Killing Me Softly

Chapter Sixteen.

** Mike's P.O.V **

Sadie just fell. She hit the hard ground, her knees buckling under her weight.

I can't believe she's pregnant. How would Billie react?

But more importantly, what will Sadie do about it?

I bet she's against abortion, like us, and I came from an adopted family and hated it. Hell, now I live alone with Jason.

I picked Sadie up and screamed at Jason. He woke in a second.

"We need to get to the hospital now. She just passed out."

"What the fuck dude? How the fuck... What did Billie fucken do to her?" Jason cried.

"Billie did nothing. They're together again."

"You bastard! What the fuck did you do to her?" Jason screamed, thinking I had done this to Sadie.

"Oh, no, Jason. I didn't do it either. She just collapsed."

Without another word, Jason helped me get Sadie safely in a seatbelt, and we zoomed off toward the Royal Berkley Hospital.


"Are you Sadie's boyfriend? Brother?" A nurse asked Mike, shortly after they admitted Sadie.

"No. I'm just Sadie's friend. Her boyfriend doesn't know she's here. She's an only child. What's her position at the moment?" Mike replied, fascinated at how much he did and didn't know about his new best friend.

"Well, she's definitely not stable. And there's some very unpleasant news we've just found out."

"How's the baby?" Mike asked.

"So you do know?"

"Yes. But only me. No one else knows."

"Who is the father? We must alert the father, too."

"The father is Sadie's own father. He abused her. Either him or her ex boyfriend, but I doubt it was Jonas's. What has happened to the baby?"

"I'm so sorry, Mr Pitchard. Sadie's baby has died. She doesn't look to be doing so well herself, either. Is there any form of family we could alert? Her mother perhaps?"

"I don't think so. Her mother comes and goes. She wasn't at Sadie's home ten minutes ago."

"Okay, try in another half an hour. Maybe call her boyfriend too?"

"Yeah, I'll try and get something sorted."

As the nurse walked away Mike felt a wrenching in his stomach. He had felt it before when he and Caity were expecting their baby. He hadn't told anyone what had happened to either of them, his mind was too consumed with guilt to be able to wonder. He knew what he had done was totally wrong, and he would never see his family ever again. Not even Billie had realised Mike's pain only a few months before.

Billie's tears rolled down his cheeks. He loved Sadie, but did she love him? She and Mike had become excruciatingly close over the past few weeks and Billie couldn't help but be jealous. Part of loving someone was realising when they were lying, or trying to brush something off. Sadie had lied to him this morning. Sadie had brushed him off to see Mike. No doubt Tré was in on the new found love, too.

Wait, where was Tré?

Billie hadn't seen him at the airport, obviously, because he was too busy with Sarah to notice that his second best friend had arrived from Iceland. Iceland, Sadie. Anything Billie thought about led back to her. He hated being so vulnerable for her. He was always so independent.

Something deep in his stomach made him lurch.
Something was wrong with Sadie.
Billie could tell.

He ran over to the phone and dailled her mobile.
No answer.

He called Mike's.
It rang...

"Hello?" Mike's voice cracked and Billie could tell he had been crying.

"Oh my God, what's happened to her? Mike? Where is she? Where are you?"

"Billie... how... How did you know?"

"I could feel it. Answer my question!" Billie demanded panic striking his voice.

"Calm down, Bill, she's in hospital. Her condition still isn't stable. She's in a bad state, I won't lie to you. There's something else, but I don't think I can tell you. They think she'll be okay, but they can't tell exactly."

"What h-happened?" Billie could hear his voice crack, but didn't let on that he was silently sobbing.

"I don't know. She ran out of your house and fanited right in front of me. She hit her head really badly on the road, and before I could stop anything, a car came and ran over her. I think you should come down here. I'll meet you out the front of the hospital."

Mike was hesitating to tell Billie he was sitting in the maternity ward.

He wouldn't tell Billie until he got here.

... These secrets will silently tear us all apart.