Killing Me Softly

Chapter One.

That night was a jumble.

A mess in my head I couldn't figure out.

All I could remember is Dad coming home, drunk again, supposedly with Clara, his secretary's lipstick on his collar.

Mum jumped to allegations and Dad hit her. She threatened to leave him.

I came downstairs, they were both shouting, he hit her again. She screamed at me to pack my bags.

I did.

She did.

Dad didn't.

We left.

In that split second, my life changed.

That was the night I started cutting, deep, long cuts with my razor along my wrist.

That was also the night I stopped eating, or eating and throwing it all up again.

That was the night Mum told me we were leaving for California.

"We can't!" I screamed. "I won't! My friends are here in Iceland, Dad is here. Claire, Isabelle, Charlotte and Sara are here. What will I do without them? They're my sisters, my best friends, I can't live without them. I can't live without my school, my father. What about our house? My possessions?"

"Sadie, do not make this any harder. Pack your things. Our plane leaves early tomorrow morning."

"Well, I won't be getting on that plane. You can't make me."

"If you don' t pack your things, I'll be packing them. Now hurry up and say good bye to everyone. I'm sorry it had to come to this, Sadie, I really am."

"But, Mum, it doesn't have to come to this, it doesn't. We can stay here, you can get over everything, don't do this, please Mum."

"You know I have to, Sadie. Nothings going to stop us moving, so stop wasting your good bye time. Spend the last few hours with your friends in happiness. I'll see you back here by 7.30 sharp. We have to pack."

"Fine!" I screamed, running out the door. "You're only hurting yourself here, you stupid, selfish bitch!"

My head swirled with horrible thoughts as I walked to Sara's house.

This is is last time I'll see my friends.

This is the last time I'll be seeing Jonas, my boyfriend.

And I wasn't going to be able to stop this. For once I couldn't control my life.

As I walked up to Sara's doorstep for the last time, I realised my life was about to change...

And probably not for the best.