‹ Prequel: Alyssa`s story 2

I Love You


Dear Alyssa,

I have watched you through the years, my sweetheart. The guys that have liked you have mostly liked you for your looks, right? Well that is not the case with me. Yes, I do love your blonde wavy hair. It reminds me of the ocean, but its more beautiful. I love when the waves go all around, or to translate when the wind blows it. Your blue eyes remind me of the sky. Which you know I love to look at, it amazes me. Your eyes are far better then that Sky I'm obsessed with. Your height is amazing. I can imagine me holding your waist and you having to look up at me. I can imagine you going on the very tip of your toes to kiss me. I can imagine your arms fitting perfectly around my neck. I can imagine your long beautiful legs wrapped around my waist. I am attracted to you, Alyssa.

Okay, I know, that wont win you over. You don't need another guy who loves your looks. But what makes me difference is I don't only love your looks. I love your personality. I love how you ramble on, though you blush when you do it, embarrassed. Oh, your blush, that's amazing too. I love how your so easily excited. I love how easily you can tell when there's something wrong with me. That's a talent of yours. Though you would never agree, saying that you just care about people so you know everything about us. I love how your self conscious. Though I have sort of tricked you out of that. You still do it, having to explain everything so your not judged. I know you hate your mistakes you have made. But I love them, they have made you stronger. Who you are today. They help you help others. Alyssa, this list could go on forever, I love you.

I know you put friends before boyfriends. That, that's why I haven't asked you out. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Plus I think our friendship would be better anyway's, since your friendships are more important to you. But damn it Alyssa, I love you. I want to call you mine. I guess that will never happen, but maybe it will after you read this.


P.S.: Never mind, I'm not sending this. Just another letter I wrote you, unsent.