Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall

He Can Only Hold Her

“You don’t even fucking know me and you assume that I am a whore. What the hell is your problem?” A dirty blonde in a black t-shirt yelled at Layla.

“Enough both of you need to quit. Hardy I need to talk to you for a minute.”

“Go fuck yourself Shane. And it’s not me you want to talk to it’s Thorn.”

“Leave me the hell out of this Jeff; I didn’t do a damn thing, not my fault you couldn’t measure up to what she wanted.” Jessica tried not to laugh but she did and Jeff turned and looked at the entrance of the room.

“No comment.” Was all Jessica said and ducked just a glass flew past her head. “Who the fuck threw that?” She yelled. Nobody said anything they all kept fighting.

Dave was yelling at Maria who was standing next to Orton who was fighting with Jessicka, who was blowing Orton off and yelling at Brian. Paul London was arguing with Candice Michelle and Ken Kennedy who obviously couldn’t keep his nose out of other peoples business. Shannon and Ashley were yelling at one another and John and Amy were arguing loudly with Kelly and Carlito.

“You are such an ass Shannon you know that. Who gives a flying fuck if Ashley can’t have kids; you already have two you don’t need more.” Jessicka yelled at her ex-boyfriend when she heard what they were arguing about. Shannon turned toward her and threw out a fist which was so conveniently blocked as Matt stepped in front of his wife. Jessicka shoved Matt aside and Punched Shannon in the shoulder, making him fall backwards into an unsuspecting Thorn who turned and glared at Shannon went to hit him but Shannon ducked and Thorn ended up punching Jeff in the face because he had decided to help out his friend. Jeff knocked Thorns legs out from under him before getting up off the ground and Thorn knocked over several people in the room including Dave Batista, Ken Kennedy, Jessica DeLane, and the dirty blonde that no one had any idea who she was. Thorn went to help Jessica and the blonde up but got speared by Batista, right before Kennedy lunged at Batista. Instead of Batista Kennedy took down Shane, in the process knocking Layla and Carlito into Maria and Paul London. Paul glared at him and helped the two divas up and watched as they did the smart thing and joined Amy and the divas that hadn’t gotten involved in the corner where they were safe.

Kevin Thorn and Dave Batista were fighting, Matt and Jeff were yelling at one another about Shannon and Jessicka. Jeff hit his brother in the face and Matt got pissed and the two began to beat the living hell out of one another. Layla and the blonde started arguing again and suddenly a bitch fight broke out between the two of them. All the divas joined in and Amy moved to another part of the room that was much safer. She found herself standing next to a newcomer in the room. She turned and looked at the woman and did a double take.

“I thought you left.”

“I heard an old friend was here.”

“Friend, like you have any of those Misty.”

“Actually I do.” Misty said stepping to Amy. She went to throw a punch but instead of hitting Amy in the shoulder she hit John Cena in the chest. Misty glared at the man and kicked him in the balls. She turned and looked around the room and saw Dave Batista staring at her in shock. She continued her survey of the room and rolled her eyes when she saw Vanessa and Layla fighting.

“YO V!” Misty yelled across the room over all the noise. Everything stopped and it was actually kind of funny. Layla was in the middle of a punch, and Jeff fell to the floor from the spin kick he was aiming toward his brother and the room got quiet.

“MIST!” the blonde yelled back. She jumped the wrestlers on the floor and skidding to a halt in front of Misty. The two women hugged one another before the whole room broke out into utter chaos again. It was still four hours to Raw and Vince McMahon walked into the catering area and yelled.

“ENOUGH” once again the room became silent and everyone began picking themselves up off the floor. Couples found their way to each other and others just kinda made their way to lean against walls. Knowing that they were all in a shit load of Trouble. Jessica moved quickly to Thorn, Jessicka wrapped herself in the safety of Matt’s arms. Misty rolled her eyes and pulled Vanessa to the wall to stand next to her. Amy grabbed John’s hand and held on tight. Dave and Ken walked to tables and sat down. Shane walked over to stand with his father. Maria sat on the floor next to Randy.

“This is what is going to happen tonight, since you all want to fight. I’m changing tonight’s matches. Jeff Hardy and Layla vs. Matt Hardy and Vanessa.” At that everyone turned and looked around.

