Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall

Who's Cryin' Now

They were all gathered out by the ring. There was a show tonight. So the ring was already set up and the test results were in. Tonight they were going to find out who’s baby was who’s. Vince was there as well because one thing was for certain this was going to affect the WWE as well as these people’s lives. Jessica was there for Misty and Jessicka. That and the fact that there was a possibility that Jeff could father either one of their children was still out there. The trainer and the doctor walked out from backstage and looked around at the group assembled. Then the doctor began to speak tentatively at first.

“Alright I am going to start with Mrs. Hardy.” Jessicka looked at Matt and it was obvious that she didn’t want to hear it but there was no way she wasn’t going to find out. Matt wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist and held her close.

“How do you want us to do this?” The trainer asked

“Just fucking tell us some of us have better things to do then sit around here with people that we hate.” Ashley said glaring in Jessicka’s direction. Jessicka just smiled and with her free hand flipped Ashley off.

“Ladies enough” Vince said glaring at his two employee’s one a diva the other a journalist.

“Well Mrs. Hardy your Daughter Delilah Marie Hardy was fathered by your husband.” Jessicka’s eyes went wide and a smile spread across her face as she turned into Matt’s embrace.

“She still a whore though.” Ashley said and Jessicka got up and before anyone could stop her proceeded to beat the hell out of Ashley who by the time registered the fact that she was being attacked was in no shape to fight back. Jeff pulled his sister in law of his brothers ex girlfriend and ducked as she spun around to hit him.

“Jessicka play nice, you can kick her ass later.” Jeff said

“I’m going to kick your ass later if you don’t let go of me.” Jeff released her and she glared at him for a second before walking over to her husband and the father of her child. Well her second child.

“Alright and then I guess we turn to Miss Lawson.” Misty turned her head to look at the doctor and swallowed the gum that she was chewing. “You have very interesting results.”

“Whatever just tell me who the fuck fathered my child.” Misty said.

“That’s just it, we don’t know.”

“How could you not know, every possibility is in this room. There are no other possibilities.” Misty yelled

“Well there has to be because none of the men in this room are the father.” The trainer said. Misty looked like she was ready to scream.

“Wow looks your more of a whore than Jessicka.” Amy said

“Where in the hell do you get off calling me a whore, do you not remember the fact that u cheated on Matt with Edge? And then turned and stabbed Matt in the back on Raw, or do you not remember this?”

“She has a point.”

“No one asked you Matt.”

“Who cares he has a…” Adam was interrupted when Kristal ran down to the ring. To talk to Vince.

“What do you mean some one attacked Jillian?” Vince yelled at Kristal. Jeff heard Jillian’s name and attacked in the same sentence and the words ‘oh shit’ were out of his mouth as he went to see if she was alright. Jessica was shocked and suddenly the reality of what had just happened hit her.

Everyone turned to look at Jessica as she dropped to her knees with her hands running thru her hair. It was obvious that she was crying. Matt walked over to say something to her but she shoved his hand away from her. She stood and very calmly left ringside. ON the inside she was dying. She had thought he loved her. For Christ sake he had asked her to marry him last week. And now she discovered he was cheating. She would not go down that path again. So with her head held high she walked all the way to her car and grinning she was about to leave when someone stopped her. Turning she found herself looking into the face of the one man she didn’t want to talk to.

“What the fuck do you want?”

“We need to talk.”

“Oh we need to talk. I don’t want to talk. I want to leave get drunk and be happy that I am single again. And that is how it’s going to stay.” Jessica said tearing her arm from his grasp and opening the car door then slamming it shut. She burned rubber pulling out of the parking lot and flew the bird as she turned out onto the road. And as she did this Jeff stood there and looked at the ring that she had thrown out the car window when she got in. And he let himself cry. He had fucked up and he had fucked up bad this time. A man standing in the shadows had witnessed the whole scene and smiled sadistically to himself. This could prove to be useful.


Jessica was sitting in a bar only twenty minutes away from the arena when she felt his presence in the room. She knew it was him. She always seemed to know when he entered a room. No matter how far away they were from each other. Or in this case no matter how drunk she was. And she knew that she was on her way to being shit faced. She knew he was there because she was. He had always known when she was stressed or upset or doing something stupid. He came up behind her and she felt that familiar chill shoot down her spine. He placed his hand on her shoulder and she threw back the shot she had just ordered before turning to face him.

“Thorn” she managed to get out, when she met his gaze she became fixated with his eyes. She stared into them and for a moment she was mesmerized. Finally she broke eye contact. “What are you doing here?”

“You need to quit drinking before you get sick.”

“OOO I’m scared are you going to make me quit?”

“Do you want me to answer that?”

