Status: Oneshot. <3

I Can't Let You Go

I Won't Let You Go

"But Mom!" Jack whined loudly as he stood in front of a closed moving box. "I don't want to go!!" His mother sighed, walking past him, holding three more boxes.

"Jack, sweetie, we are leaving today. Now please, be a dear and grab a couple boxes for me and bring them out to the truck." Jack crossed his arms, glaring at his mother as she toppled over to the open front door.

"No." He chirped, stubbornly. She gave out an exasperated sigh and looked at him.

"Please?" His glare dropped and he picked up the box.

"Fine." He groaned. He followed his mom as they walked out into the bright sun. It was Sunday, June 2nd, soon to be known as Jack's death-date. He said goodbye to all of his friends during school the Friday before. Alex had done the same that Thursday; his mother needed him to pack all day Friday to get a head start to Vegas, the city they were moving to, since they had the forms and keys to their new house already.

The sunlight illuminated his mother's bleach blonde hair as the light breeze lifted it up. It looked fake alone, but completely natural if you looked at her tan figure with it. She was wearing a light pink tank top that hugged her thin body, along with extremely short shorts, kind of grossing Jack out. I mean, how old was she again? Like 40?

Jack grimaced as he placed the light box on top of a tower in the middle of group of boxes. They were almost completely done, almost completely finished with packing, almost out of there.

Almost to the point of Jack's death.

He'd been there for so long, and now they were just getting up and leaving. It sucked. Especially after all the friends he'd gotten to know so well. Now he was extremely thankful for whoever made cell phones and texting.

"Alright." His mother's excited voice broke his thoughts and brought him back down to Earth. "We're all done." She waved off Jack's father who was driving the moving truck. Jack could only stare at it as it vanished down the street, turning yards away. "Well, Jack," Jack's mother put her arm around his shoulders and sort of shook him, "it's time to go. Are you ready?" Jack shrugged her hand off, still upset about having to move away.

"No." He muttered, looking across the street at the abandoned house that used to be Alex's.

"Oh, come on, sweetie. It'll be fun, an adventure for you and Alex! There will be more memories-"

"I get it." Jack snapped, sternly, his fists clenching. He was never normally this angry. But, just the thought of leaving hurt him. Now he actually had to do it. Which tore him apart. It was almost as if someone chained his heart to house and wouldn't dare set him free. His mother shrank back to the car and waited patiently for Jack to follow.

It was going to be a long drive to Vegas.

>>FF June 7th>>

"No way!!" Jack frowned a the tv screen, still not even ready to admit defeat in his video game against Alex. "Dude, you cheated!" Alex laughed uncontrollably at his best friend, who managed to dodge every single attack besides the most deadliest one. The one that sent him into a fit of denial.

"Haha, no way, man, you just suck!!" Jack shot him a glare, which only made Alex laugh more. But, the doorbell ringing distracted them both from what they were doing.

"Who is it!?" Jack yelled, leaning backwards from his criss cross position on the floor so he could see the door behind the archway.

"Uhm.. A neighbor!" A young girl's voice seeped in from outside the door. Both Jack and Alex stumbled to get up and run to the door. Jack flung it open, only to see a gorgeous girl with brown, wavy hair that flowed to her shoulders, and hazel eyes that shone behind glasses; which only seemed to make her prettier.

"Hey, I'm Jack." Jack leaned on the door frame, smirking at the girl.

"I'm Alexandria. But you can call me Alex." Alex pushed his way past Jack, standing in front of the girl, Alexandria.

"No way," he said in a smooth voice. "My name's Alex, too." She smiled, sweetly, but Jack could tell that it was full of aggravation. She probably wasn't one for jerks who flirt all the time.

"That's nice." She said. She looked behind her, her thumb pointing to the house across the street. "I live right there. Kind of cool, huh? I noticed the two moving vans and wanted to greet the newcomers. I tried the other house yesterday but no one answered. So I came over here."

"Oh yeah, I live next door. My parents are out picking out furniture for each other. Even though that sounds just exciting, we decided to stay home and hook up the tv and PlayStation." She laughed a little at his sarcasm.

"Sounds nice. Well, I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and show you that not all of us bite. But you might want to watch out for the Anderson's. We're all a little suspicious about them." She giggled; making Jack note how cute it was with a light blush.

