Status: Dead/Possibly under construction.

Blood on the Dance Floor

Lost In The Rain

I clenched my jaw together to keep myself from crying. My life was over, well to me at least. I wanted to go back. No matter how much I hated it, I wanted to go back. This was a strange place. I was no one here. I was just another face in the crowd.

My tears come running down my cheeks. I couldn't help it. I looked out the window and counted the rain drops on the window. It was a distraction to my chaotic mind.

There was a knock at my door.

"Sweetheart?"I heard my mother's voice.


"Honey, please don't cry. I promise it will get better."She came over to my side and hugged me.

"How do you know?"

"Well....I don't. But I have a strong feeling."

"Ok..."I leaned against her and then got up. "I'm going to go go for a walk."

"No your not. It's raining!"

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

"Honey,"She looked at me sternly.

"Mom, it's only sprinkling."

"Fine, but take your sweater."

"I will." I walked outside and let the water hit my skin. The rain was coming down only lightly, so I was fine. I kept walking and walking. To be honest I had no clue where I was going. Forks was new to me so I could be anywhere.

That's when I saw her. She was fast-too fast. It was inhuman to be that fast-not kidding. She was about my age I am assuming. I thought I was just seeing things, until I saw her eyes. They were a shade of dark red. She spotted me and then ran.

Great, there goes my chance to make a friend...Well I guess I have to try else where....

Forks High was my hell. Everybody kept bothering me. Then I saw her again. I wanted to know who she was. I spotted somebody else. He was tall, built, and handsome.

"His name is Edward,"Casey whispered. She was this girl that was actually okay and talked to me.


"Cullen, oh he is the sexiest guy in the school. But apparently he doesn't date,"She sighed. Mentally I was screaming. I thought he was really handsome, but oh well. I didn't see where I was going, and I ran into someone. It was the girl.

"Oh, I am soooo sorry."

"No problem,"She offered a hand. She helped me up. "Name's Allysa."

"Marissa, but call me Mimi."

"Um I gotta go. Later Mimi,"Casey muttered. The way she looked at Allysa scared me.


"So got your eye on Cullen, eh?"

I blushed.

"I just think he's handsome."

"Good choice."We started talking and she was really cool. Well at least I made a friend.

"Are you wearing contacts?"

"Uh-uh...I-uh."She stammered.


"Contacts? Well...uh..."
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Ha okay now its Sya's turn :)