Killing Me Softly

Chapter Thirty One.

I woke up in an unfamiliar house. I woke up with an unfamiliar feeling.

Did last night really happen? Did I really... fuck Sara?

The funny thing is, that when I looked back on it, I didn't think about what I'd actually done. I didn't think about me cheating on Sadie... I was thinking how lucky I was that Sara loved me back. But did she love me? Or did she only think I was hot? My head rippled with a head ache so bad I groaned. I'd had way too much to drink.

"Billie?" I looked up into the doorway to see Sara standing there. She looked beautiful, the early morning sun was just shining through the cracks in the blinds, highlighting her hair in the most perfect way...

"Billie, we did something horrible last night. I'm such a slut... I'm no fucking better than Claire! I betrayed Sadie in the worst possible way, with the person that meant most to her. We should just fucking jump off a bridge right now and get what's fucking coming to us! I don't deserve Sadie. Being drunk is not an excuse, Billie, we used her. She's had her boyfriend ripped out of her arms again by a best friend... Again. Neither of us deserve her."

"I know." I know.! That's all I could say to what I'd done?

Sara came over to the couch slowly an sat next to me. She bit her lips and moved her jaw around. One of her traits when she was worried...

"Look, neither of us love each other, right? We were just drunk... It was just... Meaningless sex." She said.

I think my heart broke right there. I could feel all the tears building up behind my eyes, but I wouldn't cry.

"Yeah, that's all it was to me." I managed to choke out.

"Good, and let's just pray no one knows."

"You're not going to tell Sadie?"

"No! I think the guilt will somehow eat me away first. Look, Billie, please don't tell her, okay? She doesn't need to know. It didn't mean anything. You love her, and I love Jack... So we just won't say anything. Don't make this bigger than it needs to be, okay?"

"Okay. I just don't feel right keeping it from her."

"And you think I do? Look, I've known her longer than you, she's been my best friend for over ten years."

"This is so fucked up."

"You don't need to say that again. I feel... I'll tell her. When the time's right. We'll tell her."

With that Sara stood up and left the room, and I cried into my cheap, unfamiliar pillow. Unfamiliar, the feeling of heartbreak.


- Later -

Me, Billie, Sara, Jack, Charlotte, Phil, Isabelle, Katie, Jason and finally Chris decided to take a trip into Reykjavík.

"Where should we go?" Phil asked.

"Don't know." I replied. "Why not go to... Café Paris?"

"Bahaha, you and Café Paris, Sadie."

"What? It's cool."

"I think we should go to Grand Rokk."

"That Pub? Seriously."

"What? It's a good music venue as well. There's that really good Icelandic band playing tonight."

"And how do you suggest we get in? We're only 15."

"Who cares? If we halve our group, come in at separate times, no one's going to care."

"I have an idea." Sara said happily. Everyone turned to her. "Us girls take ages to finish eating and talking an shit, right? So, we all go to Café Paris for dinner, okay? And then the guys take off to Grand Rokk before us, and then the girls will follow once we've finished at the café. Everyone happy?"

"Yeah." Everyone said, and Sara smiled in accomplishment.

"Well, let's get ready." Isabelle commented, obviously wanting to straighten her hair.

"You're not using my hair straightener, Isabelle." Sara said.

"But! I need it!" Isabelle cried.

"It's okay baby. You can use mine." Jason, Isabelle's boyfriend, said.

"Shut up Jason, you don't have any hair." Isabelle said sternly.

We all laughed and headed our separate ways to get ready.


Two and a half hours later all of us were ready and heading toward Café Paris. Billie gasped when he saw the beautiful view of the icy mountains and deep blue sea. I smiled and stared longingly at the city. I loved it here.

Twenty minutes later, it was already beginning to become dark, and all of us were sitting in the café, talking and laughing. Us girls were only on our main course, and the boys were already downing their deserts.

"Can we go now?" They whined once they'd finished.

"Okay, okay." We said, and the boys threw some money on our table and got up to leave.

"Grand Rokk, here we come!" Phil, Jason and Chris screamed together, and the guys followed them off into the night.

Sara rolled her eyes dismissively.

"So," I started, "what do you guys think of Billie? Like him?"

"Yeah, Billie's really sweet." Sara said quickly.

"He's really suited for you, Sadie." Katie said.

"Billie's great! I spoke to him at the party, he seems really cool." Charlotte added.

The convosations about Billie continued and we ordered our desserts. I couldn't help but notice Sara shifting uncomfortably in her seat when we talked about him.

"You okay, Sara?" I asked her as we walked to Grand Rokk.

"What? Yeah, I just... I don't think I like Jack enough anymore. I love someone I can't have. And when you spoke about Billie I'm like... That's what I want... A guy like Billie. But obviously not Billie because I don't like him, you know?"

"Yeah, I know."

We continued to walk and finally arrived at the entrance. We got in, thank God, and went to go and find the guys.

"Hey girls?" Charlotte said as we merged into the pub. "Let's go to Laugardals out door pool tomorrow, okay?"

We all grinned.

"Okay." I said.

Here's what Billie gasped at:


Here's Café Paris:


Here's Grand Rokk:


Here's Laugardals out door pool:

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
The end of the story is near.