Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall

F. U. R. B.

Fuck You Right Back

Gilbert was watching his granddaughter playing with one of her rattles when Grace came running in the room. She was grinning from ear to ear and she was carrying the phone. She handed it to Gilbert before exclaiming:

“It’s mommy” Gilbert smiled at the girl and took the phone.


“Hey Gilbert i was wondering if you wanted to bring the girls to the next town we’re going to be in.”

“You really want me to drive out of state with Delilah?”

“No, we’re gonna be in Raleigh tomorrow night for ECW. Thorn has a match tomorrow and we all have to be there for Jessica’s man.” Jessicka said a little sarcastically. “He’s getting a title shot. And before you say anything Jeff and Jessica are not going to get back together.”

“I didn’t figure they would. So where’s Matt?”

“Getting ready for his tag match.”

“So who are he and Jeff fighting.”

“Uh I don’t know how to tell you this but um each other.”

“Each other… but you said tag…”

“Matt and Vanessa, the newest diva, against Jeff and Layla.”

“I’m going to ask this once, why are my sons fighting?”

“Because Jeff kept me from hitting Shannon Moore and Matt stepped in to keep Shannon from hitting me…”

“Forget I asked. And yes I will drive the girls to the arena in Raleigh tomorrow night.”

“Yay, I get to see my girls and pack about a week worth of Grace’s clothes she is gonna be spending a while with her father. And Jessica wanted me to ask if Brooklyn got on the plane ok.”

“Yes she did, and she said she would call her mother as soon as she got to her grandparents.”

“Alright I will let Jess know and see you later. Can I talk to Grace please?”

“Yea, hang on… Grace put Wednesday down and come talk to your momma.” Jessicka laughed and heard her daughter grab the phone. And start walking back to the family room and the bunny.

“So how’s my girl?”

“Good, Grandpa Hardy lets me play with her as long as I clean up her messes. I miss you mommy.”

“I miss you to baby. But I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yay, can I bring Wednesday?”

“NO sweetie, and you’re gonna be staying with your dad for a little while. He misses you.”

“Ok, am I gonna get to see Matt?”

“Yes you are. How’s your little sister?”

“She’s funny, she likes playing with her rattle and she likes the bunny she giggles whenever bunny is around.” Jessicka laughed and felt a tear roll down her face it had been a week since she had seen her kids and she couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

“That’s good, are you okay with spending the week with your dad?”

“As long as Maria isn’t gonna be around.”

“Now, Grace I know you don’t like her but you are going to have to get used to her. Remember you didn’t like Matt when I started dating him either but you got used to him, and now you like him, I don’t like Maria either but it is your dads choice.”

“okay mom, but I’m not promising I’m going to like her.”

“just play nice Grace.”

“I will”

“Alright baby I have to go, Matt wants me ringside for his match. Go tell Gilbert to turn on Raw. You and bunny can watch. I miss you and I will see you tomorrow.”

“Alright bye mommy, and can I stay up until it’s over?”

“Yes” and with the Jessicka hung up the phone and wiped the tears from her face. She turned and found her self face to face with Jeff. Rolling her eyes she went to move past him but he grabbed her wrist. “Jeff let go of me.”

“Tell Matt, I’m not fighting him.”

“Let go of me and it’s not my decision it was Vince’s.”

“Then do something to make Vince change his mind.”

“You’re only afraid to fight Matt, because you know you can’t beat him.” Jeff didn’t let go of her but pulled her to him and kissed her. She shoved him back and Matt walked in just as she slapped him across the face. Matt saw that Jeff still had a hold of Jessicka’s wrist and grabbed his brother shoving him against a wall.

“Don’t ever fucking touch my wife again.” The look in Matt’s eyes was dangerous. Jessicka placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Matt, don’t not here save it for the ring baby.” And with that Matt wrapped his arm around her shoulder and together they headed toward the ring for the first match of the night. They got to the curtain and found Misty and Vanessa waiting for them. Jessicka looked at Vanessa and raised an eyebrow when she saw the little bit of blue in her hair. It was just a small amount but it was the bottom layer so it wasn’t noticeable when it was down. At the moment it was up in a hair tie.

