Angels & Demons

Chapter three:

September, 1st 1995 – Angels and Demons Academy – lunch time

It had already been a hectic morning for a first day of school but nothing out of the ordinary for the school they attended.

Last year by lunch time at least 7 kids had gotten send to the infirmary.

“Do you think we could go visit?” Nath asked as she pushed her lunch away.

“You going to eat that?” Pierre asked.

“Take it,” Nath shrugged, “but back to my question … can we go visit?”

“Don’t think we can honestly,” Chuck sighed, “the infirmary has a secret location really because people are there to rest and not to get visitors. He needs to build up his strength so …,”

“But can’t we break the rules?” Nath whispered.

“Wow! You want to break the rules? You?” Pierre asked, “why do you wanna break the rules now, little one.”

“Because in case you haven’t noticed Pierre, it’s one of ours, in there! We grew up together and aren’t you curious to know how he is doing?” Nath spat back.

“It’s not as if he’s in the ‘Demon’s Wing’,” Pierre stated.

“Right … Well next time you come up with an idea, I’ll be the first to shut it down too, Pierre!” Nath said as she got up and walked away.

“What did I do?” Pierre asked.

“You were just being you! A flaming idiot!,” Char said as she left their table to run after Nath.

“Girls are so confusing,” he said shaking his head.

“No you’re just clueless,” Patrick stated as he took a sip from his coke.

“You know something,” Chuck stated.

“Hello, Patrick, the mind reader! Of course I know something. In case you forgot, I always know everything!” he stated grinning.

“So spill!” Pierre announced, “at least help us to understand.”

“No, can’t do that my friend. You wouldn’t like it if I started spilling what’s going through your head right now,” he said glancing back at Pierre.

“Guys! Stop bickering! There might actually be a way to go and visit Seb,” Jeff stated quietly;

“How so?” Pierre asked.

“Listen, Chuck can get into any place he wants as long as he envisions it, right? Well if there aren’t any things to protect the place, he could actually take us there,” Jeff stated.

“So we’re going to do this?” Pierre asked.

“Not without some research. We’re hitting the library after school,” Jeff stated.

“The library?” Pierre asked.

“Yes, you know that place on the first floor with tons of books? That’s called a library,” Chuck stated causing David to laugh so hard milk came out of his nose.

“I know what a library is!” he said as he hit Chuck in the head.

“Someone should go and tell the girls the plan, so why don’t you guys continue the fighting on whatever it is that you like to fight about and I’ll go and find the girls,” Patrick stated as he got up and started running in the direction where the girls were at.


September, 1st 1995 – Angels and Demons Academy - Garden – lunch time

“Guys are so fucking clueless,” Nath muttered under her breath.

“Do you honestly want Pierre to know the truth? Boy won’t stop teasing you about it until the crack of dawn,” char stated.

“Well I don’t really care right now. I wanna go see him!” Nath whined.

“He’s going to be okay,” Char spoke as she pulled the younger girl into a loving embrace.

“I’m so scared. If I’m being a baby about it now, what’s going to happen when it really has to come down to things,” Nath sighed.

“We’ll take care of that then, okay, sweetie? Right now first things first, and we’ll find a way to convince the guys to try it anyways, without spilling any secrets,” char stated as she comforted the younger one.

“Here you guys are! Been looking left and right for you guys. Jeff is the man,” he said smiling brightly. “Listen, what’s going down,” he said as he lowered his voice and explained everything that had happened the moment they left.

“Jeff really is the man!” Nath smiled brightly.

“Good to see you in a better mood, shorty!” he said, “now let’s all go back to the lunch area considering classes are going to start again soon,” Pat announced.

“I’m still going to kick Pierre’s ass for being an idiot,” Char stated.

The moment they arrived back in the lunch area the bell rang.

“We have “combat class” now”, Chuck stated.

“Excellent,” Char said smiling, glancing over to Patrick who had picked up on what she had thought and started chuckling. “Kick his ass good for all of us,” he winked.

They all entered the battle complex and were greeted by their Professor.

“Good afternoon kids! We all know the drill, you can fight but don’t hurt anyone intentionally. So keep it clean, or there’ll be punishment. Do I make myself clear?” Professor Mathieu said.

“Yes, professor Mathieu,” the class said in unison.

“Okay, let’s divide into pairs. Char and Pierre, Chuck and Pat, David and Jeff, Nath can join char and Pierre’s team,” he announced.

“Hey, how is that fair! Two to one is so unfair!” he stated.

“Afraid two little girls will kick your ass?” Nath asked mocking Pierre.

“No!” He said offensively.

“Pierre, take it as a practice for a real battle,” Professor Mathieu chuckled.

“Okay, ready! Set, go!”

Nath looked over at char, chuckled and made time freeze before Pierre was able to take away their free will and Char moved her head and made Pierre flying across the room which caused time to go on again.

“Tabernak!” he cursed under his breath as he got up again.

As he tried to take Nath’s will again she froze time once more and Char send Pierre flying but aimed wrongly causing Pierre to fly into Jeff, David, Chuck and Pat, which unfroze time again.

