Almost Easy


Roxy's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next morning, I wasn’t sure if I should mention the text from Tyler last night. I took a shower, and got ready for the day. I looked in the mirror before I applied my makeup, I had a tiny cut, and bruise on my cheek. I lightly touched it and I winced in pain.

I grabbed my cell and walked down to the kitchen. As I crept silently down the steps, I noticed that the house is unusually quiet. I looked in the living room and no one was there. I walked toward the kitchen, that’s when I heard the voices.

“I cant believe that Tyler did that to her.” Zacky said, you could hear the anger in his voice. “Oh please, she’s so weak. Of course he picked her.” Gena said. I cringed. I’m not weak, am I? “Gena, shut the fuck up. No one asked you to come.” Leana yelled. “Oh Leana. I have to keep Val informed on the problem.” she said coldly. Of course that’s why she’s here.

“Gena, I think you should leave.” Zacky said. “No. free country. I will say and do whatever the fuck I feel like.” she spat. I walked in to the kitchen, all eyes turned to me. “Morning sweetie,” my dad said. I smiled but winced, “Morning.”

“How’s you cheek?” Jimmy asked me. “Hurts like a bitch.” I told them. “I’m sure you deserved it. I mean your such a disrespectful little bitch. You just love to ruin good things don’t you?” Gena asked me. I looked at her, “What the hell did I ever to do you?” I asked her.

“It’s not what you did to me you little slut. It’s how you ruined my best friends life, along with all of our lives. We were all better off without you her. So why don’t you just fucking leave. I’m sure you deserve whatever else Tyler did to you. You’re a disrespectful little whore.” she spat.

As soon as those words left her mouth, the whole kitchen erupted into screams. I hated when they fought. I walked out of the kitchen, and left the house. I walked around aimlessly, until I found myself at the beach. I looked around and noticed I’m sitting exactly where I was the night I met Tyler.

When I met him he seemed sweet, caring, a good guy, but I was obviously wrong. I have a bruise on my face to prove that. I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, staring at the water. But no one has called my cell to ask me where I am…maybe I’m not that important to them. Maybe they just lied.

“Roxy,” I heard my name being called. I looked behind me and saw Tyler. Panic flashed through my body, as he sat down next to me. “Don’t be scared.” he told me. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. I sighed, I was content in his arms.

This is wrong. All wrong. I know I shouldn’t feel safe with him right now, but I do. How is that even possible? I should be pushing him off me. I should be running away. I should be anywhere but in his arms.

“What’s wrong baby?” he whispered. “Gena was being a bitch…she kept telling me that I deserved to get hit by you, and that I was a disrespectful whore…” I told him the rest of what happened and he pulled me onto this lap. I leaned into his chest, and he stroked my hair.
“You did deserve it baby, you didn’t listen to me. All you have to do is listen and you wont get hurt. You’re not a whore baby, but you are mine.” he told me. I looked at him. “I-I d-deserved to get h-hit?” I asked him in a shaky voice.

“Yes baby girl. You did. You disobeyed me, you had to be punished.” he told me. I deserved it. No, no I didn’t deserve it. “No. I did-didn’t deserve it,” I said quietly. “What?” he asked me, his voice held anger. “I-I’m sorry.” I said trying to get him to calm down and not be angry. He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him, “You listen to me bitch. If you don’t listen, and disobey me, then you will get hurt. If you listen and obey me, you wont. Its simple. Do not piss me off. As long as you’re a good little girl, I’ll treat you like a princess. I promise.” he said, getting calmer as he finished. I simply nodded, not able to find my voice.

He pulled me in to kiss him, and I shocked myself by kissing back.

I spent the rest of the day with him, we didn’t do much but walk on the pier, and the carnival. We were currently sitting outside my house, in his car. “You tell them you spent the day at the beach. Got it?” he asked me. “Yeah. “ I said. “Good girl, now gimme a kiss.” he said pulling me over to him. I kissed back and he smirked into the kiss. “Go inside. I’ll call you later. Text me when you get in there though.” he said. I nodded and got out of the car.

I sighed as I opened the door. The house was quiet, I walked until I heard music. I walked into the kitchen and saw that they were having a barbecue outside. I opened the door and they looked at me. I looked around and noticed that not only were Gena and Michelle here, but Valary was here too.

She glared at me, but went back to hanging on my dad. I looked at all the guys, the only one who looked remotely sober were Jimmy, Leana, Lacey and Johnny. I walked over to them, “Why is she here?” I asked them. “Michelle brought her…” Jimmy told me, “Where were you all day?” he asked me. I looked down, I didn’t want to lie, “The beach.” I said.

I walked over to my dad, he was drunk of his ass, “Where the hell were you today?” he slurred. “I was at the beach.” I said slightly afraid. I’d never seen my dad this drunk, I didn’t like how mean he is. “You should have told me.” he slurred again. “Matt, baby, make her go away.” Valary whined.

I glared at her, “Go the fuck away Roxy. I need time alone with Val, you just complicate things. That’s all you ever do.” he said to me. I felt the tears in my eyes, I looked over at Jimmy, Johnny, Leana, and Lacey; they all looked sad and pissed off at what was happening.

“Dad, you…you don’t mean that.” I said crying. “Yes I do. You ruined my relationship with Val, you ruined everything. You’re not worth it.” he slurred and kissed Valary sloppily.

I ran out of the house. I the ten blocks to Tyler’s house. As I knocked on his door I was sobbing. When he opened it his face soften, “Baby girl, what’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled me into his house. I just shook my head, not able to find the words. He picked me up bridal style, and carried me up to his room. He walked out of his room, and came back with clothes, “Here, change into this baby.” I took the clothes and walked to the bathroom. After I changed I walked back to his bed and crawled up next to him. “Shh, baby girl, go to sleep.” he whispered as I laid my head on his chest. As he was stroking my hair, I fell asleep.
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Roxy's Outfit
Roxy's Pj's

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