
The Nightmare Part 2

The rest of the week went past like normal and once again I had to make up a new excuse at school today. By the way its Friday today. I was walking home when a black cat stopped right in front of me. I'm not a superstitious person so it didn't bother me. I walked past the park near where we lived. Every night there was a gang of chavs who drank and smoked themselves to a state of collapsing. I never had tried alcohol and I had never smoked but when you have spent years smelling my dad, you wouldn't be in any hurry to drink. I had thirty pence left from my dinner money which was the only money I was given. I went to the local off license and brought a dairy milk chocolate bar. I hardly ever went into shops. My dad did all the shopping. I'm a vegetarian but my dad buys lots of meat which I refuse to eat.
I walked up the path to our house and paused when I reached the front door. I heard a noise like a strangled cat and froze. I looked around and saw nothing so I carried on walking. I fumbled around for my key when I reached the door and stuck it into the lock. I turned it and pulled open the door. The lounge was dark and the curtains were drawn. A sickly smell lingered in the air and I hesitated as I walked in.
Slowly I shut the door and switched on the light. The table had been slung upside down and the ornaments on the fire place had been smashed. Papers were strewn across the floor and had drops of red ink on them. I don't know how naive I am but it wasn't until a second later that I realized that it wasn't ink... it was blood.
I threw my school bag down ad ran up the stairs.

"Mum, mum!!!" I screamed as my feet pounded on the cream carpet which was stained with a dark liquid.


Tears streamed down my face as I charged around the landing. I looked in her bedroom and mine. Lastly I checked the bathroom and choked in fear.
My dad was lying on the floor next to a figure that wasn't moving. He held a knife close to his face and looked at me.
His forehead glistened with beads of sweat and he was breathing heavily.

"No." I whispered. "No...No!"

I walked backwards and tripped over in shock. Blood was dripping from the body leaving a puddle on the white floor.

"What have you done to my mum?" I whispered my voice choked with fear.

He stared at me. His eyes gleaming with something that wasn't quite human.

He stood up and walked to where I was sitting. I could move or run away. I was frozen to the spot. He still held the knife in his hand and towered over me. He crouched down and put his face in mine.

"Scream, shout, and yell. No-one will hear you. But if you try and run I will stick this knife in you."

I wasn't in any position to do anything. My dad smiled slowly, evilly.

I was sent to my bedroom whilst my dad dragged my mum’s body down the stairs. His shirt was stained with blood and he looked so scary that I wasn't going to disobey him. I sat on my bed rocking backwards and forwards. I couldn't even cry. Everything seemed so unreal it was scary. I had red marks from where I had pinched myself, hoping I would wake up and find this was all a dream.

10 minutes later I was still sat in my bed room when my dad came in.

"How are you?" he said in a calm voice.
He was acting like nothing had happened.

"You are not to leave this room tonight and this weekend. You will not go to school next week and I will phone them to say you’re ill. And if I find that you have spoken to anyone... I will kill you. And if you ever tell anyone about what has happened I will kill you."
He walked out and left me all on my own.