Status: I'm finally getting back into the swing of writing so more is coming soon :}

How to Raise a Necromancer

Daymond is going through a really rough patch in his life right now. The love of his life is dead and he's left alone in an unfamiliar city just trying to survive. Daymond is also beginning to experience some rather bad panic attacks that make him feel like he's in the ground with Bryan, his Fiancé.

So what does it mean to have a mental connection to the dead? Well that depends on what shrink you ask but for Daymond it means something much bigger. About human sized actually.

Well maybe not human sized but definitely zombie sized.

With his new gift Daymond becomes determined to find out what happened to his late lover but first he must master his gift. Deciding against trying to over burden himself with raising a loved one he decides to wake up someone he's never met. This is how he meets Samantha Grey. Being his first purposeful zombie it becomes her job to teach Daymond the ropes of necromancy. But was she of all people the best choice of mentors?
  1. Samantha Grey
    Daymond is standing over the grave of the late great Samantha Grey. He'd never known her in life but will learn from her more about him self than he ever wanted to know.
  2. Baby Steps
    Daymond is starting to process the whole necromancy thing but starts to catch on a lot faster than Grey can anticipate.