Killing Me Softly

Chapter Ten.

''Okay, so here's your timetable for the rest of the semester. Billie here will help you, I'm sure, but we can set you up with a few girls to help you get around. Okay? So, your homeroom teacher is Miss Goe, in M12. If you need any help, don't hold back to talk to the teachers.''

''Yes, I won't, thank you.''

Billie smiled at me as we walked out of the office.

''So, you are over there.''

Billie laughed, pointing again to the builiding.

''Oh, great...'' Billie muttered when he saw a group of six girls all in mini skirts, massive white sunnies, bleached blonde locks, and skanky tank tops, walking out of the building.

''Billie, baby!'' The first and most pathetic one screamed out, walking closer, and stopping. The other five stopped directly behind her.

''Hey, Sarah.'' Billie replied dully.

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

He didn't pull away.

I stood there in absolute shock.

When they parted, she finally saw me.

''Oh, baby, who's this?'' Sarah asked, licking her lips.

''Um...she's just my next door neighbour. Sadie.''

Um...she's just my next door neighbour. Sadie. !!!

What !

''Hello. Ha, you dress like my boyfriend.'' She said, happily, taking Billie's hand when she said 'boyfriend'.

''Yeah, I s'pose I do.'' I replied quickly.

''Sarah, you're not my-''

''Save it, Billie.''

Sarah said quickly, letting go of his hand and walking back into the building.

Her friends followed.

I saw Mike and made a run for him, blinking furiously, trying not to show my tears.

''Sadie, wait!''

''Save it Billie!'' I yelled, finally getting to Mike and sobbing crazily.

He knew something had happened, and steered me around the corner, away from Billie Joe and his betraying eyes.

''Sadie, it's okay.'' Mike said, hugging me supportively. ''It's all okay. Tell me what happened.''

''Mike, it's not just today. Last night...'' I started sobbing.

I knew I couldn't tell Mike.

''What happened, Sade. Tell me.''

''Mikey.'' I sobbed, seeings as he used my nickname. ''I can't tell you.''

''Sadie, tell me!'' He yelled softly.

''Jonas. Jonas was here. He followed me home, and took me here and... and...''

''What did he do to you? Did he rape you, Sade?''

I nodded, the words were too hard to speak.

''Last night?'' I nodded again. ''Awww, Sadie.''

He hugged me, and pulled out a tissue from his pocket.

"What happened this morning?''

''Billie has a girlfriend. He said he liked me.''

''Sadie, he doesn't have a girlfr-''

''Mike, he does. She kissed him this morning. And called him ''Billie Babe''.''

''Sarah?'' Mike asked.

I nodded again.

''That's not his girlfriend, she just thinks they are going out. He feels sorry for her.''

''Whatever he still pashed her infront of me, and then Mum saw the love bite Jonas forcefully made on my neck last night and said Billie did it. She called Ollie, and Ollie agreed, and yelled at Billie. And Brad. Brad hit Billie last night, that's why he cancelled.''

''I know, Sade. I'm sorry.''

Mike and I continued to hug, and I continued to sob.

''I don't know what to do about Jonas.'' Mike said eventually.

''I don't either. He said he'd be back. I thought he was in Iceland.''

''Sadie, it will all be okay. I promise you. I'm here for you, and Billie too. And once Tré comes back next week, he'll love you too.''

''I hope so.''

''He will.''

''Mikey?'' I asked sweetly.

''Yes, Sade?''

''Can we skip school today?''

''That's usually Billie's custom...''


''Alright, let's go.''