“Uh, who’s Vanessa?” Matt asked. The dirty blonde standing with Misty raised her hand but said nothing. Jeff looked at his brother and walked out of the room.

“Kevin Thorn vs. Batista, Carlito vs. Paul London, Cena vs. Kennedy, Orton vs. Kendrick…” Vince continued to speak making one final match. The group was shocked by it but said nothing. “You have three hours until Raw. Have fun and please try to stop fighting.” With that Vince McMahon walked out of the area, with his son following after him. The entire group stood there silently for a few minutes before people slowly made their way out of the room. Misty and Vanessa were the first to leave the room. John and Amy were next. Jessicka looked across the room at Jessica and sighed. Kevin took Jessica’s hand and the two of them headed to the trainers. Maria looked at Randy and raised an eyebrow. He got the message and taking her hand and walked over to Jessicka.

“What do you want?” Jessicka asked him.

“To talk this out calmly.”

“I already told you we have nothing to talk about.”

“Allow me Randy. Jessicka he feels like you are keeping Grace from him and that you want Matt to take his place.”

“Holy hell, Maria when did you get so smart?” Layla asked as she walked past the group. Maria chose to ignore her.

“All he had to do was ask to see her. And he hasn’t.” Jessicka told Maria. She would rather deal with the diva than Randy.

“So can I have her for a week or so next week?”

“Yes Randy you can.”

“Bye the way Orton, I would never try to be Graces father. That’s your job.” Matt said as he and Jessicka walked away.

He Can only hold her for so long
No ones home but the lights are on
She’s so vacant
Her soul is taken
He is what she is running from

Jessica walked out with Kevin and went to get her man an ice pack for the bruise that was forming on his arm. He didn’t want it but he was going to humor his girlfriend. They were sitting in the trainers room when Dave Batista walked in. Thorn glared at him and Dave raised his eyebrow at Jessica. He said nothing to the couple but sat there waiting for the trainer to come in he felt uncomfortable. He looked over at the woman sitting with Thorn and smiling at him. She could do so much better than that bastard. The trainer walked in and you could cut the tension with a knife. The doctor luckily was with him. Thorn got up and started for the door but stopped when Jessica didn’t follow him. He looked back and raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.


“I’m coming I just want to talk to Dave for a minute. I’ll meet you in your locker room in like ten minutes.” Jessica said to Kevin. She turned and walked to him wrapping her arms around his neck she stood on her tip toes and placed a kiss on his lips. He pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss slowly, causing Jessica to let out a low moan.

“Get a fucking room.” They pulled apart and turned to look at Dave. Jessica just smiled and turned her attention back to Thorn. He smiled down at her. Jessica rolled her eyes and laid her head on his chest, ass he held her there in his arms.

“I love you Jessica.” Thorn said looking down at her once more. He watched as she got a panicked look on her face and closed her eyes. She swallowed her pride and looked into his eyes. She looked at him for a minute before saying anything.

“Don’t say that unless you mean it.”

“Jessica how can you stand there and tell me that after everything that you did?”

“Don’t throw that in my face Kevin.”

“I’m not the one that fucked up. You were” Jessica looked at him for a minute and a tear slipped down her

“And like you didn’t?”

“How the hell did I mess up, enlighten me Jessica.”

“To quote Shannon Moore, no one can enlighten you Thorn.” Jessica turned to walk away and watched as Misty walked past with Vanessa and the baby. Kevin followed her gaze and he immediately knew what she meant. She was standing there crying silently and she went to shove past him but she didn’t want to touch him. She turned and remembered what she was going to say to Dave. She watched as Thorn left the room and shaking her head she walked over to the other man in the room.

“What do you want Jessica?”

“Do me a favor for Misty, please take a paternity test. She really wants to know and she at least deserves that much.”

“Why the hell do you care?”

“Because she is my friend. And I am tired of seeing her hurt, I am tired of hurting other people and I regret it just as much as she does and…”

“Would you shut up please. That is the reason I am here.”

“O, I feel like a complete idiot now for pouring all that in your lap.”

“That’s not all that is bugging you I can tell. I’ll make you a deal; I’ll take the test if you tell me what is wrong.”

