Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall


Jessica swallowed her pride and woke up Thorn. She should’ve just left with out waking him up. She sat there for a minute when shaking him awake didn’t work. She punched him in the arm and rolled her eyes when he still didn’t wake up. She got up and looked for her car keys. She couldn’t find them so she finished getting dressed and sat down trying to figure out how the hell she was going to wake him up. She forgot how damn hard he was to wake up. She had always woke him up in different ways when they were together but they won’t weren’t together anymore. She didn’t even know what the hell had come over her last night. Then she once again remembered that she was drunk. She screamed in frustration. She wanted to get the hell out of this room before she lost her damn mind. She glared at the man that was still sleeping and stormed into the bathroom slamming the door shut behind her. She looked in the mirror and ran her fingers through her hair trying to comb it out. She looked in the mirror again and glared at her reflection. She shook her hands thru her hair and tried to make it look better than it did. She jumped about five feet in the air when the bathroom door slammed open.

“Did you have to slam the fucking door?”

“Do you have to fucking yell?”

“Not my fault that you have a damn hangover.”

“Well where the fuck is the Tylenol?”

“Don’t have any.”

“How the hell can you not have…?” She was cut off when he pulled her to him and kissed her. Her first instinct was to pull away but he had a firm grip on her waist. She gave into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. She found herself against the counter and her legs growing weaker by the second. She heard a low moan escape from her throat as he pulled away from her. She looked up into his eyes and she kept eye contact as she moved to kiss him again. He leaned down and met her halfway. He lifted her so that she was sitting on the counter and her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Jessica ran her hands over his bare chest and felt a heat inside her burn that she hadn’t felt in a long time. She ran her hands back up his chest and ran them through his hair. He had one hand holding her waist and one going thru her hair.

“Jess…” He said pulling back.


“Shouldn’t you call Jessicka or Misty so that they know you are okay?”

“Yeah, you’re right; couldn’t you have reminded me later?” She said leaning back against the wall that
was behind her.

“Then they would be worried about you, and think something happened.” She nodded and he moved so
she could get down. She walked over to the phone by the bed and watched as he kept his eyes on her.

“Don’t think you are going to get off that easy Kevin, we are finishing what you started.” He grinned and rolled his eyes. Only Jessica could bring out the lighter side of him. He walked out of the bathroom and lay down on the bed behind Jessica and pulled her down and into his embrace. She smiled and finally began talking as someone answered the phone.

“Bout damn time you answered the phone Jess.”

“Don’t yell at me where are you?”

“Safe” Jessica said turning and looking into her lover’s eyes.

“Safe doesn’t tell us a whole lot, we are worried about you.”

“Please if I wasn’t safe do you think I would be where I am right now?”

“Well it’s just that you left last night and no one knew where to find you.”

“Well if Jeff wasn’t such a jerk then I wouldn’t have been pissed and gone and gotten drunk and ended up feeling human again.”

“Drunk you got drunk?”

“Yea Matt what’d you do steal the phone from Jess?”

“Speaker phone Hun. And where the hell are you?”

“Getting pissed cos I wanna finish what I was doing. Well who I was… oh never mind.”

“Excuse us, but we are your friends where the hells are you and who are you with?”

“You sound more like my parents…” She had to stop because Kevin Thorn placed his hand on her lower back and was tracing the tattoo that was there. And it was sending chills up and down her spine. “…Look I gotta go, I’ll see ya’ll later.” Jessica said hanging up the phone. She rolled over and slipped her shirt over her head and reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Thorn took over for her from there.


“Jessicka did she say where she was?”

“No Jeff she didn’t but you fucked up.” Jessicka told her brother in law as they made their way to the lobby of the hotel to meet Misty and Matt. Jessicka had been the one sent to get Jeff for some odd reason.

“I know where she is” a female voice said from behind them. Jessicka turned and so did Jeff. Matt and Misty made their way over as well. Misty carrying Krystina.

“Where?” They asked as a group

“She’s with an old lover.”

“Layla what the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s simple she ran to Thorn when she left last night.” Layla said walking off. Jeff stared after her not sure whether or not to believe her.

