Killing Me Softly

Chapter Twenty Five.

Mike soon came across Ollie sitting on a chair, waiting out side a hospital examining room.

"Ollie?" Mike said. "Where is she? What do they think is wrong?"

"They said it's not because of the stress or anything. Apparently she's a very sick lady."

"Do they know what it is?" Mike questioned. He wouldn't cry. He just wouldn't.

"They have a suspicion. But, what they think it is has only hit like... 500 people around the world so they haven't really investigated it, or found a cure. It doesn't even have a name. But then there's the possibility of MS."

Mike was shocked.

The doctor came out of his room. Catherine was lying on the beds. He closed the door.

"We know what it is. Unfortunately, it's what I suspected. The same disease my wife had. Thankfully, we've located the problem area, and with surgery we could remove a portion of the problematic area, praying it doesn't spread. That operation has to happen now. I've asked her and she's refused to accept she needs an operation. Please, one of you convince her. She'll die other wise. Please don't worry her daughter either, after this surgery Catherine will almost be 97% cured."

Mike nodded and walked into the room.

Catherine was shaking from the nerves. They are cutting half of her stomach away. Why did Mike convince her to go through with this? Now he was just sitting outside the room, filled with nerves and probably sick with worry.

"Okay, Catherine. Now breath this all in and count to twenty. I will be injecting some drugs into your arms too, but just county to twenty starting from... Now."

Catherine counted to twenty slowly.

Three... Seven... Ten... Twelve... Eighteen...

She was out.

The doctors started to carefully operate on her, all wishing whatever had gotten her wouldn't come back, as it tended to do.


Billie took a deep breath and fastened his hand onto Sadie's hospital room's door knob. As he twisted the handle he sighed.

How had he come to this?

"Billie." Sadie's soft voice greeting his ear and he felt relaxed. He loved her voice.

"Sadie, I'm so sorry. I was such a jack ass. I mean, you needed me, probably still do and all I could think of was myself. I can't believe you overheard me. I'm so sorry. I still love you. Do you love me? Forgive me? Please I can't do this without you."

Sadie was taken aback. She thought he didn't love her.

"Of course I love you, you idiot." She laughed. "You don't have to be sorry, honestly. I mean you were under heaps of pressure and probably were feeling a little vulnerable. I bet you didn't like the fact that I told Mike everything and not you, as well. Can we please just get over all of this? Please? I need you."

Billie smiled, he was so relieved and happy. She wanted him back! He moved over to her bed and sat on it. He took her hand in his and Sadie pulled him back into her. He pushed him self further against the wall, and Sadie rested her head on his chest. She wrapped her arm around his waist and fell asleep.


Catherine woke from her operation feeling sore. Mike was sitting on a chair next to her bed, softly holding her hand.

What had she done? He was Sadie's friend and somehow Catherine felt like she... Loved him.

"Mike." Catherine whispered.

"Catherine?" Mike looked a little uneasy. "I was hoping I could talk to you."

"Of course you can." She tried so smile, but she was too weak and hurt.

"I think... Oh, Jesus." Mike stopped talking and started to think about what he was going to say. Catherine could see beads of sweat appear on his forehead. "Catherine I love you!" Mike said it so quickly, and the words floated around them uncomfortably for moments, waiting for Catherine's response.

"I love you too. And... I don't know what to do."

Mike leaned over and kissed her. All of Catherine's pain immediately disappeared at his touch. Catherine pulled him on top of her and he rubbed his hands over her body. She felt his back, and chest, all the while still kissing him. She broke it off after what seemed an hour, not wanting it to progress in a hospital bed.

"I should rest." She whispered. "Come back tomorrow. I get out in three days."

"Okay. I love you."

Mike got up, feeling different.

He closed the door quietly.

What would everyone do when they found out?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. There's more.
I'll be updating later today and probably tomorrow morning as well.
But it's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I'll probably have to clean or shit like that because my Mum's family come over on Christmas Eve.
And I definitely won't be updating the day after because it's Christmas and I go to my Grandparent's all day...
So yeah... They will probably be long chapters.
Happy holidays everyone and Merry Christmas !