
Fitting in

I think that moving to Tyler’s was the best thing I could have done. He was a nice guy. We spent the whole of Saturday cleaning out the spare room. He said it was a bedroom but a bed didn’t really fit in. he set a bed up on the floor and offered me his bedroom whilst he slept on the floor. I refused and said he had way too much for me already!

We spent that evening on the sofa watching Clint Eastwood films. He had over twenty film and we had a marathon. We were up to about four in the morning and when I next looked around he was fast asleep.
I smiled at him. His black hair, which had dark blue stripes in, was spread across his forehead. He had bright green eyes, which were like mine. He had a cute face, and good taste in clothes. Good personality and was very funny.
Very fit as well. I lifted his arm up and walked to the kitchen, quietly. I poured a glass of water and switched of the film. I grabbed a blanket ad spread it over him. He looked peaceful when he slept.
I tip-toed across the wood floor and reached my bedroom. I turned the lounge light off and closed my door. I laid in bed-or my made up bed, and fell asleep straight away.

The light shone on me. Search lights were lighting up the dark sky. A pad of feet was getting closer. I ducked to avoid the light and feel straight down an ally. A man was shouting my name. I ran. I don’t know why but I had a feeling in my gut. I ran and ran until I tripped. I grazed my face and felt blood dripping down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder and a familiar voice-my dad’s voice.
"Don’t worry hunny. You’re safe with me!" I screamed

I woke up. Tyler was there with his hand on my hand on my shoulder. He was rocking me, trying to wake me up. I felt me face. It wasn’t blood that was on my face... it was sweat.

"Hey are you okay?" Tyler asked me, worriedly. "I heard you scream and shouting."

I took a deep breath. "What was I shouting?"

"At first it was something about 'please don’t get me' and then your started screaming 'no' and 'not dad'."

I nodded. I realized my night top was sticking to me. I was slightly embarrassed but also terrified. I had, had nightmares about my dad before but none this detailed.
I took another deep breath.
"Did anyone come in this room?" I asked Tyler.

He shook his head. "I only came in when I heard you screaming." he looked at me carefully. "I’ll tell you what, you could do with a nice cup of tea." he walked off and left me.

I breathed again. Who was I kidding? Of course no one had been in my room. I was just dreaming. I shook myself for being so stupid. My dad was locked up. He wasn’t getting out in any hurry.

Tyler came in with a cup of tea. I smiled as he gave it to me.
I took a sip and felt better. It was warm and sweet... I was talking about the tea, not Tyler.

When I finished Tyler took the cup.
"The police rang. Your dad’s trial is next Wednesday. They need you testify against him. As you is the main witness. I can come with you if you like."

I nodded. The day couldn’t come sooner.