Killing Me Softly

Chapter Thirty Five.


I continued to run down the snow covered, icy bitumen towards the freezing cold water of the sea. I could feel the salty air in the breeze, the bitter cold feel of the liquard that would decide my fate. I turned around to see if anyone had followed me, and when the road behind me was dark with the night, I saw that not one person was around. I slowed down to a walk, watching as my panting breath made hazy clouds around me. I made my way slowly down to the ocean, my tears dotting the road. How could Billie do this to me?

I eventually ended up at the old, worn pier, just west of the dock. The boards creaked slightly as I walked over them, and I sat, peacefully, tenderly watching as the waves crashed around me. I started shaking from the coolness the tears brought to my face, the wind colliding with the moisture, feeling like ice. I pulled my jacket tighter around me, still shaking. But I didn't care. I made my way carefully down the pier, cautious not to fall through the many holes in the wood. Eventually when I arrived at the very end of the pier, hardly able to see into the distance not only because of my tears, but because of the darkness that loomed ahead, I sat down again. I was so close to the water that I actually felt wet. The tears just spilled down my face, drying and then being replaced by others, fresher tears filled with more and more pain. There was no way to get out of, or explain how I was feeling. I was just hurt. Billie and my best friend had betrayed me, no one else was on my side. I was all alone.



"Where is she?" I screamed at the two girls staring at me dumbly. "Aren't you even worried?"

"Of course I'm worried! Don't you dare start going off at me, either of you, if it wasn't for you two she wouldn't be lost in the first place! I cannot fucking believe the nerve you have. How could you? Actually I don't even want to know! Poor Sadie has had her heart broken and damaged too many times to even count. You both know that. And yet look at what you do... She's out here all alone, probably freezing, crying... Have you or have you not realised she has two very dangerous men here after her? Jonas could be anywhere. He could have been stalking her this whole time! And her own father! For fucks sake." Isabelle was fuming.

"Isabelle we do understand that. And of course I feel terrible, and scared for her. I wouldn't want this to happen. It's just we're all very panicked... Shocked... Lets just think rationally. How can we find her?" Sara reasoned, clutching her stomach. I couldn't help but stare. My child was in there.

"Whatever, Sara. You don't care anymore. Admit it." Isabelle said, turning on her heels and storming in the direction of where Sadie had gone. Great, two girls to find now.

"Oh Billie, what's going to happen? We've lost her now, too!" Sara cried.

And for once in my life... I didn't have an answer.