Killing Me Softly

Chapter Seventeen.

Billie jumped into his car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

He was so upset and distressed about Sadie, and he couldn't understand why Mike had known more than him.

He was her boyfriend, wasn't he?

She loved him, didn't she? Or did she love Mike?

Tears sprung effortlessly into Billie's eyes as the thoughts rocked his mind.

What would happen to her?

Billie's mind drifted to Sadie's unfortunate family life. Her Dad committed adultery many times, her mother is in the middle of a break down and she has no brothers or sisters to help her through it. All her friends, cousins and family are in Iceland and she's practically all alone in a foreign country. All she has is Billie, Mike, Al, Tré and Jason. No girlfriends at all.

Billie pulled up in front of the hospital slowly. His stomach was full on butterflies and so was his heart. He could feel wet, hot, salty tears start to fall from his eyes after he had so carefully kept them back. He started wailing.

A few minutes went by and Billie felt ashamed. Why had he cried so much? She was probably just in here with a broken arm or slightly damaged face, or something not as important as he had thought. It's not like she'd be dying... Was is?

Mike stood outside the entrance, nervously awaiting Billie's arrival.
He saw him move slowly up to the doors. Mike ran to meet him in the car park.

"Mike!" Billie screamed. "How is she? Is she stable yet?"

"I don't know, Billie. I don't think so."

"Can we go and see her? Have you called Tré? What about Catherine?"

"I have called all of them. Catherine didn't answer and Tré is coming soon. We should go in and see her. You should."

Mike led Billie into the building and towards Sadie's room. The hospital was so plain and depressing. Billie shut his eyes as they walked past the emergency room where Billie's own father had died six years ago. Mike squeezed Billie's shoulder supportively.

They emerged into the maternity ward.

"Why is Sadie in the maternity ward?" Billie asked, a hint of humor in his skaky voice.

He stopped smiling when he saw Mike's pale face.

"She... Do you... Know something?" Billie stuttered.

"I don't want to tell you until she does." Mike replied, watching his best friend closely.

"Please tell me, Mike."

Mike looked into Billie's eyes. He knew if he didn't tell Billie their friendship would be over. He could just tell. Looking into Billie's eyes, and studying his face for over four years had taught Mike certain things. Billie was anxious and needed to know the truth. Sadie will understand, Mike thought. He took a deep breath and told Billie.

"She's here because... She's ... Well... Pregnant." Mike said after a while.

Billie was silent. It scared Mike.

"She was. She's not anymore. It died when she got hit by the car. Her own father was the father of the baby. Jonas could have been but Sadie doesn't think so, though."

Tears flowed out of Billie's eyes.

"I can't do this, Mike." Billie whispered. "I can't be with her anymore. She's just - I can't do this."

Billie turned on his heels and walked out of the hospital.

Mike was surprised, his own eyes filled with tears. He was looking into Sadie's eyes, and she turned, sobbing. She had heard the whole convosation. Mike walked into the room softly.

"Sadie." He said smoothly. "I'm-"

"No, Mike." Sadie whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I want to be alone. Leave."

Mike did as he was told, shutting the door behind him.