Can You See My Eyes Are Shining Bright?


Gerard's pov.

"Can't we go to your place this time?" I asked, holding his hand as we walked home after school.
"My parents… They're Catholics, so I don't think they really like the idea of me having a boyfriend. I'm sorry." Frank said, looking shyly down at his feet. I pecked his lips, saying that it's okay, and that we could go to my place instead. This obviously made him happy, since he was now jumping and skipping along the road. I couldn't stop smirking by the sight.
I lay down in the grass, waiting for Frank to come back again and watching cars driving by in a silent neighbourhood in Jersey. I wondered why Frank's parents wouldn't accept him as he was. I know I said it was okay, but I just couldn't get it out of my head. Frank came over to me, half jumping, half lying down.
"You know, maybe, after some time, you should confront you're parents? I mean it's your choice, so I don't wanna push you or anything. "I could see Frank's eyes just starring at the sky. We didn't say anything for a long time, and the only sound was the cars driving by again.
"It's not that easy. Maybe they'll throw me out, maybe they won't accept me as their son anymore, I don't know and I don't care. If they have a problem with it, then maybe it's best that they don't know?"
I nodded. It made perfect sense to me when he said it like that, and I think I got my answer from it too. I pecked his lips, before we both got up and left the open grass spot.

Well inside the house, we were met by Mikey crying in the couch. Maybe not crying, but just sitting with his knees to his face, and sobbing a bit.
"Mikey, are you okay?" He just glared at me, not saying a word. Now I could see that he was angry, not sad. His left eye was all blue and yellow, and he had some blood on his cheek.
"Mikey, what happened?" I asked, now a bit louder.
He glared an ugly look at me, and that as all he did before he got up and ran to his room. I knew what had happened. Why I knew what had happened, was because it had been done before. The same thing and they always took it out on people who were younger than themselves.
"Gee, what's going on?" Frank asked nervously. He looked at me, holding my hand and trying to see an answer in my eyes. Instead of just saying it, a tear ran down my cheek. He hugged me for a long time, just holding me around my waist, making sure that I stopped crying.
"It's just Mikey… They always… "I stuttered. He kept whispering things in my ear to calm me down.
"It's me." I stated, trying to look okay, but failing pathetically. I explained him that Mikey got beat up for being my younger brother, or the brother to a gay guy, which is obviously wrong in the eyes of the homophobe guys at school. I started sobbing again. Frank just held me, and kissing my head while he listened to what I said. We first had to talk to Mikey, then maybe school.
I knocked at his door, but he gave me no response. I knocked one more time, a bit harder, before he finally opened the door.
"Mikey, just please tell me what happened?" I kept asking, trying to make him talk to me. He would just listen to his music, or giving me an angry glare every now and then.
"Mikey, could you please talk to us? It will only make it better of we can talk about it. "Frank suddenly said.
"First of all, it's your fault!" Mikey said harsh to me.
"I haven't done anything! And still, I'm the one getting beaten up after school. Several times, actually. "Mikey almost screamed at us. I know it wasn't fair. I wanted to scream the homophobes right in their fucking faces, but then, I'd probably end up dead. There was just no point in it.
"You didn't say anything; you just walked right across them?"
"Well, yeah. Suddenly one of them said something, and the next thing I felt was my mouth getting filled with blood. Fun 'ey?" Mikey said in a half joking way.
"Well fix this, okay?" I asked Mikey.
"Sure" he mumbled, but I could still hear the angriness in his voice.
Frank closed the door after us, making sure to leave Mikey alone for a while.
This was my entire fault.


Author's note:

Short update I know, and sorry for taking so long.
Writer's block ><

Comments make me happy, and if it's bad, then say what you think was bad about it so I can fix it 8]