

Most people want a genie, correct? Do they want one so they can have three wishes? Well then I don't need one because I can have as many as I want, right? Isn't my pie amazing?


August had the worst life you could imagine among yourself. Her mother died in a car crash, when she was only three. Her dad never wanted anything to do with her. She has been in 14 foster homes. 4 out of 14 of the foster homes abused her. 2 out of those four, also raped her. 5 out of the 14 died. Four others, just couldn't handle her emotions.

But then there was the last foster home. The house was a very little house, a cabin. It was even made of wood. It was cozy for August, especially sitting curled up in front of the fire with Debbie. Debbie was her foster mother, and the only other person in the house. She was quite old, so old that August worried that she would die on her. She was like a grandmother. Kissing August`s forehead, leaving lipstick marks. Telling her stories. Baking. Oh how good of a baker she was.

August especially loved her pies.

"What are you doing granny?" thirteen year old August asked coming inside from playing in the yard, in all the puddles.

She had been watching the rain slowly fall into the indents of the yard. There was a lot because her and Granny always liked to dig in the yard. They never knew what they could find. As soon as it was done she ran outside playing in the puddles, now back.

"Nothing, sweetie," Granny replied. "Just baking," She said with a smile.

August blue eyes looked up at Granny. Which she had to since she was only 4 feet tall. Once looking into Granny's eyes, she smiled.

Granny booted her butt with her hand to show her to get over to the sink. "Wash up, Little Aug."

August listened and went over and got washed up at the sink. But when she came back to Granny she had missed a smudge on her face. Which Granny gladly went and got a washcloth, wet it, and then washed off the smudge.

"Sit sweetheart,"

Of course August listened, again, sitting down.

Granny glided over to the oven. Taking out the pie, she went over to the window. She let the wind blow the pie, so it wouldn't burn little August`s mouth.

August watched-so hungry for that pie-as Granny came and sat the pie on the table. After getting August a fork and plate, she sat down.

"Eat up," Granny told August while taking loose pieces of her blonde hair and putting it behind her ear. Because, of course, August couldn't eat with hair in her face.

A phone rang and Granny got up to get it, leaving August to her thoughts.

One thought she had and said out loud was, "I wish Granny would adopt me."
She said this with pie in her mouth, so it sounded kind of funny.

Then next thing she knew Granny came back saying, "I want to adopt you!"

Aug. jumped for joy. But she thought it was funny how her wish came true when she had pie in her mouth.

So she tried again, "I wish I had a doggie," She said, unclear again, because of the food.

But then a dog came running in.

Granny laughed, "So you know?"

August looked at Granny, her blue eyes having curiosity in them.

Granny explained to August that any thing she wished with her pie in her mouth, would come true. Granny`s pies were magical. Granny was a witch.