“Matt, Jess this is Vanessa, Vanessa this is Matt and Jessicka Hardy.” Misty said introducing them all. Jessicka just nodded and moved closer to Matt when she saw Jeff walking toward them.

“Hey chillax, I’m not gonna steal ya man, I ain’t like that.” Vanessa said thinking that was why Jessicka moved closer to Matt.

“Oh, no I wasn’t even thinking like that. I just don’t wanna talk to my bitch ass brother-in-law.” Matt laughed and Misty raised an eyebrow. Jessicka just shook her head and smiled when Matt’s music filled the arena.

“Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a tag team match introducing first from Cameron North Carolina being accompanied to the ring by his wife, Matt Hardy.” Lilian announced as Matt and Jessicka walked to the ring. The crowd cheered and waited in anticipation for his tag team partner because obviously it wasn’t Jeff. Jessicka and Matt stood in the ring waiting for Vanessa to come out. Bad Medicine blared throughout the arena and the crowd looked around like what in the hell. Vanessa came out wearing a vintage Bon Jovi T-shirt and jeans with holes in the knees, along with Black calf high boots.

Your love is like bad medicine
Bad medicine is what I need
Shake it up, just like bad medicine
So let's play doctor, baby
Cure my disease
Bad, bad medicine
Bad, bad medicine
(Bon Jovi – Bad Medicine)

“And his tag team partner from New York City making her Raw debut Vanessa!” Lilian Garcia called out over the rock music now blaring from the speakers in the arena. Matt and Jessicka watched her make her way to the ring and Jessicka had to smile when she slid under the bottom rope and in the same move jumped to a standing position. Vanessa walked to the center of the ring and hugged Matt and then Jessicka. Both Hardy’s decided that they liked her at the same time.

Jeff’s music hit and he walked out with Layla right behind him. The anger in his eyes was obvious from where the threesome stood in the ring.

“And introducing their opponents from Cameron North Carolina Jeff Hardy, and from Miami Florida Layla.” Lilian announced and the duo made their way to the ring. Jessica glared at him and slid out of the ring under the bottom rope and left Matt and Vanessa in the ring.

Vanessa stayed in the ring and Matt stepped out, his brother did the same, and the referee rang the bell. Vanessa cocked her head to the side as Layla circled her. Rolling her eyes she took Layla down with a clothes line and when Layla stood and went to punch her she dodged it and once more knocked her down. This time with a kick to the chest, leaving her winded. Without thinking twice she found herself running to the turnbuckles and jumping to the top then doing a back flip off the top landing on her stomach on Layla. She took a second to look at Matt and his mouth was open in shock. Vanessa didn’t try to go for the cover because she knew that Matt wanted a go at his brother so she threw Vanessa to the other side of the ring so she could make a tag to Matt. She made the tag just as Layla pulled herself to the corner and tagged in Jeff. Matt and Jeff circled the ring and both had hate in their eyes as they watched each other. Matt let Jeff make the first move and dodged the kick Jeff aimed at him. Matt turned his head to look at his wife when he heard her yell.

“Kick his ass Matt!” Matt laughed and did exactly what his wife told him to do. He attacked making his brother drop to the mat. Jeff didn’t stay down long though he got up and kicked Matt in the gut, but Matt didn’t go down. He punched his brother and got him secluded in a corner and starting chopping the hell out of him. Jeff fought back with a few rights and a high elbow, but Matt caught his brother off guard with a twist of fate. And went for the cover. 1...2…3!

“here are your winners Matt Hardy and Vanessa.” Liliana announced over the music that was now filling the arena.

Back at the Hardy household in Cameron North Carolina Grace Ann Orton was jumping up and down when her step dad got the cover. Gilbert Hardy smiled at her but couldn’t help but think that the anger he had seen in the eyes of his two boys was hatred for the other. Something had happened and he planned on finding out just what it was.

“Look Grandpa, Momma’s on TV.” Gilbert laughed and agreed with her.

“Matt wanted her to be out there with him, so she went out there.”

