Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall

Never Again

Jessica walked into the lobby of her hotel half an hour after she and Thorn had the confrontation with Jeff. She had on the black shirt that Kevin had given her and she was wearing the jeans she had on the night before as well as a smile. That smile quickly fell when she saw Shane McMahon walking her way. She sighed and tried to relax as he came to stand in front of her. She didn’t like the look on his face and she didn’t want to talk to him.

“Where the hell were you last night? This Morning?”

“What the hell are you my mother?”

“I want to see my daughter”

“Nothing is stopping you, after all she is…” Jessica looked at her watch “…on a plane to your parents at this very moment.” Jessica finished before walking away. Or at least trying to because Shane stepped in front of her.

“Well I want to talk to you.”

“We were talking, now we’re done.”

“I want you back Jessica.” She stood there staring at him for a second before shaking her head. She was shocked at what he just said. She finally came to her senses and looked him in the eyes.

“I don’t want you.” Jessica said before turning and walking away. Shane stood there watching her and raised an eyebrow at her retreating back; he would make her see that he was better for her than the men she was sleeping with.

John and Amy had witnessed the whole thing and both were confused by it. Why in the hell would Shane want her back when he had a fiancé and a child on the way? Amy shrugged and took Johns hand as they headed for the exit of the hotel. Misty had also witnessed the scene as well as Amy and John and it ripped at her heart to see John with Amy. A tear slid down her face as she carried Krystina to the car she had rented. She placed her daughter in the car seat and after she was fastened in she got in the front seat and headed to the arena. She had someone to face and she was scared as hell to do it. A one night stand had turned into much more than that.

Jeff Hardy was pissed. This was far from over and he would win her back. There was nothing that was going to stop him. He was sitting in catering with his back to the door when he felt her walk in. He had never in his life had that feeling before. Not even with Jessica. He turned and noticed that he wasn’t the only one staring. She had long dirty blonde hair that was pulled back haphazardly, and there was a hole in the knee of her form fitting jeans. The black Nike t-shirt was a couple sizes too big and she was carrying a back pack and a can of soda. Jeff watched as she ignored the wolf whistles and cat calls from the other superstars and some of the staff. She walked to a table at the back of the room and sat down and pulled a notebook and pen out of the back pack she had carried in with her. She opened the can of Diet Pepsi and took a sip.

Vanessa C. Martin sighed as she opened her notebook. She was the newest diva to Raw and she was nowhere near ready to go to the diva locker room. She had decided to come here to catering to write. She glanced around the room quickly and sighed there was no way in hell that she would fit in around here but she sure as hell would try. She looked down at her notebook and began to just write what came to her.

Everything has changed
Yet they don’t see
That they hurt me
They gave me my wings
The chance to fly
I watch over them as I
Take that last step to Heaven

She heard yelling out in the hall and sighed. She put her notebook away and stuck her pen in her hair tie, and drank her soda. She observed the people around her and rolled her eyes when the people that were yelling entered the catering area.

“Don’t you ever listen?”

“Listen? It was one night?”

“Yeah, well that was the only fucking one night stand I had.”

“With your background, I’m supposed to believe that?”

“If you want proof Dave then take a damned paternity test.” Misty yelled before turning and leaving the catering area. She had left Krystina with Mickie James so she headed to the diva locker room to get her. She was going to go home to New York and stay the hell away from the WWE. If her friends wanted to see her they could come visit her. Misty was halfway to tears when she took her daughter out of Mickie’s arms and placed her in the carrier. She grabbed the diaper bag and the rest of the stuff she had brought and headed toward her car. She turned her head and looked back at the arena, knowing that this was the last time she would be there. She was never going anywhere near another arena in her life. Once she got Krystina in the car, she herself got in and she leaned back against the head rest and let the tears fall freely. She was tired of people treating her the way they did. She knew that she had messed up and she could live with that. But the thing was she didn’t want Krystina being judged for her mistakes. The three months that Krystina had been in her life she had slowly started to show dramatic changes. She was no longer as bitchy as she once was, but she was still a bitch. She knew over time things could be better, and she just hoped that Krystina would never ask about her father because it looked like Misty would never know.


Gilbert Hardy had just finished getting his granddaughter and his step granddaughter in the car when his phone rang. He looked at the caller id and answered the phone.

“What Matt?”

“Jeff fucked up dad.”

“What he do this time?”

“Cheated on Jessica, and she went and did the unthinkable and now Jeff wants payback for it and…”

“I see where this is going Matt. When the hell are you going to be back in NC?”

“In a week. Jessicka misses the girls. And did you get Brooklyn on the plane?”