“That could be considered black mail.”

“It’s not.”

“He doesn’t remember what he did…”

“I kinda figured that was what was wrong. No one in the locker rooms has forgotten what he did. And we all wondered why in the hell you were with him last night.”

“It could have been one or two things.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“You just did.”

“Ha-ha funny”

“Yea go ahead.”

“Do you have a problem with commitment?” Dave watched the look on Jessica’s face fall. He had touched a nerve. Jessica sat down across the room and just let the tears fall. Dave talked quickly to the doctor and he kept his eyes on Jessica. She would have to tell someone what was wrong eventually. Five minutes later after the doctor took a DNA sample from him he decided it was time to fix whatever Thorn had done. It was obvious to the entire locker room, except maybe Jeff that Thorn and Jessica belonged together. You didn’t see Jessica making out with Jeff in the hallways and you never saw her react to Jeff the way she reacted to Thorn. Just like he may not love Misty but if Krystina was his daughter he would take responsibility. Jessica looked up as he walked over to her.

“Yes, the answer is yes, I do have commitment issues and I blame them on Shane.”


“He cheated on me while we were married and it was the only relationship I really ever had. I think I just figured that if I wasn’t with one man then I would never get hurt again. God am I stupid I hurt more than just one person. Have you ever had that one person that you know when they walk in a room even if there are hundreds of people in the room? I mean you just know that they are there, that’s how it was with Kevin, and it still is. I have really fucked up and I don’t know how to fix it this time.”

“Well I’ll tell you what, I’ve seen you fix things before, I believe in you and even if you don’t I’m pretty damn sure your parents would be proud of you.”

“I don’t have a dad; I’ve only ever had a mother. And let me tell you it sucks ass not knowing who your father is.”

“Looks like your mom hurt you too, not just Shane. Now I hate to do this but I have a match against.. well I have a match tonight so I will talk to you later.”

“Hey try not to destroy him, I want there to be some of him left to work things out with.” Jessica yelled after him.

How can he have her heart
When it got stole
Though he tries to pacify her
Cause what inside her never dies

They both knew that their relationship wasn’t what it should be. It wasn’t the first lie that she had told and she knew it. Hell he even knew it. She had lied to Matt in the past, and there was something in the way she was acting like there was something she couldn’t tell him. He shrugged it away and pulled her to him. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Sighing she turned and let him hold her. He was a wonderful man but the thing was he wasn’t Matt. She had messed up, but she was still in love with him. And the only way to change things would to be tear a family apart. Jessicka seemed like too nice of a woman to do that too. Although she could be a bitch, which Amy had found out six months ago. Amy pulled away from John and told him she was going to go see if any of the diva’s were doing anything cos she was bored. He said nothing as he watched her walk way. The minute she was out of the locker room he grabbed his laptop and logged on. He was going to send an e-mail to the only person he could think of to help him with his dilemma.

you probably hate me. Fuck that I know you hate me because of what I did to your wife’s friend. But I need your advice with something. There is no other way to say this so here it goes. I think Amy is hiding something from me and I don’t know who else to turn to. She is distant and doesn’t want to spend as much time with me anymore. She didn’t tell me that she was pregnant. She told me that she planned on telling me but something tells me that she didn’t. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she was getting sick earlier today I wouldn’t have found out at all. This is probably touching on something you don’t want to talk about especially with me, but how did you know that she was cheating on you? And that it wasn’t just a storyline on Raw?

John sent the message and checked his e-mail and was about to log off when an IM popped up.

Live4theMoment: She probably is

BasicThuganomics: Any idea how I can find out?

Live4theMoment: Talk to her she’ll deny it, so talk to her friends.

BasicThuganomics: One more thing b 4 u go

Live4theMoment: ??

BasicThuganomics: Tell Misty I know I messed up

Before Matt had a chance to reply John signed off. He leaned back against the couch he was sitting on and thought about everything that had just happened. He was about to go down to the ring to get ready for his match that night when there was a knock at the door. He looked at the door and thought about not answering it. He stood and answered the door and was shocked to Liliana standing on the other side of the door. Xavier was with her.


“Hey X, Liliana what the hell are you doing here?”

“Xavier wanted to see you.”

