Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall

Before Your Love

Phoenix was lying on the bed in the hotel room that she was sharing with her husband and son. She had a smile on her face and was watching Adam playing with their three month old son. He looked up and grinned. Lucas looked beautiful he had curly blonde hair and brown eyes just like his mother. Adam was happy that he had the two most important people in his life with him at the moment. His wife and his son. Phoenix continued to watch with a smile on her face, as her husband and son laughed. She knew one thing that would make Adam happier than he already was and she was going to let him know.

“Hey Adam, I have something to tell you.”

“What Phoenix?” Adam asked looking up at her. He saw the smile spread across her face as she moved from the bed to the floor with her men.

“I’m going to have another baby.” Adam sat there and looked at her for a moment before leaning over Lucas and kissing her.

“You know, Phoenix you always said that you wanted a big family.”

“I Know Adam, but what about me working?”

“You don’t have to unless you want to.” Adam said smiling. He was in love with his wife and there was nothing going to change that.

“Adam I don’t know how I lived before I found you.”


Misty was standing in her hotel room staring at the mirror. She had on a blue dress that was knee length, and halter style. She had tried on five different dresses so far and nothing worked. She looked over at Vanessa who was trying to get in a good rock station on the radio.

“What do you think V?”

“Just go with the black jeans, brown knee high boots and that green halter that you tossed aside earlier.”

“Ugh, I can’t believe I am stressing over this. It’s just dinner. It’s not like it’s a real date right? I mean it’s dinner to talk about what we are going to do with Krystina.” Misty said.

“I don’t know who you are trying to convince me or yourself.” Vanessa said trying not to laugh as her theme song blared out of the radio she had finally gotten to play some good old rock n’ roll.

“Vanessa Coree Martin this is not funny, I’m serious.”

“That’s what is so funny about it.”

“Ugh” Misty grabbed the jeans and top and went into the bathroom to change one last time. When she looked at herself in the mirror she sighed. Pulling out her make up she added a light touch of light green eye shadow and a touch of blush to her pale cheeks. She had no damn idea why she was nervous but she was. Looking once again in the mirror she walked out picked up her boots and put them on.

“Now, go girl before you’re late. I’ll clean up in here and watch Krystina. No worries.”

“No worries? I am leaving my daughter with a maniac who is obsessed with rock music.”

“I am not a maniac”

“Fourth grade… you set your damn playhouse on fire because you thought it was a good idea to have a bonfire in it.”

“That was forever ago.”

“Whatever, I’ll be back.” And with that Misty walked out the door.

“I prefer the term Pyromaniac” Vanessa called after her before the door shut completely.


John was standing in the lobby of the hotel he had a red rose in his hand. He bit his lip and looked toward the elevators for the millionth time in the past three minutes. He was early. He didn’t think she would come but that could just be his nerves. He had on a blue button down shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. As close to dressed up as he would get. He heard the elevators that had been silent ding and turned to see her walk out of the elevator. She looked beautiful. John waited a second before walking over.

“Hi” Misty said shyly.

“Hi” He responded keeping his eyes on hers. He handed her the rose. She had been right this was a date. She looked at him as she glanced down at the rose and was shocked to see that he had actually attempted
to dress up for tonight.

“So, where are we going?”

“This small restraint down the road.” John said taking her hand in his. She walked with him to his car and he opened the door for her and she got in. She glanced down at the rose in her hands and thought about what tonight was going to bring.


Shannon Moore was pissed off. She should have let him win. Instead of doing what she did. And he wanted to know why in the hell Matt had gone out to stop him from beating Ashley to a bloody fucking pulp and he planned on finding out why. He looked over at the door to the bathroom where Ashley was currently crying. Did it really matter if she was mad at him. He had a wife to go back to, he didn’t need her. A wife that would do anything for him. Including ignore the fact that he was with other women when he was away from home. He grabbed his clothes and threw them all in the suitcase that he had, and making sure he had everything that was his, Shannon Moore walked out of the room and on his way back home to be with his wife.