"Hey, how about you come in and play some video games with us. Y'know, just for some friendly competition." Jack offered, nodding towards his living room.

"It's only friendly competition till he loses." Alex laughed. Alexandria laughed a little, but stopped on account of Jack walking back into the living room. "Jack?" Alex frowned and turned around to look at Jack. "What are you doing?" Jack looked back at Alex, smiling.

"Starting a new game, of course, so our little friend can join." Jack winked at Alexandria, who blushed in result. Jack smiled even more, noticing the blush, and disappeared behind the arch. Alex let Alexandria in, shutting the door afterwards. They both walked into the living room together, and Jack looked up at them, already holding his wireless controller. "How nice of you to finally join me."

>>FF June 18th>>

"Eeek!!" Alexandria burst into Jack's room, abruptly waking him up with both her squeal and the fact she jumped on top of Jack, straddling his waist. His eyes shot open and he stared at Alexandria. "Happy birthday!!"

"Hey, Alex." Jack choked out. She giggled and jumped off of him.

"I can't believe you're already 16!! Man, I'm so fuckin' jealous!!" She groaned and looked at him.

"Yeah, well, y'know.." He trailed off, still getting re-used to breathing correctly.

"Haha, well I invited the other Alex over so he should be here in like..."

"Hey, guys!!" Alex walked in, smiling widely.

"Now." Alexandria looked blankly at him. Then they both laughed and hugged.

"Hey, where's my birthday hug?" Jack stood up off his bed and frowned. Alexandria looked back at him and pouted.

"Well, you weren't standing so, I didn't y'know.." She looked up at him, faking sadness. He smiled and opened his arms for her. She cracked a grin and ran into them, tightly wrapping her arms around his waist. When they let go of each other, Alex smirked and leaned against the wall.

"What, no birthday kiss?" He looked at Alexandria. She looked back, embarrassment etching her blushing face.

"N-No!" She stuttered. Jack must've heard; because he looked down, sadly.

"Well, I was just kidding, but okay." Alex shrugged and turned to walk out of the room. "I'm eating breakfast, so come down whenever you want." Alexandria was about to follow when Jack's dull voice stopped her.

"You really don't want to kiss me that much?" She turned and looked at him, shocked that he even cared.

"W-Well.. I mean.. I-I didn't know you cared.." She looked down, blushing too hard to show her face to him.

"Well, yeah, I do.. I mean it's not exactly every guy's dream to have the girl of his dreams say she doesn't want to kiss him.." His eyes widened once he realized what he said. Alexandria's jaw dropped, her hand up to her chest.

"Y-You really think I'm the girl of your dreams..?" He blushed crimson and nodded slowly.

"Well, considering you're in every one of them... Yeah.." He smiled slightly, embarrassed by his confession. She smiled as wide as she could, obviously happy. She slowly walked up and hugged him, whispering,

"Happy birthday, Jack." She pulled away, only to lean in and kiss him, as gently as she could, on his lips.

That said it all.

>>FF August 28>>

"Well, SORRY I TRY to be a part of your life, Jack!!" Alexandria yelled across her bedroom at her boyfriend, Jack, who stood at her door, glaring at her.

"Being a part of my life doesn't include going over almost every one of my texts, then THREATENING every girl I KNOW not to talk to me!!" He shouted back at her, holding up his phone for emphasis.

"I was just making sure you weren't doing anything behind my back!!" She cried out, hugging her pillow close to her chest. "Nevermind! I don't fucking care anymore!!" Tears rolled down her cheeks smoothly, coating them thoroughly. "Get the fuck out of my room!!" He stood still, feeling guilty that he had made her cry.

But she deserved it.

What kind of a girlfriend would go through your texts and threaten all of the girls you know, with clear DEATHthreats, not to talk to you?! A crazy, obsessed, insecure bitch-of-a-girlfriend.

And she was probably crying because she knew she shouldn't have done that.

Or he really hurt her. But, Jack wasn't even close to letting himself get accused for this. She shouldn't have done it, that was that.

"I said get the fuck out!!" Alexandria threw her pillow at him, hitting him square in the chest. He stepped back, shocked that she did that. But. instead of refusing to get out before they talk about it, he listened and left, shutting the door behind him. But, he didn't make it far before he heard the muffled yell that he only heard in his worst nightmares. "We're through, Jack!!"