“Yea I do, you have no reason to be here. It’s not like you’re my fiancé. Jeff is…” she turned back to the
bar and took the shot that the bartender had set on the bar just as she turned and she threw that one back as well. She was not going to cry over a man ever again. Turning back to Thorn she stood and walked passed him.

“Give me your keys Jessica.”

“NO, I can drive.”

“You are not driving.” Thorn followed her out to the parking lot and as she took the key out of her purse Thorn grabbed them from her. She spun around glared at him.

“Dammit Thorn leave me the fuck alone, and give my damn keys.” Thorn took the car key off the ring of keys and then handed them back to her. She looked at the keys for a minute and pulled out her cell phone. She started to dial a number but the phone beeped and the battery was dead. She looked up and glared at him.

“Get in the passenger side I’ll drive you to your hotel.” She decided not to argue with him and did as she was told. She had a headache and she just wanted to get away from him. And if this was the only way to do it than so be it.

“What about your car?” She asked curiously.

“I was dropped off.” He stated not paying much attention to her. Paying attention to the road instead.

“I can’t go back to the hotel… I don’t want to face Jeff.” She ground out. Something told her that he already knew this.

“Stay at my hotel, I’m sure that there is a room available.” He said as he turned into the hotel parking lot. They got out of the car and walked inot the hotel. She said nothing when they didn’t stop at the receptionist desk. They went straight to his room where she walked straight to the bathroom because she had to use it. Thorn rolled his eyes and grabbed a blanket and a sheet off the bed and tossed them to the couch for her. When she came out of the bathroom she raised an eyebrow at the balmket and pillow.

“I am not sleeping on the couch.”

“Well neither am I”

“Then we share the bed. Wouldn’t be the first time would it Kevin?” He looked at her like she was insane. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and placing her lips to his, kissing him. He knew he shouldn’t have but he returned the kiss. Her hands began to roam over his chest as she lowered them from around his neck. She moved her hands to the hem of her shirt never once breaking the kiss. She only stopped to break it when she pulled her shirt over her head. In a matter of a minute the rest of the clothes that stood between them were discarded and Jessica murmured his name before they found themselves on the bed.


Jessica woke up the next morning her head pounding and curled up next to a warm body. At first she thought it was Jeff then she remembered the events that had happened last night. Well up to the fifth shot of Southern Comfort closed her eyes tighter afraid to find out who she was going to wake up next to. Finally she slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to see who she was sleeping with. She cursed herself under her breath when she saw Thorn was the one with his arm around her holding her close to him.


Jeff was still sitting in their hotel room wondering if she would come back anytime soon he was worried about her. But then again after that stunt he pulled he knew it was most likely over. But he was still worried because he hadn’t heard from her. Someone knocked on the door and he got up to answer it. He was disappointed when it was Shane McMahon at the door.

“What the hell do you want?”

“I need to speak to Jessica.”

“She’s not here.”

“Well that’s just too damn bad, looks like I am waiting for her to come back then.”

“Fine whatever” Jeff said walking over to the bed and crashing down on it.


Misty was sitting in her hotel room with Krystina her three month old daughter. She was studying her trying to figure out who the hell the kid belonged to. She didn’t really care because she loved her daughter, but it would have been nice to know that when she asked who her father was Misty would be able to tell her. Sighing Misty watched as Krystina bounced in her little bouncy chair. She could see the brown curls that she had been born with bouncing slightly as she moved around and Misty also felt a tear fall down her face. Who the hell was the father. Then it hit her. So much for it being just a one night stand. Looked like it had turned into more than that.


Ashley woke up curled next to Shannon, but her entire body was sore. She remembered the beating that she had received the previous day. She went to stretch out when she found herself in pain. Her arms and back were sore, as well as her legs. She let out a squeal of pain when she rolled and her knee hit her boyfriend. Shannon woke up and turned to face his girlfriend. She looked like she was in pain and there really was nothing he could do about it because the doctor said that nothing had been severely damaged.


John pulled Amy close to him and sighed. Was this really were he wanted to be. Her with Amy in his arms? He turned his head to look at her and saw she was awake and the minute he looked into her eyes he knew that this was where he wanted to be. Next to her. No where else. Misty didn’t even cross his mind as he kissed Amy passionately. When she returned the kiss and allowed him to roll so she was underneath him. They continued the kiss but slowly things progressed further and further.


Jessicka smiled at Matt and kissed him. They were parents. Yeah sure Jessicka was already a mother but she and Matt had a baby. Delilah was truly a Hardy. She was truly Matt’s daughter and that was what made Jessicka so happy. But at the back of her mind she couldn’t help but think about Jessica and Misty. The previous day hadn’t gone well for them.


“Yea J?”

“I think we should see if Jess and Mist are doing okay.”

“I agree baby, you want to split up and you take Jessica and I will see how Mist is holding up…” He was interrupted by someone banging on the door of the room.