Ashley heard the door slam shut behind him and she left the bathroom with the tears falling down her face. She walked over to the phone in the room and made a call. She hoped that this would work. She had to get back at Shannon. And she knew just how to fucking do it. When the person on the other end picked up the phone Ashley spoke.

“He’s on his way out of the hotel.” She hung up the phone and walked to the window and looked out. The sky was dark, and she could tell that it was getting ready to rain. There weren’t any stars in the sky tonight. Just clouds and Ashley smiled when she heard the first sound of Thunder and saw the lighting flash across the sky. Closing her eyes she thought about what she was going to do now that she and Shannon were over. She was going to go out and celebrate and if she got drunk she didn’t care. Everyone already called her Trashley anyway right.


Jessicka was sitting on her bed, and she was staring at her hands. She hadn’t said a word to Matt since they got back from the arena. She was wondering why he had gone out to help Ashley. She knew the only way to find out was to ask him but she was afraid of the answer. She looked over at him as he sat on the other side of the bed leaning against the headboard. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath.

“Matt…why did you go out there tonight?”

“Because he deserved the beating that he got. He went after you earlier tonight and I didn’t get a damn chance to do anything about it because of my idiot brother.”

“It had nothing to do with Ashley?”

“I would’ve gone out there to keep him from hitting any woman, no matter who it was. It could’ve been Amy, or Layla and I would have done the same thing.” Matt looked at his wife and saw the doubt in her eyes. “Jessi, I would never do anything to hurt you or what we have. I love you with everything I am. I know we had problems in the past but it’s the past and no matter what they say the past is not going to repeat itself.”

“Matt…” She shut her mouth and crawled up to the top of the bed to join her husband. She straddled his lap and kissed him passionately. Pulling back to look him in the eye she continued to speak. “…I’m going to show you exactly how much I love you.” She placed a kiss on his lips before he got a chance to speak again.

“You’re the only woman I want Jess.” He kissed her lips and grinned when she pulled his shirt over his head. She smiled as he unbuttoned the front of her shirt. She slipped her arms out of it and he tossed it aside. They could both tell that desire and need were strong between them at the moment. Soon all barriers between them were gone and as Matt rolled her over so he was leaning down to look in her eyes he whispered to her.

“You’re the only woman I will ever need.” Then he claimed her lips with his once more.


Misty was sitting at the table across from John a half empty glass of wine in front of her. They had long since eaten and had started to talk about Krystina.

“I don’t want to take her from you Mist.”

“But she’s your daughter too, what are we going to do?”

“We could always…”

“John, please don’t suggest that we get back together.”

“I was going to suggest that since you have been traveling with the WWE anyway, it wouldn’t be a problem for me to see her when I wanted too.”

“John, I don’t know how much longer I am going to be on the road. And I don’t think she needs to travel a lot at this age. But I want her to be a part of your life, I want her to know her brother, but I don’t want her to be away from me either.”

“So where does that leave us? I want to be a part of her life and you want her to be a part of my life, but you don’t want to be a part of my life outside of Krystina, and I want you to be with me. I always have.”

“I know John, but I mean I don’t want to mess up again.”

“Misty, I can’t promise that we’ll work, but I can promise you that I want you and only you. And that I
will always love you.”

“John, sometimes love doesn’t always mean anything.”

“No, but it’s a start.”

“Good God… now I know why I love so damn much that it hurts.” John looked at her and saw realization of what she just said flash into her eyes. She looked up into his eyes and bit her lip. She had done it now. She had not meant to tell him how she felt, but then again she had been denying it for so long it felt good to say it.


“I guess this changes everything doesn’t it?”

“It changes a lot.” John said. The waiter conveniently showed up with the check and John paid the bill, before taking her hand and leaving with her by his side. Twenty minutes later they were back at the hotel. Misty looked over at John and smiled.

John wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. She couldn’t help but feel safe in his arms. She always had and she always would. They stood together waiting for the elevator and once on the elevator, John smiled down at her before placing a soft kiss on her lips. Pulling back he brushed a strand of her hair out of her face.

“Who’d you leave Krystina with?”

“Vanessa… Where’s Xavier?”

“With Mickie” The elevator ride was over before they realized it and John was leading the way to his hotel room. Both knew how the night was going to end and neither one cared. It was what they both wanted. They barely got the door closed behind them before they found themselves attached to one another. John slipped his shirt over his head as Misty untied the strings to her halter and let it fall to the ground before John kissed her again. Within seconds there was nothing between them. John ran his hand through Misty’s hair before trailing kisses down her neck. Misty leaned her head back and soon found herself being laid on the bed. She smiled as John looked down into her eyes. She pulled his head closer and placed her lips to his.

“I love you John.” She whispered before kissing him again.


Jessica was on a plane bound for Connecticut. She was nervous as hell but she had to tell her sometime right. Nothing was easy anymore and her life was just too damn complicated. She looked out the window as the plane took off she would think about it later. For now she was going back to Connecticut and she hadn’t been there in years, not since she and Shane had gotten their divorce. She closed her eyes and tried to think of anything other than the problem at hand.

Walking down the beach barefoot with only her swimsuit on she was freezing cold and tired of all the yelling her mother was doing. The trip here was supposed to be relaxing and everything had gone wrong. Her mother like usual was being a bitch and telling her that she was worthless. There was nothing Jessica wouldn’t give to just change her life around. Yeah sure she had a great boyfriend, but she was also several hundreds of miles away from him at the moment. She closed her eyes and 15 year old Jessica DeLane sat down on the beach watching the waves.

“You look really cold” Jessica turned to see who had spoken to her. She rolled her eyes as the Blonde sat next to her.

“I am but I can’t go back to my hotel.”

“Why not?”

“My mom”

“I’m Jeff by the way. Jeff Hardy”

“Jessica, Jessica DeLane most people call me Jessi.”

“Well Jessi, would you like to get in out of the cold and join me and my brother and a bunch of our friends. We are kinda having a party and well you won’t have to be alone.”

“It sounds better than sitting here and contemplating throwing myself into the ocean and drowning.” Jeff stood and reached down and took her hand helping her up. Together they walked down the beach to the place where Jeff and his friends were having their party. Jeff shook his head as he saw Matt walk out the house with his arm around a brunette.

“You drink?”

“Uh, no”

“Well tonight you start.” Jeff said as he led her in the house. “We’ll start you out with a beer.” And that was how it had started. Jeff had slowly eased her into the harder alcohol and by the end of the night she was easily able to drink Southern Comfort. Apparently she was a natural drinker.

Waking up the next morning next to him was not what she had planned but what the hell she didn’t even remember what had happened the previous night. But she knew that her mother was going to kill her if she didn’t get back to their hotel before she woke up. She didn’t want her mother mad at her. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Quietly slipping out of the house she retraced her steps the best she could the night before. How could she have been so stupid?

Little did Jessica know that her first drunken affair was not to be her down fall. Yes you have all read Who’s Cheatin’ Who so you should obviously know that it was the first of many but it was the one that would ruin her life forever. She didn’t know that she was about to become the most hated person in her daughters life for everything that she had done in the past ten years. And the person she expected to show up at the McMahon residence in Connecticut was the one person that had been the first to hurt her. And she would finally meet the one person that she never thought she would.


Vanessa was sitting in the hotel room bored out of her damn mind. She was tired of watching Krystina she wanted to go out and celebrate her win. She stood up and Getting Krystina she walked out the door and walked down the hall to Mickie’s room. Knocking on the door she waited for the diva to answer the door.

“What?” Mickie asked as she opened the door.

