Status: In Progress

The Seventh Song

And So It Begins

Crumbling, falling, fading
Just the way you wanted it to be
So there was nothing left of me
Swaying in the wind, waiting for my time
Waiting for when this painful journey would end
But it was just me
Crumbling, falling and fading away into nothing…

The girls soprano voice faded off as the final guitar solo ripped through the small run down pub. This place was a serious hole in the wall, but hey a gig was a gig. The crowds cheers brought the girl out of her deep concentration of performing. They liked it. They weren’t booing, and they were actually asking for more. She was in shock. And slowly as the realization hit her that there were a few suits in the crowd as well as some local rockers she grinned.

“Hey fella’s what do ya’ think of pulling out our new favorite song?” She asked with a grin to her band “After all they want an encore, and what better way to end the show than to melt their faces off.” She screamed the last part into the mic causing the crowd to scream back. The whole band smirked and nodded as she went over to the little keyboard and began to play the intro to the song.

Shh be quiet, you might piss somebody off
Like me motherfucker, you've been at it for too long
While you feed off others insecurities
You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds

(Self-righteousness is wearing thin)
Lies inside your head your best friend
(Heart bleeds but not for fellow man)
Broken glass, your fake reflection

I've had enough its time for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far, a clone!!

So how does it feel to know that someones kid in the heart of America
Has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights
So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults his family's existence
Well, where I'm from we have a special salute we aim high in the air
Towards all those pompous assholes who spend their days pointing fingers

Fuck you

Shh be quiet, you might piss somebody off
Like the heartbeat of this country when antagonized too long
I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your generous hypocrisy
Collecting enemies

(Damn Lord gots queen, worthless man)
There's no need for us to bury you
(Selfish agenda, once again)
Right this way, you've dug your own grave

I've had enough its time for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far, a clone!

All the way from the east to the west
We've got this high society looking down on this very foundation
Constantly reminding us that our actions are the cause of all their problems
Pointing the fingers in every direction
Blaming their own nation for who wins elections
They've never contributed a fucking thing to the country they love to criticize

Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue
Depictions we see, try and get through
Admitting mistakes can't hurt
I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first

Shh be quiet, you might piss somebody off

(Self-righteousness is wearing thin)
Lies inside your head your best friend
(Heart bleeds but not for fellow man)
Broken glass, your fake reflection

I've had enough its time for something real
Don't respect these words you speaking
You've gone too far, a clone.

The crowd was moshing along to the song and throwing the horns high. This was the bands favorite song to cover just because it showed the versatility of everyone. When the lights went down and the band had exited the stage they were all high fiving and giving the slaps on the back. This was the best show they had ever had and it created a high that just didn’t seem to go away. Especially when the band went to go mingle with the rest and watch the headlining act. Kids were coming up with their CDs and asking for autographs and pictures, it was the bands dream come true. To them nothing could be better at this point in time…or so they thought.

Adriana had just finished signing this kids CD when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned and almost fell on her ass from the shock of who was standing behind her. None other than M. Fucking. Shadows.

“Holy fuck.” She muttered with a look of shock and awe on her face. “Umm, hi. I’m Adriana.” She said holding out her hand. He smiled and shook it while saying,

“I’m Matt. That was a pretty fucking wicked cover you did up there. One of the best that I have heard.” He said with a smirk.

“Thanks, its become our new favorite cover song. We would cover the whole album if we had the time.” She said with a laugh. It was a lot easier to talk to him than she had ever imagined.

The conversation continued like that for a while. You know typical talking about music and their influences and such. In the middle of one of Shads ‘deep’ thoughts someone decided it would be a good idea to tackle him sending him sprawling across the floor and causing the attacker to crash into Adriana. She hit the floor while laughing the whole time. Said attacker decided it would be a good idea to look and see who had been taken down as a casualty of war.

“Well, fuck. I didn’t mean to take down the hot chick from that band.” Muttered the attacker as he stood up and offered his hand. Looking up into his face Adriana realized it was Syn Gates.

“Well, next time Mr. Gates, watch where you are going.” She said poking him in the chest.
“Hot damn. A feisty one. I like that in a chick.” He said attempting a sexy drunken smirk.
“You will have to do better than that. I was having a nice conversation with Shads here until you decided to crash it, or into us rather. Now apologize.” Adriana said smirking crossing her arms and doing the whole leg lock-you-know-your-fucked thing that chicks have mastered. “Aww come on now, I was just messin’ around. I didn’t mean no harms.” He slurred, causing Adriana to laugh at him. “Fine, I guess I can let it go this time, now Shads what were you talking about?” She said turning to face Shads again.

Shads smirked and put his arm around her. “Girl, judging by the way you just demolished the stage/crowd and managed to rip him…” he said pointing to Syn, “…a new one, what I am about to ask you will probably make your damn night...”
♠ ♠ ♠
So let me know what you guys think ok? This started as a drabble and evolved so yeah. Comments would be much appreciated!!!