“Yes, and Jessicka isn’t the only one missing somebody, grace misses Jessicka.”

“Alright, um you’ll call if Jeff calls to talk to you right?”

“Yea, you wanna tell me what he did that made Jessica do the unthinkable, and what is this unthinkable thing she could’ve done?”

“Jeff cheated with Jillian, and Jess found out and she, Dad I can’t even believe what she did.” He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “She slept with Thorn.” He heard his father mutter a swear or two under his breath, before Delilah started to cry.

“Matt, I’ll talk to you about this later right now I need to get your daughter home and fed. You see your brother tell him he’s an idiot.” And with that Gilbert Hardy hung up the phone. Shaking his head he turned back to look at the two girls in the back seat. Grace was coloring in her coloring book. Her reddish brown hair was tucked behind her ears and a smile that showed in her light brown eyes. He turned and started the car. It was a long drive home, and he had a lot on his mind.


“Amy, what the hell is wrong?”

“I just don’t feel to good John.”

“Why don’t you go lie down, I’ll go get you something to eat.”

“I don’t think I could eat, my stomach is really upset.”

“When’s the last time you ate?”

“When we went to that damn restaurant for lunch yesterday.”

“Then maybe you need to try to eat something.” Amy ignored him as she stood and literally ran to the bathroom and lost what little was left in her stomach. Rolling his eyes John walked into the bathroom and held her hair out of her face and was concerned when she started coughing up a little bit of blood. John grabbed one of her hair ties off the counter and pulled her hair loosely thru it. Twenty minutes later Amy was insisting on him taking her to the hospital.

After spending half the day waiting for test results they finally found out that Amy had food poisoning. Amy looked at the doctor and started to cry. John wrapped an arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder.

“What about the baby?” She asked the doctor.

“What about the what?” John asked moving so he could look Amy in the eyes. She looked back and before
she could say anything the doctor cut in.

“Yes the baby is fine. Everything looked just fine. So as long as you get some rest you should be up and going in a few days. I am going to go get your release papers.”

“When were you going to tell me?”

“I just found out a few days ago. I figured I would tell you Saturday, on our six month anniversary.”

“So you planned on telling me?”

“Of course I did.”

“Because I have had enough of people not telling me…”

“John calm down baby, and before you ask, yes the baby is yours.” John looked at Amy and for the first time since he had known her saw the sincerity and truth in her eyes. He smiled and pilled her to him and held her close. He kissed her forehead and together they waited for the doctor to come back.


Ashley was pissed she was sitting in the diva locker room. She wanted the damn show to be over so she could get away from the other stuck up divas that were treating her like shit and cooing over pictures that Mickie had of Krystina Lawson. The only problem was that the show hadn’t even started yet. She wanted to be with Shannon. It was their eight month anniversary that night and he had told her that he had something special planned for that night. She couldn’t wait. He was the first person she had dated that she had been able to be herself with. And that meant more than anything to her.


Randy Orton was walking down the hall looking for Jessicka. He hoped she had come because he wanted to know when he was going to be able to see Grace again. He hated to say it but he missed her being around. He was turning the corner when he saw his fiancé walking toward him. He smiled when she walked up to him and placed a kiss on his lips. Randy wrapped his arms around her and smiled. Looking down into her eyes he felt warmth spread thru him that he hadn’t even felt with Jessicka. Maria looked up into his eyes and saw that even though he was happy that something was hurting him on the inside.

“Randy, what’s wrong babe?”

“I miss Grace that’s all.”

“Well I’m sure she’ll let you see her.”

“I know, but it’s not the same she lives with her mother and Matt now.”

“I don’t think Matt wants to replace you. Besides he has a daughter now too so if she was taken and lived somewhere else do you think he would hurt the way you do? Most likely, so talk to him about it. See if you can get him to talk to Jessicka so that she can let you visit more often.”


Jessica sighed as she walked into the arena with her notebook in hand and side by side with her best friend. The two were dominant as a team when it came to writing and they had an assignment to co-write for WWE Magazine and they were ready. They were going to being doing an article on the newest WWE diva. They nodded to one another and split off. They didn’t need words to know what the other was thinking. They had worked together for a long time now. As a matter of Fact, when Jessica had worked for the WWE she had shown Jessicka the ropes. And they had also become fast friends.

Jessicka went to talk to the divas to see what they thought about a new woman being added to the roster. While Jessica went to find the new Diva. Rolling her shoulders back and fourth a few times Jessica walked into the catering area to see if anyone had seen the diva. She stopped dead in her tracks when what she walked in on was something out of her worse nightmares.