>>FF September 16>>

"Hey, Alex!" Josslin, one of Alexandria's friends, walked up to the table she was sitting at, placing her lunch tray in front of her as she sat down. "What's going on?" She smiled. Alexandria flashed her own special smile at her.

"Hey, Joss. Eh, I got some history homework during second period. Ms. Lynn can be so friggin brutal." Alexandria frowned, remembering the lecture she got from the teacher the last time she didn't do her homework. Which wasn't too long ago.

"What is it, another five page essay on the wonderful world of the Egyptians who did absolutely nothing except build pyramids and order each other around? Oh wait, no, I bet it's on Greeks and how they are SO much more intelligent than we are since they know everything there is to know about mathematics and awesome wardrobe, right?" They both laughed at the fact those were actual essay topics in the past.

"No, it's some map we have to make with details on all of the rivers and mountains and all the other shit I didn't hear when I fell asleep during the explanation." Josslin laughed again and took a bite out of her chocolate chip cookie.

"You know," She said, her mouth full with crumbs fall off her bottom lip, "I would just bribe some geek to do it with a date. You'd be good at doing that; I mean, you are one of the prettiest girls here." Alexandria giggled and shook her head, making even more brown curls frame her face.

"Yeah, only because I finally got contacts." She laughed, pointing to both her eyes. Her laugh cut short when she saw Jack walking in the isle behind her, sitting down next to Alex. She looked down, still sad that she had broken up with him over anger.

But, hey, he deserved it.

What kind of a boyfriend yells at you when you just want to protect your relationship with a few precautions? A stupid, overreacting, asshole-y, I-can-do-whatever-i-want kind of boyfriend!

It hurt Alexandria to even consider breaking up with him, and since she had actually done it, she felt broken. I mean, she finally had the hottest guy she's ever seen, not to mention the (normally) sweetest, like her for who she really was.

Plus, he was kickass at video games.

"Well?" Joss' voice pulled her away from her depressing thoughts.

"Well what?" She asked, still dazed from thinking about him.

"Should I ask Jack Barakat out?" Alexandria's heart fell completely. Her breathing almost came to a complete stop, and her body was surely getting colder, and more pale. "I mean, look at the guy. He's fucking gorgeous! And he's popular, which means I could get into that crowd too." Josslin looked over at him, nodding suggestively in his direction.

"No." Alexandria's voice was cold and sharpened with anger. "Don't even think about it." She stood, and turned. "Ever." Her voice was louder than the whisper she just made it to be, making Jack look over at her. He immediately noticed the tears brimming her eyes, spilling over and streaming down her cheeks. She walked out of the lunchroom, into a semi-bright hallway, lit by the sunlight pouring in from the glass window-walls. Jack followed quickly, wanting to know what had hurt her.

He didn't really mean to just get up and follow her. It kind of just happened. Like right when he saw her tears he was hers all over again. He had fallen for her even quicker than he had when he first saw her standing in front of his house, shyly. And he was determined to fix what was wrong, no matter what.

As he burst through the doors, not caring about the noise, and ran up to her. She turned around, startled by the doors slamming shut. Jack stopped immediately, five or six feet away from her, when he'd completely realized what he was doing.

"Jack?" Alexandria's voice shook, confused and saddened.

"Alex..?" He was confused as well; wondering why he had automatically run to her rescue. He wasn't even sure what to rescue her from.

"Wh-What are you doing out here?" She hadn't stopped crying; the tears dripping off her chin and onto the stone floor.

"I-I don't know.. I guess you honestly don't need me but.. I just wanted to know why you were crying.." He put a hand on the back of his head, looking out one of the windows.

"I miss you.." She whispered, looking down at the space that separated them. "I was stupid.. I overreacted.. I made a big mistake..." She shook her head, her hands shooting up the cover her face as she started to sob.

"N-No.. Don't cry.." Jack walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She stopped crying and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"C-Can you.. Forgive me?" She breathed out.

"I already did.. Can you forgive me for yelling and being a complete asshole?" She nodded against his chest, pulling him even closer than before.

"I love you.." She mumbled against his shirt. He smiled gently and hugged her tighter.

"I love you, too."

Then Alexandria realized something.

She couldn't let him go.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha.. ha.. sorry for the really crappy ending.. it's 12:21 am and I REALLY don't feel like thinking of another one.

oh well.
comments would be lovely.
thanks for reading. =]