“And I have him next weekend, so I repeat why are you here?” Liliana set her son down and watched as John picked him up.

“I miss you”

“Oh do not start this shit. You need money, I’m not stupid.”

“I need you take Xavier.”

“For how long?”

“Until I can get back on my feet.”

“Liliana I am not doing this again, I take him now, I’m going to file for custody.” John said and watched as Liliana’s face fell. He wouldn’t and she knew she wouldn’t.

“Just please John, I have to deal with a lot of shit right now and I can’t deal with a kid, and trying to work all the hours I am.”

“I mean it this time Liliana. Now if you’re leaving him with me then do it and leave. I can’t deal with you right now.”

“Trouble in paradise John?”

“None of your business and if you must know there is nothing wrong. Now I’m going to ask you one more time. Please leave.” Liliana turned and walked away leaving her son with his father. John looked at the one bag she had left him and rolled his eyes. He looked at his watch and grinned he wasn’t going out to the ring to get ready for his match he was going to take the two and a half hours and take his son to meet a few of his friends, and to meet Amy. Amy knew that he had a son but she hadn’t said much about it. he tossed the bag Liliana had left into his locker room and grabbed his son’s hand.
Misty was walking with Vanessa when she saw Liliana walking toward the exit of the arena. She thought about calling out to her but she decided against it. Instead someone else did.

“What the hell are you doing here Liliana?” Misty and Vanessa turned and saw Amy walking toward them.

“This isn’t going to end well.” Misty told Vanessa.

“Should we do something to help her?”

“No, Liliana is a bitch. And a backstabbing…” she trailed off as Vanessa raised an eyebrow at her. Both women looked at Amy as she stormed past them.

“I’m here because I wanted to see John.” Amy looked pissed at that and Vanessa could tell that Misty was damned near tears. Misty had caught her up on everything so she knew what was going on. Vanessa wrapped her arm around her friend and stood there to watch the show.

“You have no reason to see him, why don’t you keep your bitch ass away from him.”

“I do believe he is the father of my son.”

“And he’s supposed to take him next weekend for a while, so why the hell can’t you leave him alone?”

“Because I’m giving John custody of Xavier, which means you are going to have to put up with a kid being around, taking up John’s time.”

“That’s what boarding school is for.” Amy said grinning. Little did she know Misty was thinking of a way to use this against the bitch. John hadn’t let him hit her earlier, but she was going to get back at Amy some how.

“Obviously you don’t care about him.” Liliana said

“Does it matter, he’ll make a good father for baby.” That was all Misty could take she was beginning to feel the tears on her face and knew that Amy was using the only man Misty had ever truly loved. As she walked away she heard the last of the conversation.

“Is he even the father?”

“No” Misty passed the diva locker room and ignored Mickie who stepped out to tell her Krystina was awake. She continued to walk until she ran into someone. She looked up at the man she ran into and rolled her eyes.

Even if she’s content in his warmth
She gets pained with urgency
Urgent kisses
The man she misses
The man that he hopes to be

Ashley was sitting listening to her IPod and ignoring the world. She was still mad at Shannon for earlier and she was thinking at how she was going to get back at Jessicka. The stupid bitch had no right to say what she had said. She wouldn’t understand what it was like to not be able to have kids because she had two little girls. Ashley wanted kids of her own and she might not be able to have them. She was thinking about what she was going to do when someone ripped her headphones out of her ears. She looked up and was shocked to see that it had been Shannon that had done it.

“Shannon what the hell was that for?”

“I want to talk to you.”

“You didn’t have to rip my headphones out of my head.”

“I tried calling your name but you didn’t answer.”

“Oh, I was thinking that’s all. What did you want to talk about?”

“Well I was going to do this later but since tonight has gone to hell in a hand basket I figured I would do it know. Ashley I really love you.”

“Ok, Shannon what’s the matter?”

“Joanna wants…”

“Don’t ever start a sentence with Joanna wants in front of me again.” Ashley said as she stood up and left the room. She had to find something to keep her mind off Shannon. She could care less about his ex-wife. Hell she loved his two girls, but he hated his ex-wife. She had no one to talk to because she was the most hated diva at the moment. No one cared about her or her feelings, and they certainly hated when they had to be her tag team partner. She decided to just wonder the halls until she could think of what she was going to say to Shannon. As Ashley was walking she heard everyone talking about her. She let a tear slip from her face and to the ground. She was tired of all of this and she knew that there was only one way to stop it and she was probably going to have to do what she really didn’t want to.

