Status: Active

One New Message


Walking through the hallways of my high school was like drowning in an ocean of paint. You could smell it, taste it, in the air. Looking around, I could count about fifty paintings in this hallway alone. There were also crowds of people who showed up to view our work, as surprising as that may be. The exhibit turned out to be far more popular than we'd imagined.

I slowly walked through the corridors, taking a moment to view most of the paintings I saw. My personal favorite style was abstract, which was the style I did my piece in.

The background of it is a pretty bluish-green. Over that, are swirls of gold, red, and pink, representing the mood I was in while painting it. The gold representing happiness, red for excitement, and pink for.. well I'm sure you can guess what pink represents.

When I reached the end of the hall, I slipped through the heavy doors, and down the concrete stairs. My head was spinning from the fumes in the hallways, so I decided to take a break and head for one of my favorite spots on campus.

Breaking away from all the people that were making their may to the exhibits, I followed the pathway around to the back of the school. Once I could see the tall oak tree, i broke away from the path and walked through the grass, making my way toward it. I took off my jacket and laid it out on the grass to I could sit without getting myself dirty.

Sitting under the tall tree in silence, I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

I hadn't talked to Logan in almost two days, and it was really driving me crazy. I hated how we only talked over instant message, but I've never been able to find the courage to talk to him in person. Every time I would think about doing so, I choked, finding all these little reasons why I shouldn't do it. What if he doesn't want to talk to me in front of everyone? What if I say something stupid and make a fool out of myself?

Sighing, I leaned back against the tree, figuring I'd stay just a little longer before I would go back to the exhibit area, but as I was sitting there with the little sounds of nature floating up to me from the woods a little farther back behind the tree, I soon fell asleep; One of the best dreams I'd ever had taking place behind my closed lids.
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Sorry I've taken so extremely long to update. Lost the will to write for a while there. I know the chapter's really short and kinda pointless, but I needed something to post and show I didn't forget about the story. I'll try to update longer, more frequent chapters.


Nobody likes a silent subber..

Thanks for the read -- Elle.