“Wanna watch Krystina? I know Misty trusts you with her daughter’s life and I want to go celebrate my win.”

“Well seeing as Xavier is asleep. As long as she doesn’t wake him up. I guess it is okay. Seeing as neither one of them are likely to be here to get them until right before we leave here for Raleigh.”

“Whatever I’m gone. Thanks.” And with that Vanessa was out of the room and down the hall before Mickie could respond. She was going to party and that was going to be the highlight of the night. She didn’t give a damn about what happened after, but she was gonna find a bar that had Southern Comfort and get plastered.


Kevin Thorn and Jeff Hardy were sitting in a bar not three miles from the hotel that they were supposed to be at. Most thought it odd but hell they didn’t give a rats ass. The two of them obviously were going to have to get along and they had promised Jessica that they were going to do their best. Jeff’s back was to the door but he sensed the minute she walked in. Thorn saw the man tense and had a feeling he knew why, that’s how he was every time Jessica walked into a room. He just raised an eyebrow at him the man. Jeff turned and watched as Vanessa made her way across the club to the bar. Thorn rolled his eyes.

“Isn’t that the chick that partnered with your brother tonight?”


“That chic can fight.”

“Yea I know she even made Matt’s jaw hit the ground with that move she pulled off the top ropes. And she didn’t even think twice about doing it. I could tell.”

“Yeah, no shit. And another blonde that obviously likes dying their hair outrageous colors.”

“Yeah the blue works.”

“You boys wouldn’t happen to be talkin about me now would you?” Vanessa asked walking up to the two men.

“How’d you guess?” Thorn asked sarcastically.

“I’m Vanessa; you’re Jeff and Thorn right?”

“Yea, we are.” Thorn said because Jeff obviously couldn’t find his senses to speak.

“Mist, said you hated each other.”

“You know Misty?” Jeff asked coming to his senses.

“We go way back. So what are you two drinking?”

“Beer” Thorn muttered.

“Not really drinking anything. Just talking to this idiot, I promised his woman the two of us would get along.”

“Well damn I may have to find someone else to drink with… I wanted to party, you know celebrate my win. To bad me and your brother had to beat you.”

“What are you gonna be drinking?”

“Southern Comfort…all night” Vanessa responded to Jeff’s question.

“Wow, the last time I drank that…never mind.” Jeff stopped mid sentence. “What the hell I have every fucking right to be getting drunk right now. So I think I will join you. Thorn don’t forget to tell her that we didn’t fight, and remember to call her… like she told you too.”

“Yeah, Mist told me about your problem. So are we leaving Vampire Boy over there alone by himself?”

“Yea, come on”

“I heard that!” he yelled after their retreating backs. He turned to the bartender looked at his beer and sighed. “Got anything stronger?”


Well after everything that just happened you would expect there to be morning after drama. Like hmm ‘Where’s my kid?’ from Misty, and with all the hook ups in this chapter well obviously there may just be a few people missing their flights to Raleigh. And OMG pretty damn soon that wedding I told you about is going to happen. I bet you are wondering who it is between. Well keep on guessing. OH and who wants to know who Jessica’s dad is? Raise your hand if u want to know? Watches what Jessica C raise her hand.

Jessicka moved away to the body next to her. She rested her head on her pillow and let a tear spill down onto it. He had hurt her last night and she didn’t think that he even realized that he did it. After telling her last night that she was the only woman he wanted or needed he had called her...she couldn’t even think of what he had done. It had hurt that bad. He broke her heart last night and she could only thin of one way to fix everything. She got up out of bed and went to find the one woman that Matt obviously wanted. There was a difference between Jessicka and Amy though. Jessicka had Matt’s ring… Amy didn’t.

