Killing Me Softly

Chapter Twenty Four.

"Is she okay?" Ollie asked desperately.

"Well, all I can say is that the collapse wasn't due to shock or anything regarding her daughter. Catherine is a very sick lady."

"What do you mean? She's got a disease or something horrible like that?"

"Exactly. I'm sure it could actually be fatal. My old wife had what I suspect this is. She died in the first 48 hours."

"Oh my God. Catherine won't die will she? Please tell me she won't."

"I can't tell yet. We have to run some more tests."

It had been three days since Catherine's collapse and Sadie's stable recovery. Sadie would be just fine as long as she is kept away from any stressful situations. She and Billie still haven't gotten back together, and hadn't seen each other since Sadie came over to his house five days ago, when she got hit by the car.

Mike sat in the waiting rooms, his stomach moving up and down. So many times he had felt sick about his new found love. If anything had happened to Sadie's mom, he would just die, for himself and Sadie. Thank God both Billie and Sadie had pulled through from their near death experiences. Now, all that had to be done was for Catherine to get better. He stood up, in watch of where Ollie and Catherine had gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know.
I just don't feel in the mood for writing right now.
Especially the next chapter that's a bit dramatic.
I don't want to stuff the story up.
