Killing Me Softly

Chapter Five.

Oh God.

There he was.

Billie, the boy from the plane.

Dressed in black skinny jeans, a studded belt, converse and a black, red and white band T-shirt.

His hair was sexily messed up, and his eyes greener than ever.

He looked even better than on the plane.

The taxi started to slow down outside the house next to where he was standing.

''Why are we stopping?'' I asked my Mother.

It was the first time we had spoken since the lecture.

''This is our new home!'' Mum screamed excitedly, opening the taxi door and running up the drive way to a big, yellow and creme house.

I, on the other hand wasn't so excited.

Billie hadn't seen me yet. I didn't want him to.

I looked out the door again, and saw Mum standing with a women about her age.

They were talking like old friends.

I heard my Mother's shrill laugh and cringed.

Billie was standing next to them rather unamused while our mothers talked.

''Sadie!'' I heard from the neighbour's lawn. ''Come and meet the neighbours! Billie's your age!''

Again, I cringed.

Now I had no choice. I had to see him.

Taking a deep breath I thanked the driver and paid him our fare.

He got out and helped me with the bags.

- Billie's P.O.V. -

Oh my God.

Is that... her?

''Sadie?'' I yelled questionably, walking over to the cab.

Yeah, it was her for sure.

She was struggling to get five massive bags out of the cab, even though the driver was helping.

God, she looked even prettier than before.

''Billie?'' She asked as I got closer, dropping her hands to her sides.

''Yeah, hey. How are you?'' I asked.

''I'm exhausted. Hey, do you live there?'' She asked, pointing to where Mum stood.

''Yeah. And obviously you're moving in there...'' I replied, pointing to Mrs Fields old yellow and creme house.

It was about three times the size of our shitty dump. I suddenly felt embarrassed as Sadie stared at it.

''Yeah, I am. I don't want to.'' She looked up at me.

I was looking at her wrist, where she had cut herself before getting on the plane.

She noticed and moved her arm behind her back.

''I'll help with those.'' I said dismissively, taking three cases out of the cab.

''You don't have to-''

''Mum would kill me if I didn't.'' I replied, grinning and walking up towards the drive way.


Billie and I wheeled my cases up the stairs while Mum and Ollie (Billie's mum), continued to gossip on the lawn.

''Looks like our Mum's like each other.'' Billie said as we reached the landing.

''Yeah, totally.'' I replied, looking around at the bedrooms. ''I'm sooo having that one.'' I stated, pointing at the biggest bedroom with the ensuite bathroom.

''Ha, doubt it. You mum will kick you out and force you to that one.'' Billie said, laughing, pointing at the smaller guest bedroom.

''Whatever. Not if I unpack my stuff.''

I wheeled my bags into the bigger bedroom, unzipping them as I went.

I started frantically unpacking and hanging clothes while Billie got the rest of the bags.

Our furniture had already arrived, and surprisingly, Mum had let me have this room, because my bed, wardrobe, desk, T.V., laptop, and other possessions were already set up in there.

I exhaled deeply as the phone started ringing.

I gingerly answered it, and Billie walked into my bedroom, looking at my stuff, and admiring my guitar.

''Hello?'' I asked.

''Hey, baby, it's me. Please don't get mad that I'm calling you. I just want to talk.''

''How did you get this number, Jonas?''

''Your Dad, silly. How else? Oh, and he says he hopes you enjoy the phone and everything. Your Mum hadn't even asked for any of the furniture, or a phone line, for that matter. Your Dad set everything up for you.''

''Huh, that's nice. Look I really don't want to speak to you, ever again. That includes e-mails. You cheated on me, and I could never forgive you.''

''But, baby, I love you. I need you. Can't you come back and talk everything over with me? Please, hun'.''

''No, Jonas. My mind is made up. You're just like my father. Look at how that all turned out. You're just going to hurt me, and I can't deal with that. If you really loved me, you would leave me alone.''

''But, Sadi-''

''Bye Jonas.''

I hung up on my boyfriend.

I loved him still.

I forgot Billie was standing in the doorway.

''Boyfriend issues?'' He asked.

''Ex-boyfriend issues. It's over. I've forgotten him.''

''Jonas, right? The one you told me about on the plane.''

''Yeah, thats him.''

''Ass hole.'' Billie murmured.

''What was that?''

''Um... Nothing. I just can't believe he'd do that to you, that's all. I mean, I never would.''

I smiled at him and walked outside to find Mum and Ollie still talking.

Ollie saw us first, and smiled at me as I approached.

''Sadie, right? What a lovely name it is. I see you've met Billie Joe?''

''Yes, I met him and Mike on the plane on the way over here, actually.''

''Oh, yes, the boys were visiting their friend, Tré. He lives over there for now. Joint custody is a horrible thing. Oh well, mustn't worry. He'll be back soon enough.''

''Mum, Sadie doesn't need to know Tré's life story.''

''It's alright, Billie.'' I soothed, smiling. ''It's great to meet you, Ollie. I see you've met my Mother.''

''Oh, yes. Catherine and I are friends already!'' Ollie gushed.

''Yes, and on that note Sadie and I must be going. I have to go to her school and fill in some papers, she starts next week. And we have to unpack everything. Thank you, Ollie. And Billie, of course. We'll see you again soon.'' Mum said happily. I could tell she was faking.

''Yeah, bye Sadie.'' Billie said.

''Bye Billie.'' I slipped him a note with my e-mail on it.

''See you tomorrow?'' He asked hopefully.

''Sure, if I'm not busy.''

Mum glared at us. I turned scarlet.

''See you then, then.'' I mumbled.

''Yeah, see ya' Sadie.''

I walked off inside our new home in happiness.

Maybe it won't be so bad after all.