Killing Me Softly

Chapter Twenty Two.

"What are you sorry for!" Ollie screamed. "Billie's dead! How could you possibly be sorry! You didn't save him! You didn't know my son!" Ollie screamed so loud that patients in the hospital rooms started to stir.

Mike, Tré, Jason and Al were crying, sobbing. They couldn't breath, or speak.

Their best friend had just died.

"What about Sadie?" Catherine whispered as tears fell from her own eyes.

"She... She's dying. There's nothing more we can do for her either. Even if she did pull through she would never be able to have children, or walk normally. Never again."

"Oh my God."

Catherine, Mike, Ollie, Al, Tré and Jason were all balling their eyes out.

A box of tissues handed to them by the reception wasn't enough to catch their pain filled tears.

Brad stood there, a smug smile on his face. Billie was dead. He was gone. Forever.

Mike and Tré couldn't stand it. They looked at each other and rose from the ground where they had both been sobbing. Wiping away their tears, they went over to Brad. Tré stared him down, and grabbed him while Mike punched him in the face. Hard. Brad fell back, not expecting the sudden violence. He went to hit Mike back but he ducked. So he turned to Tré. Expecting this, Tré blocked Brad's punch and punched Brad instead.

"What the fuck!" Brad screamed.

"You did that to Billie, you fucking bastard!" Mike screamed. "You made his fucking life fucking miserable! How many fucking things we had to cancel because of you! Sadie would probably be living if you hadn't made Billie cancel. You stupid mother fucker! You have the nerve to cheat on Ollie, and yet show up here with a smug smile on your fucking ugly face when her poor son dies. WHEN MY BEST FRIEND DIES! You stand here and FUCKING SMILE! Are you hearing this Ollie? BRAD USED TO HIT BILLIE!"

Mike hit Brad again, and again. Brad pushed him away, almost falling to the ground. He moved to Ollie, and slapped her.

"I want a fucking divorce you crazy bitch. You can't even see your child's bruises in the morning because you're so blinded. I have a mistress, you stupid whore. We're getting married so I want a divorce from you."

"Happily you fucking mother fucking bastard!" Ollie screamed, slapping him. "You arsehole, who do you think you are? Hitting Billie?"

"Yeah. And I raped Anna, Hollie and Marci. So take that you slut, get the fuck out of my life. And my home."

"You're living in my home!" Ollie screamed.

"Prenuptial agreement. You have to move. We both do. But I'm moving in with Stacy anyway."

With that, Brad turned on his heels and walked out the door.

Ollie collapsed on the floor in sobs.

She stopped when she heard a familler voice.

Everyone did.

They gasped.

What was he doing here ?
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks guys.

I'm serious. No comments = No story.