Jessicka was talking to Mickie James when she saw Ashley walk past the locker room. She sighed and exited the room. She had to talk to Ashley sooner or later. She didn’t exactly want to talk to the bitch but she really had no choice. Walking out into the hallway she cleared her throat and called out to the woman. Ashley turned and looked like she was going to yell at her but she didn’t instead she walked back to where Jessicka was standing. She said nothing as the woman began to speak.

“Look I’m not going to pretend I am sorry for kicking your ass the other day, but I will tell you that I am sorry for what I said earlier today. I had no right to say it and I only did it out of anger, and because Shannon is an ass.”

“He is an ass. Did he ever start a sentence with Joanna wants?”

“No, but then again I was only something on the side for him.”

“I think that’s all I am to him. He obviously expects me to care about what his ex-wife wants.”

“Well I’ll tell you what I don’t know how that feels but I would slap him in the face for even saying it to me. Look I don’t like you, you don’t like me but since we both work in this business then we have to get along. That doesn’t mean we have to be friends. But it does mean that I’m not going to be going out of my way to be nice to you either. I just felt that what I said earlier was out of line.”

“Right, well since you’re being nice now have you ever met Joanna?”

“Yeah in Mexico about seven or eight months ago. They were there on vacation and I was there trying to get the hell away from the world.”

“But he says that they got divorced ten months ago…”

“Oh please I wouldn’t believe him if I were you.” Jessicka said and then walked away. She heard something hit the wall and turned back to see Ashley’s cell phone lying on the ground in pieces. She shook her head and went to find her husband. The one true love in her life. She passed several diva’s and superstars and she passed Jeff who was sitting in the hallway on the ground up against a wall. She shook her head and continued on her way. Some things would never change, and she knew this. She smiled when she saw Matt walking toward her. He had his phone in hand and was dialing a number, he didn’t see his wife but he knew she was there.

“MATT!!” Jessicka yelled before running into his arms. She had her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands were running thru his hair as he kissed her. He pulled away and smiled at her, then looked into her eyes and raised an eyebrow at her.

“What the hell would the two of you get a damn room. I swear I have to say that to one more couple I am going to hurt somebody,”

“Shut the hell up Dave.” Matt said.

“He has a point.” Jeff cut in. Matt only glared at his little brother.

“Dad wants you to call him, and now if ya’ll don’t mind, me and my wife are going to how’d you put it Dave, Get a damn room?” Matt said with a grin and once Jessicka was standing beside him instead of wrapped around him they all but ran to the locker room that Matt and Jeff were supposed to be sharing. When they got there they locked the door behind them and Jessicka wrapped her arms around Matt’s neck and pulled him closer to her, kissing him gently. Matt deepened the kiss and placed his hands on her sides. Jessicka pulled away and grinned at Matt before pulling his shirt over his head. She ran her hands over his bare chest and let a hand rest over his heart and felt it beat beneath her palm.

Now how can he have her heart
When it got stole
So he tries to pass it by
Cause what’s inside will never die
As he tries to pacify her
Cause what’s inside never

Jessica was thinking about waiting until after the match between Dave Batista and Kevin Thorn but she decided that she should talk to him before hand. She was sitting out by the ring watching people warm up for their matches that night when she knew he walked into the main part of the arena. Sure he wasn’t anywhere near the ring but he that was because he was behind her. Up in the stands. Jessica didn’t turn she just sat here she was and pretended to watch the people in the ring and the tech crew making sure that everything was okay, and working properly. She saw him sit down next to her out of the corner of her eye. She knew that this was going to be a drawn out discussion or an all out battle but either way it had to happen. And if she lost him forever she would know that it was because of her own stupidity. Turning she looked at the man and closed her eyes wishing she knew exactly what to say to him. He turned his head to look at her and before he could stop himself he brushed a tear that was rolling down her cheek away. The people in and around the ring stopped what they were doing. They had never seen this side of Kevin Thorn and sometimes it shocked people and other times it scared them. Kevin was the first to speak.

