Status: ACTIVE

Where My Heart is.

Chapter 01


"Yes, sweetie?"

"I love you. Do you promise that we will be friends forever?"

"Yes, I promise."


My mother was phenomenal. She would always make sure that she made my sisters and me happy. She was my role model, the one I wanted to be when I grew up. I could honestly say that I loved her more than I did my father. Yeah, he did the things a father should, but he couldn’t beat my mother. I still remember how she used to slip little love notes into my lunch pail or under my pillow. My mother didn’t work much, so she was always there when I needed her. I loved the way she would look at me, as if there was no one else there - complete focus on me.

My mother died when I was seven years old, along with my youngest sister, Delilah. They were rushing on their way to my softball finals. I had been playing softball since I was five. My best friend and I played for the Dallas Community Softball team. My mother tried her hardest not to miss it. On the way, they were hit by two cars on the freeway. Delilah had a major concussion and didn’t make it out the hospital, while my mother didn’t make it out the car. And I’m the one to blame...

After their deaths, I ignored all my friends, so I was left alone. I didn’t mind; that’s how I handled things. I bottled it all up, then pushed everyone away. Since then, I have been what everybody calls a "loner".

"Alrighty guys, here we are!" My father, Robert Blake, was a goofy, heart-warming man. He was really excited about the move.

As we pulled up to a two-story house, my eyes grew wide. The grass was green with beautiful pebbles along the outside. There was a long pathway to the front door, which was as huge as a giraffe.

"Oh, my gosh! Dad, this is awesome! I get my own room, right?" Veronica, my little sister said, eyes wide and beaming with excitement. She, too, was ecstatic about the move. She had no problem telling her friends goodbye.

Ronnie, my other sister, possessed the pizazz and personality I lacked but wished to have. She was class president and a valued member of various sports teams. Her outgoing ways made it easy for her to start over with new people in a new place. Secretly, I envied that.

My whole personality was the polar opposite of my younger sister’s. Back in Dallas, I had no friends to miss. No one came to see me off or tell me to write. I had pushed them all away, so why would they come back? But that was the past and this is the present. I’m moving on.

"Hey, Ivory, how do you like it so far?" My father was looking at me with a loving smile.

While I was thinking, I had weirdly made my way into what I guessed was the living room. It was empty, but it gave a home-like feeling. "Err, it’s spacious. Not quite like home back in Dallas."

My father’s face slowly fell as he heard my answer, and I soon felt sorry for causing a decline in his high spirits. Not really knowing what to say, I quickly replied, "Well, I love the way it consoles you, ya know? Kind of like a baby being held by its mother..."

Thankfully, that smile I knew so well returned. Trying not to push the conversation any further, he began to leave. Before he left, he turned his head back halfway. "You have ten more minutes until we begin to unpack. Enjoy!"

Wanting to get it over with, I strolled outside to help unpack. Without warning, Ronnie threw my backpack at me. It caught me by surprise.

"H-Hey! What was that for?" I yelled.

Smiling, Ronnie cheerfully answered, "Dad said for you to get your stuff while I get mine. Whoever gets upstairs first gets to choose their room first. OK?”

Why are you so happy?I thought. "Oh. OK, thanks." I hurried over to the truck to grab all my belongings.


"Phew, finally unpacked the truck. Now, let’s get all this stuff upstairs," my father stated.

I grabbed as much stuff as I possibly could. Once I had all that I could bear, I tried trotting to the door. Slowly, I began to lose my balance. I attempted to keep still, but gravity wouldn’t let me. Frantically, I fell backward. "Ahhhh!" I yelled as I closed my eyes, ready for the fall...

Two strong, gentle hands were roughly placed on my hips. Someone was holding me, but who?

"Whoa there! Good thing I caught you, huh?" The anonymous guy placed me flat on my feet.

I quickly turned around to meet my savior. He was gorgeous, with light brown, curly hair and beautiful brown eyes that shined when the sun gazed upon them. He was about my height with light, soft skin.

Uncontrollably, a smile spread across my face. "Umm, thanks," I shyly said.

"No problem. I’m Nick. These are my brothers, Joe and Kevin."

Looking behind him, I saw two quite charming guys. "Awesome," I mumbled.
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BRING IN THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!! I'm loving it so far!!!! please pleas please please please comment and let me know what you think. i know its not much but...please!!!! lolx