Jessicka closed the door behind her and as she walked down the hall she tried to stay calm but the minute she was in the elevator she screamed. How could he have done that to her. Right before he kissed her. And she had turned away after that and told him to go to hell. He hadn’t realized he had said it. She had cried herself to sleep last night and she was going to figure away to deal with this. She just didn’t know how yet. It just pissed her off, they were married, and they had a daughter. A beautiful little girl that had her fathers eyes, and her mother’s hair. And Jessicka knew at that moment thinking about Delilah she was gong to fight for the man she loved.


Jeff Hardy woke up with a body next to him and a head on his chest. His head was pounding. He didn’t remember a damn thing from last night. What he did know however that the last he had gotten this messed up he had woke up alone at the age of 17. Jeff looked down at the head on his chest and smiled when he saw the strands of blonde and blue falling over her face and he carefully brushed it out of her face. He watched as her eyes slowly opened and seconds later her light green eyes met his darker green eyes. A smile played across her face seconds later.

“Morning” she said

“Morning to you too V.” her smile widened when he called her V.

“Your eyes are darker in the morning.” She commented

“And yours shine when you smile.” Jeff commented back. Vanessa moved up and kissed him gently. Jeff returned the kiss and slowly they deepened it. they pulled apart and grinned at one another. Jeff pulled her closer to him before kissing her again. Vanessa didn’t hesitate, she knew exactly what she was doing and so did Jeff.


John woke up and immediately looked around for his son. Who normally would’ve woken him up about now. He almost shot up in bed and yelled for his son but the woman sitting at the foot of his bed spoke first.

“It’s okay, I called Mickie, he’s fine. And apparently Vanessa dropped Krys in her lap too.”

“Oh okay, come here Mist.” John said to her. Misty crawled up the bed and curled into his arms. They lay there for a minute and didn’t say a word as they held each other. Misty rested her head on Johns chest and sighed this was where she was supposed to be. As they lay there, there was a knock at the door and a yell.

“I want my dad! You didn’t let me have pancakes for breakfast.” John laughed as Misty moved and together they walked to the door and answered it. Mickie hid the surprise of a smiling Misty as she handed Krystina off to her mother. Misty handed Krystina to her father and took Xavier’s hand.

“Have they eaten yet?”

“No Mist they haven’t.”

“Well little man I heard you say something about pancakes.” Misty said bending down so she was eye to eye with the six year old.

“Yea I do…”

“Then X, Mist, why don’t we go get some pancakes.” John said with a smile. He looked down at the three month old in his arms and then at the woman that had just handed her to him moments before. They were both Beautiful. It felt right the four of them. He didn’t know why but it did. Misty looked up at John and smiled. This time Mickie didn’t hide her shock.

“Okay, wanna tell me why the hell you are smiling so damn much. You’ve smiled more in the past five minutes than you have in the past six months.”

“I’m just happy, that’s all.” Misty said standing. “and we have to get breakfast and leave in the next two hours if we want to get to the airport on time. So I’ll talk to you later. Sorry Vanessa dumped Krys on you.”

“It’s ok, see ya’ll later.” Mickie said walking away.


Maria was standing in the hotel room she and Randy had shared the night before in Raleigh, They had flown out to North Carolina after Raw and a tear slid down her face and she walked over to the bed and sat down. Randy had told her that he chose Grace over her. She hated kids and didn’t want any. But for a man to choose his daughter over her. How he could do that she would never know but she officially hated the man.

Randy Orton shook his head as he sat in the restraint of the hotel. He could see the lobby from where he was sitting. He missed Jessicka. He missed Grace too. He looked up when he heard a kid laughing and was shocked to see his daughter with Gilbert Hardy. Why the hell wasn’t she with Jessicka. Then he remembered Jessicka was on the road with her husband. He saw Gilbert was letting Grace carry the diaper bag and she was smiling at her little sister who Gilbert was carrying.

“Now, Grace we told your mom we would meet her in the restraint so head that way.”

“Look Grandpa Hardy, I see daddy, can I?”

