
Christmas Day Part 1

I threw a bag of presents onto Tyler, who was lying in bed.

"Morning," I cried.
Tyler scratched his eyes and sat up.

"Ooh! Presents!" he smiled as he snatched his presents.

He stopped suddenly and jumped out of bed. He ran to his wardrobe and grabbed another bag.

"Before I forget, these are for you," he threw the bag at me.

We both scrambled to open our presents. I had brought Tyler a new hoody, a pair of jeans, an IPod nano-with the money I had stored away from the cartoons.

I was surprised to see he had brought me a pack of expensive art pens and pencils, a pair of jeans and the last present was huge. I opened it and...Wow.

I looked up. Tyler smiled at me.

I carried on unwrapping. I pulled out an electric guitar. It was lime green with a black fret board...it was perfect.

"How...how...how did you afford this?" I asked, gob smacked.

"I had some savings." he said mischievously.

I ran and kissed him.
We snogged for a few minutes until the door rang. Tom was at the door. We had invited him around for Christmas as he had nowhere else to go.
The more the merrier, I guess.
We greeted him and gave him a present- a pair of converse. He gave me and Tyler a present as well. He gave me some guitar accessories and Tyler a new CD.
I realized he must have known about the guitar otherwise why he bought me the guitar stuff. I caught him smirking with Tyler but when they saw me looking quickly stopped.