“I wouldn’t call that very safe.” Matt said

“She said she was safe? Not if she is with that monster.” Jeff said and took off toward the doors. Matt looked at his wife and then followed his brother. But unfortunately Jeff was already gone before he could get to him. Matt shook his head and walked back into the hotel. Jessicka was about to say something when her cell phone went off. She didn’t recognize the number but she answered anyway.


“Hey sis”

“Adam, where are you?”

“In Hawaii with Phoenix and Lucas.”

“What the hell are you doing in Hawaii?”

“Well me and Phoenix we kind of, well we eloped sis.”

“Wonderful, just fucking wonderful, well at least we know where the hell you are.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Jessica is with Thorn. And Jeff is god knows where at the moment. I am hoping that he didn’t go to Thorns hotel.”

“Oh well I was calling to tell you that we would be back on the road with ya’ll in a week.”

“Alright well congrats I guess and see you three later.” Jessicka said and hung up the phone. Jessicka
rolled her eyes and put the phone in her pocket.

“Everything okay baby?”

“No Matt, Phoenix and Adam eloped and took Lucas down to Hawaii with them and your brother is God knows where and I miss my girls.”


Ashley was not very happy because she was no longer going to be able to fight that night. Shannon had no way of consoling her because she was being a bitch. She sat there watching the TV and ignoring the conversation going on around her. Shannon shook his head and answered the door and rolled his eyes when Layla walked in.

“Hey Ash” when Ashley ignored her she walked over in front of her. “Earth to Ashley…” There was still no response. She kneeled down so she was face to face with her friend. “YO EARTH TO TRASHLEY!”

“Huh what the fuck did you call me that for?”

“Because you weren’t listening. Guess who’s gonna go after Thorn again.”

“Who?” Shannon and Ashley asked at the same time.


“What why, he hasn’t done anything has he?” Ashley asked

“Jessica ran to Thorn after she left the arena. I saw them together at a club about twenty minutes from the arena.”

“And you told Jeff?” Shannon asked finding the whole thing quite funny.

“You bet your asses I did.” Layla said grinning.


John and Amy were sitting around their hotel room eating breakfast and not talking. They were both working on different things. Amy was going over lyrics for her band and John was going over the script for the next Raw. Neither one of them said a word to the other. They never spoke over breakfast.


Jeff pulled into the parking lot of the hotel that the ECW superstars were staying at and when he saw Jessica’s car he got pissed. Layla hadn’t been lying when she said Jessica was with Thorn. When he walked he charmed the receptionist into giving him Thorn’s room number. Jeff took the stairs because they would keep him moving and from standing still and punching something. When he got there he heard her in Thorn’s room and she said something about her shirt being ripped. The first thought was that Thorn had forced her until he heard her laugh.

“I guess I was really impatient if I ripped my own damn shirt”

“Yeah you can borrow one of mine.” Jeff was pissed. And he banged his fist on the door.
Inside the room Jessica and Thorn both turned to face the door and Jessica slipped on the black shirt that he had handed her. She didn’t put her jeans on right away instead she pulled Kevin’s laptop out and used it to log onto her web page. She smiled when she heard Misery Business come out of the speakers of the laptop. Kevin turned to her and shook his head, before opening the door.

I’m in the business of Misery
Lets take it from the top
she’s got a body like an hour glass
It’s tickin’ like a clock
-Misery Business - Paramore-

“What the hell are you doing here Hardy?” Thorn asked and Jessica looked up from the computer and glared at the man.

“I want to talk to Jess.”

“Well it looks to me you want your ass kicked.” Jessica said standing and Jeff noticed that she was wearing one of Thorns shirts. And she wasn’t wearing her jeans.

“I don’t want to start anything I just want to talk to you for a minute.”

“Well that’s just too damned bad because I could care less about what you have to say to me.”


“Just leave Hardy.” Jessica said. Jeff looked at her for a moment and the pain in her saying that shone thru in his eyes. He turned to leave and before he left he turned to stare at the two who were standing side by side.

“This isn’t over.” Jeff said and turned and slammed the door shut behind him.