Killing Me Softly

Chapter Thirty Six.

The water was like needles, each one simultaneously pricking me harder and harder until they submerged into my skin, and I just had to get used to it. But I couldn't get used to the painful feeling, and eventually my skin became numb, and my mind started to close down, and the air wasn't filling my lungs anymore, no matter how hard I tried. My body started to sink under, and I tried to muster a scream, but I couldn't, and eventually my arms froze, and I couldn't keep fighting. I sank to the bottom.

My mind was blank in the few moments before my death. I didn't think of Billie, I didn't think of Sara, or their baby, or my mother, or Mike. It was totally blank. Not one feeling for anyone, not one last flash of affection... Just, nothing.



I saw a figure standing at the very end of the pier as I began sprinting down the hill. It quickly turned into two figures I saw, as I edged closer. One was sitting, one was standing behind the other, and it looked as though the one standing was trying not to be seen. Then I heard a sickening splash, followed by a bitter scream. It was Sadie, and she had just been plummeted into the ice cold water. My legs sped up faster underneath me, and I cried out, in some attempt to show Sadie she wasn't alone while she took her last painful breaths.

Guilt shot through me like a bullet as I realised, if only I called to Sadie, she would have seen the murderer, and at least put up some sort of a fight. But no, I just dumbly stood there, unable to believe what I saw.

"Isabelle, go home!" I heard the murderer scream as I landed on the pier. I ran full force toward the loser that took Sadie's life. I tripped on one of the dodgy wooden boards, and felt my leg become submerged into the icy cold water. I screamed as it drastically lowered my body temperature, and attempted with all my energy to remove my leg, but it was stuck. Minutes went by, and Jonas just stood in front of me, and then he sunk onto the wood. He started crying hysterically, and it scared me more than the possibility of me losing my leg. I had never seen anyone cry like this, let alone Jonas. His hands were literally ripping his hair from his head, and I realised he was coming to terms with what he just did. He just killed someone, and I was the witness. The realisation hit me that I was in danger, big danger.

"You killed her!" I cried, "you took Sadie from all of us."

I heard four more heavy footsteps on the end of the pier, and then them pounding toward us. I looked up momentarily to see Sara and Billie run to me. They helped me out of the hypothermic water.

"Where's Sadie?" Billie asked sourly. I could still see the bubbles from her desperate attempt to survive, from the last hint of oxygen in her lungs. I sat on the boards, and vaguely pointed at the mass bubbles.

Billie followed my direction, and he screamed.

"Jonas pushed her in there!" I cried, sudden rage mounting in me. I jumped up and punched Jonas square in the face.

Billie's pumping legs snapped me out of my rage. Sara screamed at him to come back to her.

"NO! BILLIE! We're having a baby together! You'll die in that water! Billie!"

But Billie didn't listen.

He dove straight into that icy water, after his one true love.

Sara, Jonas and I ran over to the edge, yelling at Billie to swim to us. When he claimed to be literally frozen in the same spot, Sara cried. She knew she was losing her boyfriend, that her baby would now have no father. But we tried, all three of us tried out hardest to save Billie, but he had just jumped too far for us to reach. His bubbles added to Sadie's, and Sara couldn't stand it any longer.

It was a wave of disbelief I felt as I watched these innocent bubbles form at the top. Two young teenagers had died there. The only evidence were those fucking scary bubbles. I laid coldly onto the boards. My eyes closed and I felt as if I was going to faint. But the sickest sound startled me from the short slumber. Sara had jumped in after Billie. I shot onto my knees, feeling exhausted and shell shocked. Sara as well?

I tried, I really did. But it was the same as Billie. Sara screamed at me not to help her, but I didn't listen. I wasn't just going to lay there and let her kill herself for the sake of her love. But it was no use, she, Sadie, and Billie all died in the same spot, in the same icy cold water, all for different reasons.

The only evidence of their existence being those fucking nightmare-ish bubbles.