“And that Vanessa girl she is cool did you see the flip she did, I haven’t seen anyone do anything like that in the female division since Lita…” she shut up when she looked at Gilbert. “Sorry grandpa.”

“It’s ok sweet heart, just watch the TV.” Gilbert smiled, she was so sweet, he couldn’t believe that it was Orton’s kid.

In Connecticut, Brooklyn had sat down in front of the TV in time to see the end of the match. She was confused as to why her mom’s boyfriend was fighting his brother. But it didn’t matter the Vanessa chick looked cool though. And apparently she knew Jessicka because the two were hugging.

“Grandma, Can I Call mom?”

“Yea Brooklyn go ahead, you promised to call when you got here.”

“Thanks” Brooklyn picked up the phone and dialed her mom’s number.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall making his way to the ring from West Newbury Massachusetts the WWE champion John Cena.” John walked out and made his usual entrance and walked to the ring. He entered the ring and waited. He looked to the curtain when Ken Kennedy’s music started to play. He just ignored him. Kennedy walked to the ring and the microphone came down from the ceiling…

“I way in at 243 pounds, I hail from GREEN BAY, Wisconsin, my name is MRRRRRRRRRR. Kennedy….. KENNNNNEDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” John had had enough and attacked him before he could let go of the microphone and before he could jump from the turnbuckle he was standing on. Kennedy stood and glared at Cena as the ref rang the bell.

Backstage Misty sat with her daughter and Xavier watching the match. Xavier was standing up in front of the TV laughing at what his dad had done. Misty smiled at the boy and rolled her eyes. But she had to smile, Xavier was a sweetie and he was a lot like his dad, anything to shut the annoying person up he would do. She was about to tell him to move out of in front of the TV but she found herself being attacked from behind by a very weak punch. She glanced over at Krystina who was asleep in her carrier and stood and turned coming face to face with Amy.

“What the hell was that for?”

“John is my boyfriend I think I should be watching his kid.”

“He left him with me. Obviously he didn’t want you to watch him.”

“I don’t give a fuck…”

“Awe I’m telling dad you cusseded.”

“Shut up you little brat.”

“Hey don’t talk to him like that, he’s just a kid.”

“Xavier, come here” Someone said from the door way. It was Jessicka. Matt walked in and picked up the carrier that Krystina was in and he took the two kids to another room. Turning back only once and it was to see Amy make the biggest mistake of her life.

“Misty did that bitch just shove me?”

“I think she did.”

“You wouldn’t hit a pregnant woman would you Hardy?”

“Wanna bet bitch” Jessicka said before punching Amy in the face. Amy stumbled back a little before she realized what had just happened and she lunged at Misty instead of Jessica. Misty managed to get Amy’s arms behind her back and Jessicka got in another good punch before she helped Misty kick the bitch out of the room.

“And here is your winner from the WWE Champion, John Cena.” Lilian announced causing Jessicka and Misty to turn toward the TV.

“Figures.” Misty said before sitting down and crying.


Jessica was sitting back in the catering area once again when her cell phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the caller ID. She closed her eyes and counted to three before she answered her phone.

“Hey Brooklyn, how are you baby girl?”

“Mommy, it was funny Jeff got beat up.”

“You don’t really like him do you?”

“No, but you do so it doesn’t matter.”

“Brooklyn, I’m flying out there tomorrow. I need to talk to you about a lot of stuff. Jeff being one of them. So lets not talk about that right now.”

“Ok, Grandma said that grandpa called and told her there was a really huge brawl there earlier are you ok?”

“Yea baby I am.” Jessica laughed and looked up when Jeff walked in. “Look Brooklyn I have to go I will talk to you later.” Jessica said before hanging up her cell phone. It was now or never. She had gotten the phone call from her doctor in Cameron only ten minutes ago telling her the news and she had no choice but to tell Jeff. She would also have to tell Thorn as well.

Jeff looked around the room and was about to sit down when he saw her sitting in the corner. She was Jessicka’s best friend and his brother’s kids God-Mother. He would have to talk to her eventually. He was shocked when she called him over.

“Jeff…I need to talk to you.” He raised an eyebrow at her but walked over.


