Killing Me Softly

Chapter Twenty Three.

"Billie? Is that you? They said you were dead!" Tré exclaimed.

"Yeah... I was for a minute. My heart stopped but they managed to get me back. It's Sadie that's dying."

No one spoke. No one believed Billie Joe Armstrong was alive, standing there in front of them. Ollie, Mike, Catherine, Al and Jason sat there in total shock, their mouth hung open. Tré walked up to Billie as he spoke, poking his toned chest to see if he were real.

Mike ran up to Billie and hugged him with so much grip it started to hurt Billie's pumped stomach. Ollie did the same, pushing Mike away and hugging her son. Tears of happiness flowed from her eyes. She cried into Billie's shirt.

"Oh, Billie. I'm so sorry." She whispered, her tears turning from happy to guilty. "I will never let that man near you, or the kids ever again. Never. Oh, Billie, I'm so sorry I didn't see past it. I love you. I can't believe he hurt you, and Sadie, like this."

It took Billie a while to understand who the hell she was talking about. Who had hurt him, but himself? Then it clicked.


"Mom." Billie said softly, patting her head as if she were his child. "It's okay. I don't blame you, I know you wouldn't deliberately to anything to hurt us. It was partly our fault for not telling you anything. But more so it was his. Don't blame anyone but him, especially yourself. I love you, Mom."

Everyone was slightly lifted, but then it struck them, in one hard blow, that Sadie was still not okay. Even if she did pull through, she would never be able to have children or walk normally ever again. The words from the doctor earlier played through Catherine's, and everyone else's minds like a ticking bomb. When would they know?

"Um, how's Sadie? Does anyone know?" Billie asked, carefully.

Catherine shook her head, trying to keep sodden tears back.

"I'm sorry." Billie said.

"Sadie's strong, she'll pull through." Mike continued.

The comforting thoughts did nothing for Catherine. Sadie was her only child, and she'd mistreated her. If only Catherine had been a better mother, all this could have been avoidable. But, no, now her daughter was either going to die, or be permanently disabled. Catherine didn't know which one was a better option. Either way, she'd be losing her old daughter.

Catherine stood up, in search of the doctor who had addressed them earlier.

"Where are you going, hun?" Ollie asked, stepping up and following Catherine.
"Stay here" Ollie mimed to the boys. They obeyed, and continued talking to Billie, everyone of them with tears in their eyes and on their faces.

"I have to find a doctor. Someone." Catherine muttered.

Ollie caught up with Catherine, and both women walked down the halls in search of the doctor. They eventually found him running out of an emergency operating theatre room, blood covering his clothes. The door swung back revealing the person on the table. Sadie. He was covered in Sadie's blood.

"Excuse me!" Catherine yelled. "I'm her mother! What's wrong with her what's happening?"

The look on the doctors face made Catherine feel queasy. She felt light headed. Before she knew it, she had fainted. Her head hitting the hospital floor with a sickening thud...