
The Nightmare Part 1

I turned the key in the lock and stepped inside. My mum was sitting on the sofa with red rings around her eyes. She had obviously been crying again... but she often was crying. I went up to her and put my arm around her.

"What’s up mum?" I asked her gently.

She shook her head.

"I'm fine. Well I'll be okay in a minute."

I got up and poured her a glass of water.
I took it to her as she sat up straighter.

"You’re a good girl, Lizz."

I smiled.

"You don't deserve this darling." she bent low next to me and whispered in my ear.
"I am going to get you out of here as soon as I can, okay."

I felt my eyes well up and mumbled some excuse about being thirsty. I walked over to the kitchen and got a drink. Mum often told me this to make me feel better but we both knew it would never happen. I had been learning Karate for three years at a after school club. My dad would go berserk if he knew but he is never home until late at night and mum wasn't going to tell him. My plan was to attack him and run away with mum when I got older but at the moment I didn't even reach his shoulders. And at the rate I was growing, it wasn't going to be happening any time now!
I always used to wonder what it would be like to have a normal family but I had now come to realize I wasn't ever going to get one.
I looked at my mum who was wiping her eyes. I felt sick as I thought about the man my dad must be to do this to a innocent women... and child!