“What the hell?” chuck snapped as he got up again.

“Sorry,” Char said smiling and Nath was trying to suppress a laugh.

“You did that on purpose!” Pierre stated.

“Did not!” Char replied!

“Did too!!” Pierre replied.

“Okay, real mature! How old are you? Five?” Jeff asked.

“Stay out of this!” Pierre said getting annoyed. He squinted his eyes and started smirking as Char started slapping the back of Nath’s head without no reason, as immediate reaction Nath froze time and unfroze Chuck.

“What’s going on?!” Chuck asked.

“Time to learn Pierre a little lesson,” Nath said smirking. “Okay, so here’s what you do… You walk to Pierre you do your magic, make sure he’s in Char’s arms length, get away, I’ll unfreeze time and Char can slap him silly and he has no other choice but to make her stop and give her free will back.”

“Sounds like a plan, my evil little friend,” Chuck laughed. “Although, this all looks really cool, time’s really frozen?”

“Yeah, imagine the fun you could do with that little trick,” Nath laughed, “now do it!”

Chuck did as he was instructed. He stood behind Pierre, placed his hand on Pierre’s shoulder and imagined standing in front of char. In a split of a second, Chuck had moved in front of Char, glanced over to Nath who gave him the okay and moved back to where Nath was standing at.

“Are you going to unfreeze time now?” he asked.

“Not just yet. I’m going to make sure this moment will last forever,” she said smirking. She turned back to David, Jeff and Patrick and unfroze them first.

“What’s going on?” Jeff asked.

“You’ll see!” Chuck said chuckling.

“Everyone ready?” Nath asked.

“Yup! Wish I had a video camera,” Pat said joking.

“Here we go,” Nath replied as she unfroze the rest of the room.

Char started smacking Pierre in the head! “What the hell?!” he yelled losing his concentration and Char kept hitting him. “What’s going on, I have given you back your free will!” he whined.

“This is my free will! Fucker!” Char yelled as she kept slapping him, while the rest of them were dying in laughter.

“BREAK IT UP!” Professor Mathieu yelled.


September, 1st 1995 – Angels and Demons Academy -Angels Infirmary – 3 pm

Seb was laying in his bed, tossing and turning. As much as his body needed sleep his mind couldn’t stop racing. He was beating himself up for losing control like that. And the more he thought about it, it was the first time ever, he felt so angry. It felt like there had been a voice inside him making him do it.

He was happy that he had to spend a few days in solitude, as long as his friends weren’t going to do anything stupid like visiting, which they probably would. He really didn’t want Pat to read him, to know that he was afraid of the person he was turning into or maybe he had been that person all along and maybe now, it was just rising to the surface.

Ever since the incident of that morning, he had questioned more than anything, who his parents were. Maybe his father had been pure evil, or his mother, had been pure evil.

He sighed as he saw the incident happening again in his mind, and felt the same anger rising inside of him, that voice came back and he knew he had to resist it. He could not start a fire here. He shook his head trying to push the thoughts away and concentrated on all the good things in his life.

He thought of his friends, his family. He didn’t know where he’d be without them. There was Jeff, who he could always count on, he was like the big brother, even the dad at times making sure that everyone stayed in line, then following was Chuck who was at times too serious for his own good, but with whom he could talk, and confide in.

Then there was Pierre, the joker, always up for troubles and good times. He lost count of the times they had gotten into troubles because of him but he didn’t care. He wouldn’t trade those times for anything, it had been worth it every single time. Then there was Pat, his best friend and confident. It was hard to be dishonest around that guy, considering he could read your mind, but even so, he would never bring up what was bothering you unless you brought it up and he was their secret keeper.

Then there was David, the guy would do anything to see you smile and you could take it “literally” anything. Then there were the girls. Char always made him laugh with her sarcastic comments and she was loyal and devoted to their little group. You messed with one of them and you messed with her. He was happy to call her his sister. Then there was the youngest of the bunch, Nathalie. Ever since she joined their little group, everyone kept babying her, taking care of her but lately she had proven that she could stand her own, even at thirteen. She had her powers nearly under control, at least when it came to freezing of time. She was smart for her age and always saw the best in people and it was something he loved about her.

A small tear formed in his eye and he let it fall and pretty soon, more tears started falling. He was so scared that he’d lose them, the family he had ever known. He even questioned if he belonged in HRD or maybe even worse, to the group that had the ones who were most likely going to be a danger to society.

He felt so alone yet some familiar feeling crept up on him. His thoughts drifted off to his mother, something that hadn’t happen in a long time. Something inside him told him she was close but how was that possible? She had dumped him in this place, even though he knew it was the best thing she could’ve done but at this moment he wished that he wasn’t alive today, no matter how beautiful the world seemed.

He turned around in his bed once more, took an extra pillow and hugged it close around his body. He wished that it would’ve taken so much strength out of him he had died. He was sick and tired of the voices in his head telling him to start fires. What if he hurt one of his friends next time? He was feeling so guilty. He could’ve hurt his friends today. Luckily, the teacher was able to stop the fire before it got out of hand.