Killing Me Softly

Chapter Twenty Six.

It had been a few months since everyone had safely come out of hospital.

Catherine wasn't so mean to Sadie, or as disapproving of Billie.

Probably because she and Mike had been sneaking around with each other all the time, crawling into each others bedroom windows and such.

Sure, it was illegal, and probably condemned by many, but Catherine nor Mike worried about that. All they saw was love for each other, and that's all that counted to them.

One night, two weeks ago, things got very serious. They took it ten steps up. Mike had lost his virginity to his best friends mom. Everyone turned an unseen blind eye on the relationship, so Catherine and Mike continued and became more and more serious as time went on. Again they slept with each other the week after. And then again the following week.

"Cathy, I love you so much. I know this is probably wrong, but I just love you more than the world itself. I can't imagine Sadie agreeing with this."

"Mike, I can't imagine anyone agreeing with this. I wouldn't care, except for the fact that I'm breaking the law. I could get in so much trouble."

"I'm almost seventeen, next year it won't be illegal. Next year... I can ask you to marry me."

"Ask me to marry you?" Catherine repeated. "Do you really love me that much, Michael?"

( When Catherine was speaking to him seriously he was Michael. )

"Of course. I wouldn't be doing this if i had lukewarm feelings. Please tell me you feel the same. Please."

"I do! Of course I do, Mike. I wouldn't be doing this either otherwise. I just can't believe you love me so much."

Mike leaned himself against Catherine's naked body. His head rested lightly on her exposed breast. He loved her so much, why couldn't everyone just let them be?

From Catherine's room Mike could see Billie's house. Ollie was getting ready for bed, walking around her bedroom, calling her children to bed. None of them listened, of course. Sadie was at Billie's and probably would be for the night, from what Mike could see of them anyway. Sadie's bedroom was across from Billie's and they watch each other fall asleep every night. They loved each other just as much as he loved Catherine, if not less. Why was it any different?


Two weeks later Catherine found out some disturbing news. She had started to faint again, experiencing the same symptoms as last time she was sick. Immediately she took herself to the hospital to see the doctor.

"Catherine, we have some bad and hopefully good news." The doctor said. He and Ollie had been dating for a couple of months now.

"Um, could I have the bad news first?" Catherine asked.

She could see why Ollie liked him so much. He was really nice, and he has a sense of humor. He was also very attractive, with long black hair, and icy blue eyes. Chiseled cheek bones and shaped lips. But she had Mike, and she was happy, if not ecstatic about that.

"Well, unfortunately your sickness has come back. But hopefully we can removed it again."

Catherine ignored it. She couldn't accept it.

"Okay. And the good news?"

"Well, hopefully it's good news. But some tests have shown that you... You could be pregnant."

That hit her hard. She had to accept that.

"But, that's not right. You have to remove half of my stomach again. That's where the baby is developing."

"Well, yes, that's what I was going to tell you. There's a 40% chance of miscarriage."

40% ? Was that high?

"I'd like to schedule you for an appointment this week where we can sort all this out. From now on I think you should tell your loved ones."

Catherine ran out of the room, all the while dialling one number.


"Hello?" Mike asked into the phone. He was at the mall buying a necklace for Catherine as a surprise present.

"Michael." It was Catherine, and he could tell she had some bad news.

"What is it, Cathy?"

"I... I'm sick. Again. With the same sickness, Mike. I don't know what to do, because there's more. I'm... I'm pregnant. With your baby."

Mike dropped the phone onto the jewelers floor. What? He couldn't be a father at his age, could he? Not with Cathy! Sadie will have to find out about them, and Billie. And then all of their friends, the whole school. Cathy could be arrested. Unless...

"Cathy." Mike said, gripping the situation. "I have a plan."