Killing Me Softly

Chapter Fifteen.

''Good morning.'' Billie whispered in my ear, handing me a warm cup of freshly made coffee.

I smiled, wanting to wake up like this every morning. Then I remembered what I had found out last night...

''Hey.'' I said softly, my mind being warped with the thoughts of what Sarah will do to me at school tomorrow. And what I had found out. I was massively on edge.

"Are you okay, darling?" Billie asked sweetly, already noticing my uneasiness.

"Um, yeah... Just hungry."

Billie didn't look convinced, but took my hand and led me into his kitchen.

"You can tell me anything, Sadie. You know that, right?"

I just nodded, gasping when I saw what an effort he'd been to. Piles of pancakes, toast and cereal covered the bench, and standing next to each, spreads and sugar. There was freshly made juice, even chocolates on the bench that were specially arranged to spell 'Good Morning, Sadie'.

"Oh, my. Billie you... I can't believe you did this. We practically just met."

"I know, but I wanted to make it special. You need something like this. You deserve it."

I was unusually quiet, and Billie was getting a little worried about me. I could tell. Maybe he was contemplating about doing this for me? Maybe he was regretting it already?

"Are you sure you're alright, Sadie? I can tell there's something wrong."

"Uh, it's um... Nothing." I replied quickly. I knew I could talk to him about Sarah, but the other thing I wasn't so sure about.

"There is something. Please tell me."

I told him about being worried with Sarah. I would never tell him the deepest secret I had known since I left Iceland, but officially found out last night.

"Oh, Sade, don't worry about her. You have me, Tré, Mike..."

Tré, Mike.

The two people I could trust. The ones I had to tell. Now.

''I know. I'm sorry.''

I sat down at the table and ate, followed by helping Billie clean up. Then, just as I was about to go, I kissed Billie. That led to a full on make out session on his kitchen table, and then I was the one to pull away. I felt dirty with the secret I was carrying. The secret only Mike could help me with. And partly Tré, of course.

"Billie, I'm sorry. I have to go, baby. My Mum will kill me if she knew I was here, and not at Mike's. I'm so sorry. I don't want to go."

"I don't want you to go. But, I can come to Mike's with you."

"No, you can't. I promised Mother you wouldn't be there. She's coming to get me in like, half an hour." I felt so, so mean. Dirty. Betraying.

"Oh, okay. Do you need my car?"

Billie was crushed. I could tell. It made me feel so awful.

"No, I can't drive yet. Not until I get this paperwork from Iceland. Oh, Billie I'm sorry. I love you."

''I love you too. Remember that."

"I will." I whispered, grabbing my coat and bag, kissing Billie one last time and bolting out the door.

I ran around to the street the boys had pointed out last night, praying they had waited for me, but also realising they probably had guessed Billie and I made it up and drove back to Mike's. To my total surprise, there they were. Mike was sitting on the gutter, drinking some water from a bottle. Tré and Jason were still sleeping in the car. I ran to Mike, tears running down my face uncontrollably.

"Sadie! What happened?" Mike yelled, running to me, hugging me in the middle of the street. "What did Billie do to you?"

"No, no, nothing." I breathed, "Billie and I are good. He understood, I slept there last night.'' I was gasping through sobs.

"So, why are you crying?"

"Oh, Mikey." I cried, "I found out something horrible last night."

Mike gave me a weired look, his own eyes filling with some tears. He knew it was awful news. He grasped my hand tightly.

"You can tell me, Sade. Tell me."

"Jonas... he wasn't the only one who raped me. My father had many times back in Iceland and now... Now..."

I was crying too much. I couldn't say the last thing.

"Sadie, what did you find out?"

"Mike, I'm... I'm pregnant." I sobbed again. "I don't know who the father is!"

Mike stood there, hugging me so tightly it hurt.

Then everything went totally black, and I couldn't ear or see anything at all...