My Nicotine Romance.

* Layout background picture found on DeviantArt.

Frerard - Don't like, don't read. (:

Gerard is bullied in school, but he takes it like a champ. However, everyone has a vice, don't they?

Frank is the new kid, he came from the kind of school that turned out Einsteins, to the kind of school that his Catholic teachers told horror stories about. Total culture shock!

Disclaimer; I do not own My Chemical Romance, but Frank and Gerard live in the flat underneath me, Ray lives across the street from me, and Mikey and Alicia live across the street from my good friend Kayleigh, and Bob lives next door to my awesome buddy Shannon. Let me tell you, living above Frank and Gerard is no easy task. They like to blast The Killers in the early hours of the morning. Very annoying when you’re trying to sneak on your laptop after you’ve been sent to bed and you’re trying to read Frerard and Slash by you awesome people.

Jussssssst kidding!

(c) to Kat, 2008.
  1. Everyday Combat.
    3886 words. Exactly.
  2. Just Wanna Have Fun.
    3558 words. Yesh.
  3. Heaven Help Us.
    Unfinished. Read Author's Notes.