James' bare back. I sat up an hopped out of bed which stirred James out of sleep he turned and looked at me through his hair as it fell into his face. I walked over to the phone and ordered food not minding to ask if James wanted anything. When I was done I walked over to where my purse and my suit case were perched.

I grabbed a pair of pajama pants and slipped them on and answered the door to room service. i grabbed the food and paid them. I sat on the side I was sleeping on and laid the tray of food over my lap.

"Help yourself", I said to James as I stuffed my mouth full of food. Which he gladly did. "So how long am I going to have to stay here before they come and get me", I asked. He shrugged and I started humming the melody to one of my favorite songs and handed him the platter of food.

I walked outside and he followed me with the platter of food still in his hand. I looked at him and the platter of food.

"Are you done?" He nodded his head after he ate the last piece of food on the platter and gave it back to me. I spun the platter around and ended up hitting him on the head with it and bolted. I looked back and when I noticed he wasn't following I continued to run taking advantage of his pause.

I was walking on the highway with only pajama pants and my t-shirt. I sniffled and put my arms around myself to try to generate some kind of warmth. I guess it looked like I was running again even though I told him I was finished fighting. That I was giving up. Man did I sound weak.

I wound up walking all the way to South Carolina with no sleep for weeks. I did though get help from people that spotted me walking on the side of the highway. They would normally give me food money or hotel money so I could clean up and sometimes even clothes money. Didn't bother me though.

It practically saved me for having to search for hours for food in the woods. When I got to a bank in South Carolina I drew out 100 bucks for myself and walked to my Grandmothers house. Somewhere I would always spend time at when I needed some attention and love.

Now though I would call her now and then to see how she was doing. Since she was old and needed some taking care of I thought that would be the best place to go.
I knocked on the old familiar worn out wood and heard shuffling come from behind the door.

"Rachelle", my grandma said surprised. "Oh my god look at you. You must come in." She moved out of the way and gestured for me to come. Her house smelled that same familiar scent that I had not smelled it what felt like years.

"Your mother is a no good piece of crap. She took you away from me and started beating you up and putting you through all these tests because she mess up her life and had to quit middle school. She blames you for messing up her life you know when she did it herself. Well anyways enough chat about her. How long are you going to be staying here?"

I looked at her and shrugged. Did you know that mom left me when I was ten and sent me out to go live in the woods so I had to fend for myself. She said it was the final test."

I shook my head at this and looked at grandma who nodded her head. "She has come back for me and I have no clue why and I do not want to get you into this so I have no clue how long I am going to stay. Maybe a few weeks or so."

Grandma nodded her head and lead me to the kitchen table. She was always a wonderful cook. She sat some food down in front of me and sat on the other side of the table. Grandma was only 47 which was pretty young. I looked at her worn down face and started wondering why she was so stressed out and worn down until she gave me the answer like she read my mind.

"I am so ashamed of my daughter. When I get asked if I have ever had a daughter or if I get asked if she was my daughter I would always say she wasn't and that I didn't have a daughter. She has been doing so many bad things and it all comes back down onto me." I looked at her and touched her hand. She shook her head and looked out the window.

"I always know what she is doing now. Would you like to know how", she asked me now putting her brown eyed gaze on me. I nodded my head interested. "One of the guys she has hired is actually someone I hired to keep watch on her and everyday he always reports what she is doing at the moment. A tear streamed down her face.

"He told me you were there but you kept escaping and they couldn't hold onto you. He said that, that boy James was and is out searching for you and that if he gets you back he would be rewarded and that they are planning on hurting you Rachelle." She smiled when she told me about my many attempts of escaping, and she patted my hand that was on top of hers.

"Did you know your mother, my daughter had declared something like war on me because I wanted to take you away and give you the care that you needed, but she took you away just before I could get to you and she turned you into a fighting machine." I looked down at the table when she called me a fighting machine because that was the only thing I knew was how to fight.

That was just me or who I grew up to be. It was my turn to look out the window and I did it because I was ashamed of myself. I didn't know I was crying until my grandmother came around and sat down next to me. Embracing me into a hug that was much needed.

I cried hard into her shoulder letting everything out. In my grandmas arms I was weak. Around her I was weak. She was a very intelligent woman and could always find your weak points, and that was exactly what she did to me. When the crying died down she let go of me and looked into my eyes while stroking my hair.

She smiled at me and motioned me toward the bedroom where I was to sleep for the night. "This was supposed to be your room before your mother took you away and do not worry there is clothes in that closet that will fit you."

"Thank you", I said as she walked out the door. I sat on the bed and went over the conversation that me and my grandma had. I stopped when I got to where she said "she declared war on me and took you away."

I would have to ask her more about that, but for now I just needed to take a well deserved bath and a good nights sleep. I walked to the bathroom and stripped myself of all my clothing and laid in the warm bath water.
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Another chapter of my most awesome st story that I so much enjoy writing!!!!!!!