Sequel: Forever
Status: Complete

Up Against the Wall


“So what did Orton want with her?” Jeff asked what was on everyone’s minds.

“I think she should tell ya’ll. It’s not my place.” After saying that she got a couple of dirty looks from the rest of the group.

“Move Hardy, I’m going to go see if she is ok.” Jeff moved after Vanessa got up. And the group watched as Kevin walked out to see what was going on. When he walked outside what he saw pissed him off to no end. She was sitting out there alone leaning back against the wall crying. He walked over and held his hand out to her.

“Jessi” She looked up and took his hand allowing him to help her up. She let him wrap her in his arms. Thorn rolled his eyes as she spoke.

“You know you keep being affectionate in public you’re gonna be made fun of.”

“Then quit giving me reason to be affectionate in public. Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Did Jessie tell you?”

“No, she said it wasn’t her place.”

“Kevin, Orton, he’s my half brother. He was mad that he had to hear it from his dad. And that my mom was the one that had to tell Bob that I knew.” Jessica looked up into his eyes completely forgetting the bruise she knew had formed on her face. The minute he saw it he got pissed.

“He hit you didn’t he?”


“I’ll deal with that tomorrow, we can leave if you want to Jessi, but if you wanna stay then we can.”

“I just wanna leave. Kevin, you should be celebrating, and you can’t do that if you are worrying about


“…so I’m just going to go back to our hotel and check on Brook, and I will most likely be asleep when
you get in.” She finished with a smile on her face. She saw the relief in his eyes and standing on her tip
toes she placed a kiss on his lips and took the keys that he handed her. Both went their separate way’s but with smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile…inside the club…

“Jessicka are you ever going to talk to me again?”

“Have you apologized to me yet?” She shot back.

“What the hell am I apologizing for?”

“Oh real great Matt, don’t even realize what you did.” Jeff said sitting there trying not to laugh, but
wasn’t succeeding.

“I would shut up if I were you, we all know Jessicka throws a mean right.” Misty said laughing. She personally wouldn’t mind seeing Jeff get his ass kicked. Especially by his own sister in law, who was a lot smaller than him in size, yet she made up for it in attitude.

“Oh please she wouldn’t hit family…” Before Jeff could finish what he was saying Jessicka had turned on him and punched him hard in the chest.

“You wanna keep running your fucking mouth Jeff.” She yelled. Matt could hear the venom in her voice and touched her arm.

“Babe, Jess, calm…”

“And you…don’t even tell me to calm down. You call me by your ex-girlfriends name and then expect me to talk to you. Don’t talk to me until you can figure out who you want. Me or Amy.” Jessicka said before shoving John out of her way, Misty had been smart enough to move. Jessicka was at the door when Thorn and she passed one another; it was completely obvious to the man that she was leaving.

“If you’re quick you can catch Jessica before she leaves.” He called after her. She turned and nodded her head quickly before going to find her friend. Kevin walked into the club and when he got to the group he noticed the shock on everyone’s face.

“Do I even wanna know?” Was all he said before everyone started talking at once.


“I swear to fucking god JD, I hate that man so much that I love him.”

“That makes no sense, but you wanna tell me what happened?”

“He fucking called me Amy.”

“He did what?!”

“Yea, and he doesn’t realize he did it. Oh by the way I may not have hit Matt, but I did punch your
asshole ex and my brother in law in the chest.”

“What did Jeff do now?”

“Opened his damn mouth. And where the hell did you get that bruise, so help me god if Thorn did it I am kicking ass.”

“No, your ex-husband did it.”

“Oh real nice. Remind me to make sure someone has Grace away from her father before your fanged friend kills him.”

“Would ya’ll stop with the fang and vampire comments please, we are talking about the man I am going to marry here. And besides it’s sexy.”

“You have issues. Hey JD, have you ever had that feeling that you know he’s the one. Like whenever…”

“He walks into a room I know, even if my back is to the door? Yea I have, with Kevin, why?”

“Because as much as he messed up I still know that he’s the one, he always has been.”

“Here’s something to think about. Kevin messed up worse than Matt did and I know ya’ll think that I am insane for going back to him, but I’ve known since the first time I kissed him that he was the one I would always be with, I just never let myself believe it. Talk to him, and no don’t yell, I mean yelling usually leads to other things…”

“I get the point JD, I think I will talk to him, but I need to talk to someone else first. Thanks.”


Standing there she watched as Joanna handed him the divorce papers. A smile moved across her face. This time the damage was done. He was getting divorced and if she had anything to do with it, he wouldn’t have a chance to beg for forgiveness and he was never going to win either one of them back. No matter how hard he tried.


“No sign them here, because I am taking them straight to the attorney in the morning. I’m not going to sit around while you’re out there with a different woman every night.” Joanna Moore told her husband. Shannon Moore stood there in shock not believing his ears and being left no choice took the pen that she had handed him and signed the divorce papers. He walked away from her and only looked back once, she had already signed the papers. When she was sure he was gone. She walked over to the woman standing in the shadows.

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“Helping me get revenge.”


“I miss Jessica, and the other girls”

“We can go back tomorrow Phoenix, if you want too. I mean to tell you the truth I kind of miss my sister. But only a little bit.”

“One more day here and then we can leave, give us time to make sure that we have everything. And one
more day, just the three of us.” Phoenix said looking across the room at the playpen that her son was lying in.

“Alright, one more day and then we can head back, see what kind of chaos has been stirred up.”

“Well considering the fact that last time you talked to them Jessica and Jeff were fighting, yeah it’s probably chaos over there.” Adam smiled at his wife and kissed her before pulling her close to him and letting her curl into him and fall asleep.