Status: Just starting up

They Didn't Know of Each Other

Five; Alexis

I had taken Art classes because I’d always loved to draw, paint, sketch, and mold when I was younger but then acting had grabbed me by the hand and I fell in love with that as well. However my guidance counselor had said it was a good idea for me to do.
“And agents love to look at people with diversity,” he had said, thus why I was in this class.

I shook my head at Nate’s really bad luck with the professor on our first day of class. He’d already gotten caught by her twice: the first time he was daydreaming and the second time was when he’d been trying to talk to me.
‘Sorry’ I mouthed to him after he was done being scolded and had turned to face the board.
He rolled his eyes at this, but smirked at me nonetheless.
Taking a piece of paper out of my notebook, Just like grade school, I thought to myself grimly, I tore of a tiny piece and wrote-
How may I be of amusement to you?
Then passed it to him. He gave it a once over before grabbing a pen and scribbling something down on the paper then passed it back to me.
I don’t know…. Surprise me!
I looked at him stunned, I wasn’t the impulsive type of person that he seemed to be.
‘Well?’ He mouthed catching me looking at him.
“Mr. Lonwest!” Professor Posson barked. “That is quite enough! Leave Miss Cunningham alone and pay attention. If I have one more interruption from you, don’t think I won’t send you to the dean on the first day, understood?”
“Yes ma’am,” he muttered.
After class, I slowly picked up my things all the while studying Nathan; I knew for a fact I’d seen him somewhere before but I knew I’d also never talked to him. So why did his voice sound so God-damned familiar?
Shaking my head, I followed my new acquaintances out of the room.
“So, what are you here studying Lexi?” I heard Nathan ask as I chatted with Victoria as we left the room.
“Um... actually I’m here studying to become an actress,” I grinned sheepishly. I knew my chances were slim to none but I still could try for it. “What about you?” I asked tossing my hair over my shoulder.
“I’m studying to become a tattoo artist,” he said.
“That’s so cool! Do you have any?” I asked intrigued.
“Yeah, a spider web on my back” he laughed at this. “Do you have any?”
I smirked, “A white rose on my shoulder.”
He laughed at that, “And why would you get a white rose?”
“My boyfriend said that it was the symbol of our pure love,” I muttered blushing as we stepped into the hallway.
I laughed, “Well I like it also because it represents innocence, loyalty and purity.” I explained. “Well, I got to get going, I’ve got English Literature next period. Bye!” I called over my shoulder as I started to walk away.
English. Is. SO. Fucking. Boring, I thought to myself as I struggled to stay awake. The professor wasn’t helping anything either; he had to be about legit a hundred years old and was just as boring.
“And then-" but he was cut off by the bell announcing that the period was over. He stopped in the middle of his sentence in dismay, “Well I want you all to read the first three chapters tonight for homework and write a paragraph response to each. You all are dismissed,” he said sighing while turning around.
I practically ran out of the room, thankful that the class was over before I remembered to check where I was headed next:
Art- Professor Posson
English Literature- Professor Dawes
Performing Arts- Professor Bates-Soma

Yes!, I thought grinning. Finally I can see Jack. Taking my phone out of my pocket I pressed the number ‘1’ which was my speed dial number for Jack and pressed ‘send’.
On the second ring, he picked up, “Hullo?” He sounded like he had just woken up.
“Hey Jack, it’s me,” I smiled.
“Oh, hey babe. What’s going on?” He sounded confused by my call in the middle of the day.
“It’s lunch and you said I was to call you then so that we could have lunch together,” I said. Why didn’t he remember this?
“Okay, well I can’t come today. Big project at the shop and all, but I promise I’ll have lunch with you tomorrow.”
“Oh… Alright.” I was surprised, he NEVER cancelled last minute. “Bye then.”
“Bye. Love you,” was all he said before hanging up.
After I had finished lunch, which consisted of one apple (thanks to the fact that my parents are total health nuts I don’t eat too much junk), I had to deal with one more class before I could go back to my dorm room.
When I got back to the room, no one was in. This meant that I had the room all to myself and was free to unpack my things.
“C’mon Lexi!” Trish whined. Somehow she had yet again found out that there was another party on campus again tonight.
“No, Trish. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go get drunk two nights in a row.”
“PLEASE!” she begged. “I met some great people today who want to meet you.”
I sighed, “Fine but only for a few hours! I have so much homework to do and I don’t want to drag you back tonight.”
“Same with me Amy,” Miri piped up. “I don’t care if you go but I won’t drag you back to bed.”
“Deal!” Amy and Trish said grinning, while Miri and I sighed knowing what was going to happen.
The part wasn’t very fun actually, so we only had to stay for an hour and a half. This gave Trish and Amy just enough to have a few beers but not enough to be drunk-drunk. Which worked out all for the better because by the time we got back to our room, it was only eleven.
I sighed looking at Miranda as the other two climbed into bed, “This is how it’s going to be all year. I can just feel it.”
She nodded at that while looking at Amy, “It was like this in high school too with her. All she wanted to do was get drunk while I did her homework so the teacher’s wouldn’t be pissed.”
“Same. But we have to show them we aren’t like that anymore; we aren’t going to be submissive. It’s our time now too,” I remarked.
“Yeah,” was all she said as she grabbed her homework and started it alongside me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not too fond of the chapter but ohh well...
Lol I wrote it while I was in Drama class watching presentations for biography projects. Mine was on effin' Jimmy Durante. ^.^
So tell us what you guys think m'dears!