“Go, just no…”


“…yelling.” Gilbert finished as Grace took off at a run for her father, who had turned his head at the sound of his daughters scream. He smiled and picked her up when she reached him.

“How’s my girl?”

“Good, come on Daddy Grandpa Hardy lemme bring pictures of me and Wednesday.”

“Who’s Wednesday?”

“The bunny mommy and Matt bought me.” Randy rolled his eyes at the mention of Matt’s name but let his daughter lead him to the table Gilbert had set at.



“Can I show daddy the pictures of Wednesday?”

“Yeah let me find them.” As Gilbert was going thru the bag the photo’s were in Vanessa, Misty, Jeff, John, and Xavier walked in. And Misty was carrying Krystina’s things while John was carrying Krystina.

“Uncle Jeff!” Grace shouted and ran to her step uncle. Randy sat down and rolled his eyes. Just wonderful his kid was calling Jeff uncle. At least she hadn’t called Matt dad.

“What are you doing here Orton?”

“Uh Grace is my daughter.”

“Jeff don’t start anything. You are already in enough trouble.”

“What the hell did I do?”

“Yeah what did he do?” Someone asked from behind him. The group turned to see Thorn standing there.
All but Jeff and Vanessa raised their eyebrows.

“Vampire boy, so nice to see you again.” Vanessa said trying not to laugh.

“If I have to play nice with him, you do too V. Hey Orton where’s Maria?” Jeff told Vanessa, and turned and asked Randy.

“We had a fight. She tried to make me choose her or Grace.” Grace looked at her dad and he could tell she was going to cry. He bent so he was at her eye level. “I told her I could never choose someone over my own daughter.” Grace wrapped her arms around her dad and gave him a hug. Just as Jessicka and Matt walked in, but not together, he was walking behind her and he didn’t look happy. Jeff turned and looked at them. Jessicka saw Randy hugging Grace and said nothing. IF the man had sense he would see she was pissed and let her say hello to her daughter. Randy looked up saw Jessicka and whispered something in Graces’ ear. She giggled and turned and ran to her mom.

Matt threw himself into a seat at the table his father was at and said not a word. Jeff looked around at everyone and laughed.

“Looks like we’re gonna need a bigger table dad.” He told his father who nodded.

“That can be easily resolved, pull tables together.” Thorn said.

“Hey where’s Jess Thorn?” Jessicka asked

“Connecticut” He replied making eye contact with Jeff. Who closed his eyes and balled his fists. He hoped she was fine up there on her own. She hadn’t let Thorn go with her.

“Hey look Matt, there’s Amy, why don’t you invite her to lunch with us?” Jessicka said glaring at her husband. He didn’t say a damn word and he didn’t get up to go talk to Amy either. Jessicka turned and glancing back at Matt did it for him. “Hey Dumas, since you seem to be all alone at the moment why don’t you join us for lunch?” Jessicka called over to the woman. John groaned as did Matt and Misty. Xavier hid behind Misty.


Jessica sighed as she knocked on the door to the McMahon house. When she heard something crash and then a laugh as someone picked whatever it was up. And seconds later the door flew open.

“MOMMY” Brooklyn yelled and threw her arms around her mom. Jessica hugged her back and looking up behind her daughter saw a very pissed of Shane McMahon.

“Figures you would beat me here.” She said.

“Shane let the woman in” Linda yelled at her son because Jessica couldn’t even enter the house. He was standing in the way. He stepped aside only at his mothers insistence. Jessica walked in and immediately noticed that Linda looked upset and Vince looked ready to kill. Stephanie felt sorry for her and walked over to her and hugged her and whispered in her ear.

“He told us he didn’t tell Brooklyn.” Jessica pulled back and nodded to Stephanie.

“Brooklyn I need to talk to you sweetie.”

“I already know I heard Auntie Stephanie and Grandpa yelling about it.”

“What exactly did you hear baby girl?” Jessica asked with a horrorstruck expression on her face.

