Killing Me Softly

Chapter Three.

On the plane I didn't eat.

All the thoughts continued to rush through my mind.



The girls.

Leaving them at the airport.

The tears.

The hugs.

The texts and calls from Jonas.

Throwing my phone at the wall in the bathroom when I received another text from Jonas.

Crying in the bathroom.

Smashing the mirror in the airport bathroom.

Cutting my wrists with the glass from the mirror.

Watching the blood, and my tears fall and splatter on the floor.

Quickly washing my arm and running out of the room into the terminal.

Getting on the plane.

Mum had bought the tickets in such a hurry that she didn't say she wanted the seats together, so I was stuck next to two boys.

They were about my age, one had the blackest hair ever imaginable, and matching green eyes.

The other had blonde hair and brown eyes.

They were talking about another boy, called 'Tré'.

Suddenly the black haired one asked for my name.

"Uh... Sadie." I replied. "What's yours?"

"Billie... Well Billie Joe, but everyone calls me Billie. And this..." Billie hit the boy next to him. "Is Mike."

"Oh, hey guys.'' I said. ''What brings you over to California?''

"We live there." Mike said.

"Yeah, what brings you to California? You don't sound American."

''I'm not. I'm from Iceland, Icelandic... My Mum and Dad got divorced, so um... My Mum is bringing me to California to get away. I miss my friends already.''

''Oh... Well, if it makes you feel any better my Dad died five years ago, Mum still cries every night. She may as well be dead, too.'' His eyes cast over with sadness.

''Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...''

Billie and I talked for hours, and eventually it was night time.

''I better rest a bit.'' I said to him.

''Yeah I know, me too. I won't be able to sleep for long.''

I woke to my head on Billie's shoulder.

He was sleeping like a baby, and suddenly I felt an overwhelming rush of love.

This could not be happening.

I do not love a boy I have just met.

Yes I do.

Oh God.

The hostess announced that the plane would be landing in twenty minutes.

Billie stirred and I quickly shot my head off his shoulder.

''I saw that.'' He mumbled, still waking up. ''Did she say twenty minutes 'til we get home?''

''Yeah. She did.'' I replied, so consumed with embarrassment I couldn't think.

My shirt sleeve had rolled it's way up my arm.

''Did... That's nasty.'' Billie said, softly touching my wounded flesh.

''I did it myself.'' I whispered, tears filling my eyes...