“I’m sorry Jessica. You were right we both fucked up. And honestly I messed up more than you did. I’m the reason that you lost your baby. I am the reason Jeff was in a coma.”

“Kevin, if I was meant to have that baby what happened wouldn’t have happened. And besides if I hadn’t gotten into that ring while you were pissed off.”

“Don’t blame that on yourself, I didn’t control myself and I should have. I don’t want you to ever blame that on yourself.” Jessica looked at Kevin for a minute and then she closed her eyes to hold back the tears that were starting to fall.

“Kevin, I love you.” He started to say something but she placed a finger on his lips to keep him quiet. “No don’t say anything. I want to get this out. I have been up here thinking and well with a little help from an unnamed source I discovered that I have trouble with commitment.” She looked down at the ground in front of her and wrung her hands. She didn’t know how he would take it but what happened next she didn’t expect. Kevin tilted her head so he could look into her eyes. She closed them, but when he said her name she opened them and did exactly what he wanted her too. She looked him in the eyes.

“We can work thru that together.” Kevin said before placing his lips to hers. It was a short kiss but when they broke a smile slowly made it’s way across her face. She took one of his hands in hers and stood up. When the entire area burst into applause the couple looked down towards the ring and saw almost the entirety of all three rosters watching them. Jessica saw Misty, Jessicka, and Matt and tried not to laugh. Kevin wrapped his arm around Jessica’s shoulder and walked with her as they headed down to the ring and over the barricade.

“Oh Jess one more thing…” Kevin said turning.


“While were are working out commitment problems maybe this will help a little bit in showing you that no matter what I will always love you.” Jessica looked at him for a moment and then gasped when he knelt down on one knee in front of her and her hands flew to her mouth when he took out the ring that he had given her what seemed like forever ago.

“Jessica, will you marry me?” She heard a collective gasp from everyone that was out there and a quick glance at her friends and the smiles on their faces she had a feeling that they had something to do with the entirety of the rosters being out there. She smiled when she looked at the man kneeling before her and let a few tears fall before answering him.

“Yes, oh my god, yes, and I mean it this time.” Jessica said and Thorn stood after placing the ring on her finger. He pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. They barely heard what Jessicka said to everyone.

“Just because you seen him act like a gentleman now, don’t mean he gonna be this soft all the time. Ya’ll should know that Jessica brings out the lighter side of Thorn.” The couple pulled apart and laughed.

“Hey Shannon you said no one could enlighten him, looks like you were wrong.” Jessica called out to the man standing against the ring post. That made everyone laugh. Everyone stopped laughing when the doctor walked out with a somber look on his face.

“Misty Lawson, I need to talk to you for a moment.” Misty’s face fell and she looked at her friends. Jessica unattached herself from Kevin and jumped the barricade to be with her friend. Jessicka moved to Misty’s side as well.

“What?” Misty saked a little upset that he would want to talk to her in front of everyone.

“We figured out that the idiot helping me with the paternity tests messed up royally. And since Vince said that this was priority and to get it done as fast as possible, no matter what the cost we well went ahead and did Dave’s and when he wasn’t the father we looked back over the others and discovered that we compared Paul London’s to the DNA of your daughter twice.”

“So your point would be?”

“Krystina’s father is John Cena.” Misty looked at the him like he was insane she couldn’t believe it. She walked from the area before anyone could see the smile that was spread across her face. If she couldn’t have him, she would at least have a part of him with her always. When she walked backstage she ran into him. She hadn’t noticed that he wasn’t out there. She looked at the little boy standing next to him and bent down to talk to him.

“Looks like you have a little sister kiddo.” Misty said before standing to face John. “I guess this means that your gonna wanna spend time with her?” She asked him.

“Vanessa told me what happened when ya’ll ran into Liliana.”

“Damn her, she never could keep her mouth shut.”

“Why didn’t you tell me when we ran into each other earlier what had happened?”

“I didn’t think it was my place.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter because at least someone told me what Amy said and she was pissed when she found out what I said to Matt anyway.”

“What you said to Matt?”

“Yeah, before Liliana showed up. I told him to tell you that I messed up, guess he didn’t do it.”