Angels & Demons


June 5th, 1981 – Montreal, Canada – 4.30 AM

It was the dead of night when a young woman made her way through the deserted city of Montreal. She was holding a baby close to her wrapped up in a blanket.

“I’m so sorry, but I can’t take care of you myself. I always knew you’d be special, just wish that in this world, you hadn’t been that special. I love you so much my beautiful baby boy, but this is the way it’s got to be,” she whispered to him as tears were streaming down her face.

She made a left turn to a road filled with trees that would lead up to her destination. Each step she took made her heart break into a million pieces. But she knew in her heart that it’s what she had to do. Everything she was doing, was with an eye on his safety.

The cool spring air brushed around her face and she sighed, not really sure if this was indeed the best thing she could’ve done, but there was no way on earth she could hide a baby forever. This place would be perfect for him, it was going to allow him to be safe until his 18th birthday and train him how to move inside this cruel world.

She finally arrived at her destination, taking one long breath, closing her eyes and savouring her last moment with her son and then finally rang the doorbell. She glanced left and right, hoping the door would open soon, hoping that she wouldn’t get caught. She didn’t care that her own life was at stake, as long as her son was safe, it didn’t matter.

The door opened a few inches. “Who is it?” a voice asked.
“I called you a few months ago and I called you last night,” she spoke softly.
“Right, come on in,” the voice asked replied as the door opened further. It was a handsome man who stood 6”2, had black grey hair and hazel eyes.

The young girl stepped inside and scanned around the house. She gathered most kids that lived here would be sleeping already with the exception of a small little boy who couldn’t have been older than 2 years old.

“Why isn’t he in bed?” she asked in a shaky voice.

“Because he doesn’t sleep at all,” the man replied as if it was a normal thing to say. “So what’s the deal with this little one?” the man asked.

“Whenever he gets cranky, mad, his eyes turn red and he’s only a few hours old. I don’t think he came into his powers yet but I told you before, during my pregnancy I felt angry a lot, and at times my eyes would change color too while I am a normal girl without you know,” she said as a tear ran down her cheek.

“He’ll be safe here. He’ll be with children just like him and we’ll make sure that he’ll be able to move in this world without raising suspicion. I promise you that he’ll be safe here,” the man replied. “You know the rules, you can’t be in contact until he reaches the age of 18, you can’t talk to anyone about his whereabouts, you basically ignore his existence. It won’t be easy but it’s for his safety and the safety of many others,” the man spoke, looking straight at her, making sure she understood.

“I understand the rules, however if something should happen to me before he reaches his 18th, I’d like to leave a letter here, just in case,” she said as she tried to fight the tears.

“That shouldn’t be a problem. I think it’s time,” he spoke once again.

The young woman hugged her baby one more time, kissed his chubby little cheeks and whispered, “I love you, more than you’ll ever know. I’m so sorry but hopefully you’ll understand one day.”
She handed her son to the man. “One more thing, does he have a name?” he asked.

“Sebastien,” she said before glancing one more time at her son, who was now in the arms of this stranger, handed him the letter as well and quickly turned around and left the house as fast as she could, regretting what she had done, but she knew this was how it had to be.


The Angels and Demons academy was founded nearly 20 years ago when the world they once knew started changing. Children who obtained special abilities, were taken away from their parents and were killed straight away because they assumed they’d grow up to be the evil of this world.

Stephane LeFleur started recruiting people like him, who were sick and tired of having their kind murdered when they were honestly good people, all they needed was a good training and they’d be able to function in this world.

Stephane LeFleur owned a castle deep inside the woods, far away from civilisation and named it the “Angels and demons Academy.” Everyone who knew about it’s location was sworn to secrecy and pretty soon everyone in their world knew about the school.

At first it was only pure demon bloods who started attending the schools, they didn’t start attending until the age of six until a lot of “demon” children were born among the “normal” people.

Stephane and his team made a decision to start recruiting those children as well. Catherine, a woman who had been there from day one, had the special ability to see people’s inner demon. Since she looked about as normal as the next woman out there she had gotten herself a job in government. Since every woman who was pregnant was obligated to report it and come for a check up, she had no problem at all trying to find the “demon” babies.

Stephane had always tried to make his school feel like home as much as he could. He allowed the children to call their superiors “Father” and “Mother” but only after school.

The castle had four wings where all the kids rooms were located in. The high risk demons lived together, the ones with the special mental powers lived together, the kids who looked like demons lived together and the children who showed a risk to be a danger to society lived together.


June 5th, 1981 – Montreal, Canada – House of Government – 5 AM

Christophe Lawson paced in his office. “Laurent! Do we have any word on “him” being born yet?” he yelled from his office.

“I’m sorry sir, but it seems as if the girl has fallen from the face of the earth,” he said looking at his shoes.

“What?! I told you we should’ve gotten her in our custody the moment we knew she was pregnant! This child is dangerous!!! Why didn’t we do it?” he yelled getting frustrated.

“Because she always knew a way to dodge us and because technically we were never really sure she was carrying one of those “kids”,” Laurent spoke.

“Still not a fucking excuse!! Every month more and more children like that disappear from the face of the earth! We don’t know where the hell they are and less and less women report their pregnancies!!!” He said getting frustrated.

“Sir, we’ll find them. They can’t hide forever!” Laurent said confident.

“If they can’t hide forever, and they haven’t fallen from the face of this earth, can you explain to me why more and more like them are taking over?” he yelled!

“I don’t know sir!” Laurent had to admit.

“I don’t care you have to roll over every rock, crawl in caves, comb out every sewer in this town and beyond but you will not rest until you have located places where the fuck they can be hiding!” he yelled again.

“Your wish is my command, sir,” Laurent said as he left the room.