“Look I’m just going to come out and say this. It’s obvious that we don’t love each other, let alone even want to be in the same damn room as each other, and I am engaged to Thorn…”

“Again?” Jeff questioned being a smartass about it.

“Shut up and just fucking listen would you?”

“I don’t want to hear about vampire boy.”

“Don’t call him that and at the moment this has nothing to do with him. Jeff I finally got that call back from Doctor Jones.” At the mention of the doctor Jeff’s face fell.

“Great your marrying fang boy and having my kid.”

“Do you think I fucking planned this?” Jessica stood up yelling. Jeff just ignored it and walked away from her. “Don’t walk away from me Jeffery Nero Hardy. You are going to have to face this sooner or later.”

“Just pass the kid off as his, not like you have to tell anybody now.”

“I already called your dad you dumb ass.”

“Well what the hell did you go and do that for.”

“Because I knew you would do this. You’ve been an ass since I left you.”

“Well maybe if you had stuck around to find out why the hell I did what I did.”

“I think it was quite obvious what you did.”

“Well for your information I didn’t sleep with her. She and I are friends and have been since she started. Nothing has ever happened between us. And you would have Known that if you hadn’t of run of to Thorn.

“Dammit Jessica you love him don’t you?” Jeff said as he watched her throw her half full coke bottle at the wall.

“Don’t bring him into this and yes I do. Fuck only having commitment issues, what the hell am I going to do with another kid, and the man I am marrying once again isn’t the father.” She brought her hands to her mouth and her eyes widened in shock at what she had just told Jeff. Jeff stared at her for a minute dumbfounded before he came to his senses.

“Shane’s not Brooklyn’s father?” Jeff asked just as Kevin Thorn walked in. Kevin looked from Jessica to the busted coke bottle on the floor, to Jeff.

Lilian Garcia was standing in the ring after announcing Paul London. She sighed and waited for him to get into the ring. “And his opponent from the Caribbean Carlito.” Lilian announced before stepping out of the ring. She sat and watched as the ref signaled for the bell and the action started. She already figured who would win so she didn’t pay much attention she sat there wondering what the hell she was going to do when she told Dave that she was in love with him. He was there that night for the small fact that this was supposed to originally be a super show. He still had a damn match tonight but that didn’t matter. She sat there obviously longer than she thought she had because the bell was being rung and Paul London was getting his hand raised in victory.

“Here is your winner Paul London.” Lilian announced quickly.

Misty was walking with Jessicka to get her daughter when she was stopped by John Cena. She rolled her eyes and Jessicka smiled encouragingly at her. Well okay maybe she could talk to him for a little bit. She obviously had to eventually.

“What, Amy not following you around like a little lost puppy?”

“Funny, I told her to go to hell, well at least the Caribbean, it’s close enough for me.”

“Right well I’m ready to go so I’m going to go get my daughter and leave.”

“Want to have dinner with me, so we can talk?” John asked and Misty looked at him for a minute before answering.

“Yea why the hell not.”


“Jessica what the hell is going on in here?”

“I had to tell Jeff something.”

“Jess?” Kevin looked at her and she could sense that he was getting pissed quickly.

“Kevin… Do you love me enough to raise another man’s child?” Jessica asked a tear rolling down her
face. Kevin stood there in shock until it hit him.

“Your pregnant aren’t you?”


“Jessica, listen to me I’m not letting you go this time, and if I have to raise Hardy’s kid, I don’t care. As long as you know marrying me is what you want. As long as it’s me you want and not him.” Jessica looked up at him and placed herself in his arms.

“Great, just what I wanted to witness the soft side of Vampire boy.”

“There’s one more thing that you both should know.” They looked at her and both stood there waiting.
For her to continue. “Jeff you remember the summer you spent at Myrtle Beach when you were a teenager?”

“How the hell would you know about that summer?”

“Is that a yes?”


“Remember that girl you slept with when she had her first drink, got drunk off her ass and couldn’t remember her own name the next morning?”

“Once again how the hell do you know about…O shit”

“That was me.”