“That he’s not my dad. That Jeff is. This isn’t good cos Auntie Stephanie said you and Jeff got in a fight and that you were back with Kevin and Mom I’m confused. I just want to go home to New York.” Jessica stared at her daughter and realized just how much her daughter really needed a stable life. She was about to say something when they heard the doorbell. Linda rolled her eyes and answered the door and was heard yelling from the hall way to the living room.

“What the hell do you think you are doing here?”

“I want to see my granddaughter.”

“After eleven damn years you want to see your granddaughter. That’s up to your daughter.”

“Oh well she’s here too? I guess that’s a good thing.” Missy DeLane yelled back and walked into the house. She walked to where she heard all the talking and smiled when she saw the stunned look on her daughters face.

“What in the hell are you doing here Missy?”

“Is that any way to talk to your momma?”

“OH so now you wanna play momma. Newsflash, I don’t want you in my life or Brooklyn’s.”

“Who the hell would name their daughter Brooklyn, oh wait you do live in New York.”

“Where I live has nothing to do with her name. What in the hell do you want?”

“Well I was here to see Brooklyn but I figured it was about damn time I tell you who your father is. You know before you sleep with the entire locker room on Raw.”

“What the hell does my father have to do with Raw?”

“Because Bob Orton is your father.”

“Excuse me…”

“Jessica you heard me.”

“Good lord that means that my best friends ex-husband is my brother… and Grace is…I need to sit down.” Brooklyn walked over to where her mom had sat on the couch and hugged her. Jessica pulled her close and started to cry.

“Get out of my house.” Linda McMahon said trying to keep her calm as she escorted Missy from the house.

“Oh and I want to spend time with Brooklyn.”

“You will never spend time with her as long as I have custody of her.” Jessica yelled thru her tears.

“And don’t look at me I’m not even her father.” Shane said. Before walking from the room.

“I really wish I would have let Kevin come with me…” Jessica muttered under her breath.


John and Misty had left the lunch early with Xavier and Krystina. They had something to deal with before the show that night in which someone had to be there to support Thorn while he fought for the number one contender ship for the ECW title. John pulled the car up in front of the local courthouse and smiled when Misty turned to him and said

“Lets do this John.” The couple got out of the car and each one getting a kid the two of them walked into the courthouse and both were smiling. They were going to shock the hell out of their friends when they got the arena that night. There wasn’t going to be any running away this time. They walked into the judges chambers and before he married them they went thru the process of changing Krystina’s last name to Cena. Both parents smiled and held hands as they walked out of the courthouse two hours later, the four of them officially the Cena family.


It was two hours to ECW and the only thing on Kevin Thorn’s mind was the woman he loved. She had promised that she would make it to Raleigh in time for the show but so far there was no sign of her. He was pacing the halls when he heard her voice.

“Brooklyn slow down, I can’t keep up with you.”

“Sorry Mom but I want to see Aunt Jessicka and everybody.”

“I know but you know I can’t run as fast as you…Kevin!!!” Jessica yelled stopping yelling at her daughter and running to her fiancé. Brooklyn watched as the two embraced and smiled. She wished her mom would make up her mind and she wanted to see Jeff.

“Mom…come on you two can kiss each other later.” Jessica pulled away from Kevin and laughed. The three of them walked to the catering area where apparently everyone was waiting for them. They walked in and Jessica was shocked to see Jeff and Vanessa together. Matt looked pissed and Jessicka wasn’t paying attention to him.

“Hey Jessicka, I need to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“Something I found out today, and uh I think you need to hear it.”

“Whatever, hey look it’s about time those two got here.”


“John and Misty they disappeared earlier and didn’t’ tell anyone where they were going.”

“Okay apparently you didn’t tell anyone where you were going, I just got here so where the hell were you?” Jessica asked. Misty and John looked at each other and grinned.

“We got married…” Misty said.