“And you just said Brooklyn’s not Shane’s daughter…”

“Introducing first from Saint Louis Randy Orton” Lilian announced. She rolled her eyes as the cocky superstar made his way to the ring. After a moment she sighed and spoke again. “And his opponent Brian Kendrick.”

“Oh yay, I hope daddy wins.” Grace told her grandfather. He just laughed and tried not to fall asleep. He had been chasing her around all day and taking care of Delilah, some things he just couldn’t handle anymore. And he had a feeling kids was one of those things.

“Yeah just don’t suffocate Wednesday, why don’t you go put her back in her cage?”

“Ok.” Grace said and ran to put the bunny away before her dad’s match.

Randy was picking himself up off the mat when he got hit by a leg drop. He ended up winded and Brian went in for the cover, making the pin.

Grace sat there and a tear fell down her face when she saw that her father had lost. She curled up in a ball on the couch and watched the rest of the show, falling asleep there thinking that her dad hadn’t won a match in a long time.

Back in the catering area Shane McMahon had walked in when Jeff said “And you just said Brooklyn’s not Shane’s daughter…” Shane was seeing red when he let it be known that he was in the room.

Jessica looked at all three men and knew that there was about to be a fight. She swallowed hard and stepped in front of both Jeff and Thorn. “Shane we need to talk. This doesn’t involve either of them. Just you and me.”

“Obviously it doesn’t involve them. If I’m not Brooklyn’s father, and did I ever tell you how much I hate that name? Then who is?”

“Yes you have told me, you never acted like her father so why the hell do you care?”

“Because you fucking used me.”

“I didn’t know she wasn’t your daughter until I for no good reason had them do a paternity test for Brooklyn when Mist, and Jessicka had the ones for Delilah and Kyrs.”

“What did you have it compared against?”

“Mine.” Jeff said stepping up.

“Hardy… when the hell?”

“The summer I went to Myrtle Beach” Shane just stared at her.

“You know it’s a good thing I never loved you, or her for that matter.” Shane told her. Jessica ended up slapping him across the face and walking from the room. Jeff and Thorn looked at one another and decided that they weren’t going to be stupid enough to hit the boss’s son.

“Ladies and gentlemen I have been informed that the match originally scheduled for now has been cancelled so with out further ado I give you the Chairman of the board Vincent Kennedy McMahon.” Lilian said before stepping from the ring.

“Due to several non WWE related problems the match between Dave Batista and Kevin Thorn will not be taking place. Instead we are going to go ahead and have our main event. Ladies and gentlemen the match is an inter gender match and it is scheduled for one fall. Lilian take it from here.” Vince walked back stage again and Lilian began to announce like she was supposed too.

“Introducing first from New York, New York Ashley Masarro.” Ashley swallowed her pride and glancing back at Shannon made her way out to the ring. “and introducing her opponent from Whispering Pines North Carolina Shannon Moore.” Shannon walked out and never once took his eyes off Ashley’s the crowd was shocked when she flipped the bird at him.
The referee signaled for the bell and Shannon immediately clothes lined Ashley taking her down and thinking that would be enough and went for the pin.

“Can you believe that King, Shannon just clothes lined a helpless diva.”

“I don’t believe it but I’m seeing it. Would you look at that he goes in for the cover and it’s no good a
kick out at two.”

“Well you have to remember King, she did get a lot of training from the Hardys.”

“So she isn’t going to just take it I know I know and did you see that J.R. she just pulled off a huricarana and Moore still got up, what is it going to take to keep him down?”

“I don’t know but how he can hit a woman is beyond me, some one needs to come out here and help this young lady before he destroys her.”

“I agree… Oh my god did you see that?!”

“Low blow… and there’s the bell.”

“And here is your winner by disqualification Shannon Moore…”

“Is he going to attack her now?”

“Apparently he is someone needs to come out and help…”

“And here comes Matt Hardy…didn’t they have a thing a while back King?”

“Yeah, but remember now J.R. Matt Hardy is married.”

“And there was that fight back in the locker room earlier tonight where Shannon attempted to hit his ex-girlfriend Jessicka Hardy.”
And with that Raw went off the air.